Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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WBRE-TV newsreel crew in action, filming the fire which destroyed the Methodist Church in Kingston, Pa., in February, 1957. Use of Du Pont Rapid Reversal Film has made it possible for this station to speed the telecasting of local news events. "We give our viewers the news as it's madethanks to Du Pont Rapid Reversal Film" says Fritz Chamberlain, Staff Photographer, WBRE-TV, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. WBRE-TV cut processing time for news film more than 85% by using DuPont 930 and 931 Rapid Reversal Motion Picture Film. While it used to take an hour to develop, fix and dry 100 feet, it now takes only 8 minutes. "During a recent fire," says photographer Chamberlain, "only 30 minutes elapsed between the time footage was shot and the time home viewers saw the fire on their TV sets. We scored a 'beat' by getting the film on the air before any other station, and we received many favorable comments from viewers because we were showing the fire while it was actually in progress." WBRE-TV uses Du Pont film for all their programs and in servicing local school and college sports events. "We offer a 48-hour service to these schools," says Mr. Chamberlain, "but by using DuPont 930 and 931 we are able to return their film within 15 hours. "By switching to DuPont Rapid Reversal Films," he concludes, "we now have much faster processing, combined with broad latitude that permits shooting under all lighting conditions. These films can be rated well above their assigned ASA ratings, give us improved sound, and they have eliminated the problem of switching polarity we had when using a negative type film." FOR MORE information about DuPont Motion Picture Films for every TV use, ask the nearest DuPont Sales Office, or write DuPont, Photo Products Dept., Wilmington 98, Delaware. In Canada: DuPont Company of Canada (1956) Limited, Toronto. «t«. U. S. PAt. Off BETTER THINGS FOR BETTER LIVING ...THROUGH CHEMISTRY DU PONT MOTION PICTURE FILM SALES OFFICES Atlanta 8, Georgia 805 Peachtree Building Boston 10, Mass 140 Federal Street Chicago 30, III.. 4560 Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood Cleveland 16, Ohio 20950 Center Ridge Road Dallas 7, Texas 1628 Oak Lawn Avenue Los Angeles 38, Calif., 7051 Santa Monica Blvd. New York 11, N. Y 248 West 18th Street Phila., Pa.. . .308 E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood Export, Nemours Bldg., Wilmington 98, Delaware Broadcasting December 16, 1957 • Page 93