Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Payable in advance. Checks and money orders only. • DEADLINE: Undisplayed — Monday preceding publication date. Display — Tuesday preceding publication date. • SITUATIONS WANTED 20^ per word — $2.00 minimum • HELP WANTED 25tf per word — $2.00 minimum. • AH other classifications 30tf per word — $4.00 minimum. • DISPLAY ads #20.00 per inch. • No charge for blind box number. Send replies to Broadcasting, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Applicants: If transcriptions or bulk packages submitted, $1.00 charge for mailing (Forward remittance separately, please). All transcriptions, photos, etc., sent to box numbers are sent at owner's risk. Broadcasting expressly repudiates any liability or responsibility for their custody or return. RADIO RADIO RADIO Help Wanted Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Management Eastern chain has new station under construction. Needs assistant station manager immediately. Eventually promotion to manager. Applicant must have several years announcing experience, sales experience, must be married, must have car. Send tape, resume and photo. Box 157C, BROADCASTING. Station manager. New, well-equipped central Kentucky station. Must have proven executive and sales abilities supported by record of past performance and references. Box 352C, BROADCASTING. Sales Experienced announcer-salesman, salary plus 15% commission. Some active accounts. Opening January 15 or 30. Send tape, resume and references. Box 310C, BROADCASTING. Immediate opening for experienced salesman in metropolitan West Virginia's No. 1 market under new ownership. Excellent guarantee against 15% commission. Established accounts and market. Send full information in 1st letter, including experience and present billing to Box 384C, BROADCASTING. Strong selling manager wanted for midwest station. Exceptional opportunity. Good salary. Excellent working conditions, radio and television operation. Send full information. Box 393C, BROADCASTING. Salesman wanted. Married preferred. Experienced. 250 watt Chicago station. Send full information first letter. Box 400C, BROADCASTING. Looking for sober salesman with car who can sell and service city and country accounts for progressive radio station. Send resume. P. O. Box 437, Rockford, 111. The man we want is young, absolutely reliable, and capable of becoming sales manager for a very good small market station. He must have at least two years of sales experience and understand that his compensation is related to his own efforts. For such a man we have a very good proposition. Write for full particulars to Dick Vick, KGEZ, Kalispell, Montana. In a small station somewhere, there is a sales manager with a successful record, who would like to move to a beautiful, growing central Florida city of 25,000, and make an excellent living with a solidly established 11-year-old 250 watt operation. Interesting proposal for right man. WSIR, Winter Haven, Fla. Salesman with desire to be sales manager. For new station to open after the first of the year. Write R. H. Sauber, Box 908, Franklin, Pennsylvania. Announcers Florida top-notch pop DJ. $180 week te start. Additional Income by selling. Send tape, resume, references first letter. Box 441B, BROADCASTING. Combo news-staff man with emphasis on news in depth. Permanent berth in major Ohio metropolitan market to man who can cut the mustard. Starting salary commensurate with experience and ability. Send resume, photo, tape and other pertinent information first letter. Box 197C, BROADCASTING. Good dependable combination man, southern market. Write Box 234C, BROADCASTING. Michigan independent seeks strong afternoon deejay with restricted license. Send tape and details to Box 268C, BROADCASTING. Pennsylvania chain needs experienced announcers. Good working conditions, 40-hour week, paid vacation, time and half, $85 a week. Minimum one-year experience necessary. Excellent opportunities for advancement to executive position. Send tape, with news, commercials, and sample music program, plus resume and photograph. Box 274B, BROADCASTING. Announcers Central Pennsylvania daytimer has a good job for a staff announcer. Rush tape and info. Salary. Box 278C, BROADCASTING. Experienced announcer-engineer about January 15 or 30th. Pleasant working conditions, good pay, new equipment. Send complete resume, tape, references. Box 309C, BROADCASTING. $500 month for actor dj announcer-wanted Buoyant following. Ohio. Box 329C, BROADCASTING. Station in Texas resort city needs staff announcer with superior voice, authoritative delivery. Box 337C, BROADCASTING. Announcer with excellent voice, highly talented in ad lib and interviewing techniques wanted by network station in important Texas city. Box 338C, BROADCASTING. Announcer for progressive independent in northern vacationland. No floaters. Send tape and background immediately. Box 366C, BROADCASTING. New daytime independent in major midwest market programming for adult audience needs good, experienced announcer. Send tape, picture and full details of background. Must be dependable and able to follow format. Box 368C, BROADCASTING. Announcer-dj wanted for central Illinois station. Send tape and letter with full particulars. Box 377C, BROADCASTING. Announcer-first phone to operate all night show five nights a week. $80 weekly plus bonus on billing. No maintenance. Write Box 382C, BROADCASTING. Western Virginia daytimer needs capable announcer with first ticket. $85.00 per week or better, depending on experience. Box 385C, BROADCASTING. Announcer-first class engineer or a salesmanfirst class engineer for northeastern station. Pleasant working conditions, vacation arrangement. Box 390C, BROADCASTING. Combo man with 1st class license. Send tape and complete background. Single preferred. Florida fulltime radio station. Box 391C, BROADCASTING. We sponsor teenage parties and several dance pavilions in our area. We have need of disc jockies who can produce good reading and can participate in one or more of these teenage parties. We will pay salary plus percentage of gate after expenses. Rush full details to Box 395C, BROADCASTING. Ohio-dj, smooth professional sound, voice with a smile. Non-top fortier. Knows standards. Call Akron, Blackstone 3-6171. Interviewing announcers with background in farm radio with potential to become farm director of progressive radio station. Send resume and tape recording for our examination. Information will be treated with confidence. P. O. Box 437, Rockford, 111. Have job openings in south for announcers, salesman, engineers. Send resume. Southern radio, P. O. Box 585, Macon, Georgia. Have an immediate opening for experienced board man. Air mail tape and application to E. C. Pieplow, KSDN, Aberdeen, South Dakota. Need immediately, combo play-by-play and top dj for central-Kansas outstanding 1000 watt town of 42,000 you'll like. Sports include origination 117 basketball games, 15 football plus national Juco, Big 8 and regional tournies. Air mail complete background, photo, taped commercials, music, ad-libs and news, play-by-play tapes required. J. D. Hill, KWHK, Hutchinson, Kansas. Announcers DJ to spin good music on two shows late morning and late afternoon, six days, 48 hour week. Send tape, resume, salary desired to Phil Spencer, WCSS, Amsterdam, N. Y. Washington area's top rated independent needs announcer strong on commercials. No personalities. 50,000 watts, 24 hours a day. The new WEAM, Arlington, Virginia. Night man must read, ad lib and know music. Salary open. WFTR, Front Royal, Va. 750. Staff announcer, experienced. Send tape, photo and resume to WKBC, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Immediate opening for experienced announcer on afternoon shift. 1,000 watter in southwest Alabama. Salary range $65 to $75. Send tape, photo, resume to: Ray Griffin, WMFC, Monroeville, Alabama. Experienced versatile announcer who knows popular music for Washington, D. C. area independent. Send resume, tape and photo to Jack Moran, WPIK, Alexandria, Virginia. Technical Need engineer for active station. Some announcing. Good pay and pleasant working conditions. Box 138C, BROADCASTING. Leading independent in southeast has immediate opening for chief engineer-announcer. Excellent opportunity, starting salary $425 per month. Send tape, photograph, resume to Box 375C, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer, operations manager for suburban metropolitan station in midwest. Responsible for maintenance with complete supervision of strict announcing and operating procedures. Must be energetic, able to handle personnel, reliable. Salary $120.00 plus, dependent upon experience and ability. Box 396C, BROADCASTING. Wanted, chief engineer. Must be experienced and have first class license. Send photo and resume. Box 397C, BROADCASTING. Wanted, engineer-announcer with first class phone. Southern West Virginia CBS affiliate. Announcing experience stressed. Transmitter watch duties to spell other technicians. Immediate opening. Group insurance program. WJLS, Beckley, West Virginia. Production -Programming, Others Do you write sparkling, attention getting commercials? Fast with an idea? Then, you're needed at leading Illinois indie. Work with an aggressive staff that helps make the spots flow. Salary tops, too! Send resume and copy. We'll call! Box 341C, BROADCASTING. Mutual station in central U. S. desires ambitious program director for progressive market. Terrific opportunity. Send full information to Box 394C, BROADCASTING. Wanted, experienced newsman-announcer. Send photo, tape and resume. Box 398C, BROADCASTING. Have position open for male or female in copy and traffic. Send complete letter and sample of work. P. O. Box 437, Rockford, 111. RADIO Situations Wanted Management Recently sold my station after ten years of profitable operation. Ready to bring you a most thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the broadcasting business, all phases. Married, family. 37 years old, available February. Looking for community with a future. Box 224C, BROADCASTING. Broadcasting December 16, 1957 • Page 111