Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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CO* 4 ^ ■rf* 001 „ ,15— < , ■ 1 It's all in a day's work of buying and selling local radio and television time. And it's why Nielsen Station Index gives you both Station-Total and Metro -Area facts NSI Station -Total Audiences ( counting all the homes tuned in, regardless of their location ) For cost -per -thousand appraisals . . . multimarket campaigns... local radio or tv effort needing the full reach of the stations... NSI Station-Total data are indispensable. NSI MetroArea* Audiences ( reporting the intensive market area ) For matching radio or tv to brand needs... appraising brand impact against competition ...measuring "inner area" campaigns... NSI Metro-Area data are indispensable. Each is essential; neither is sufficient by itself. You need both Station -Total and MetroArea data for profitable time buying and selling. The Nielsen Station Index gives you both, in their full dimensions: 0 Homes reached cumulatively in a month (and in a week, for the weekly radio strips) [> Quarter hours received per home (for weight of impact) [> Per-broadcast audience facts (for station time period comparisons) Only the Nielsen Station Index regularly reports both Station-Total and MetroArea Audiences... in the full dimensions of radio and television. *The accepted U.S. Census -defined Metropolitan Marketing Areas. Comparisons with other major marketing areas are available on request. Nielsen Station Index °f ^ A.C. Nielsen Company 2101 Howard Street, Chicago 45, Illinois-HOllycourt 5-4400 . wire ... or write today for all the facts Call . Chicago 1, Illinois 360 N. Michigan Ave.-FRanklin 2-3810 New York 36, New York 500 Fifth Ave.-PEnnsylvania 6-2850 Menlo Park, California 70 Willow Rd.-DAvenport 5-0021 tfCXK ROBERT 0 IEXIS *0*M StXOROS/riSKtS , «f »«t bANICl DIN . ».J 10,* 3 « f! U "WBTV M l LA RI HATKtEE 3 5. 1 i.l SU X.4. « *CTV .( i/ 4M ! i.3 *.? * " ?*S 52? i2,1 » 1* l» U WOTV EDGE OF NIGHT S.O t t, :i. *■] ))6i !,J \< 'V 2 . « e4« Broadcasting December 16, 1957 • Page 83