Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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RADIO RADIO RADIO Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Management Assistant manager-program director. Twelve years radio and tv. Combo. Announcing. Sales. P-B-P. Writing. Music. College graduate. Stable, civic-minded, family man. Age 35. Best references. Want opportunity, not only to join growing organization, but to contribute to its growth. Box 326C, BROADCASTING. Manager now operating profitable station in market of 3500. Prefers larger market of not less than 7,000. Experienced in sales, announcing, copywriting, 1st phone license. College degree. Will consider buying interest. Prefer south. Box 343C, BROADCASTING. Available: General manager. 20 years in radio. 6 years at one station, 9 years at another, 2 years at present station of which I am 25 per cent owner. This station to be sold, and, I desire to make change. My experience covers every department of station operations. References will prove my record one of the finest. Interested in position of general manager only and with authority to operate your property. Can invest $10,000. Married, 3 children, homeowner. Must have opportunity to make $15,000 annually. Looking for a solid, business-like operation where hard work and know-how pay off. Personal interview at time mutually convenient. Box 346C, BROADCASTING. Available February 1st. Thoroughly experienced, young (27) station manager looking for right spot with music and news independent. Ten years in business covers all phases including top rated dj -program director and station manager. Highest references available. Married with family. My record proves I can get ratings and put billing on station. Perhaps we can earn and learn from each other. Box 387C, BROADCASTING. General manager available sometime in January. Family man with good references, and solid experience. Best terms present company as general manager. Leaving for best offer that brings advancement in my profession. Records and personal meeting will indicate I'm an excellent bet for a progressive radio operation. Box 405C, BROADCASTING. Sales A sober mature man, over 20 years experience in radio and tv sales looking for possible permanent position, either tv or radio station. Experience in sales management, promotion and merchandising. Have done extensive traveling and will locate anywhere opportunity warrants. Box 410C, BROADCASTING. Executive caliber experienced salesman available immediately. Present employer recommendation. Jeff Guier, WBEX, Chillicothe, Ohio. Situations Wanted — ( Cont'd) Announcers Basketball announcer, 7 years experience. Finest of references. Excellent voice. Box 898B, BROADCASTING. DJ beginner, capable, eager to please, salary secondary to opportunity. Grad N.Y. radio school. Tape and resume immediate on request. Box 203C, BROADCASTING. Girl-personality, dj, run own board, eager to please. Free to travel, gimmicks, and sales. Box 204C, BROADCASTING. Personalityd J strong commercials, gimmicks, etc., run own board. Steady, eager to please. Go anywhere. Box 205C, BROADCASTING. Three years experienced combo-man desires position. First class license, will move, excellent references. Reply to Box 327C, BROADCASTING. Announcer, deep voice, 3 years experience, top pay, kw. Box 347C, BROADCASTING. Newcaster: Forceful! Voice! Dramatic! Experienced: Married: 32: Morning man! Sales manager! Box 350C, BROADCASTING. Attn.: Florida. Willing to pay $100.00 for excellent announcer or program director? Married, 30, 5 years experience radio & tv. Box 351C, BROADCASTING. Dartmouth graduate '56. Sports announcer. Advised to go to college first and get announcing experience there. 4 years college and local commercial station. Every program available. Playby-play specialty. Sold time, directed. Military service just completed. Married. Presently tv copywriter to learn television but sports announcing urge too strong. Available January. Prefer east but will go anywhere for right opportunity. Tape, resume, photo, best professional and character references. Box 353C, BROADCASTING. Sportscaster desires good sports station with emphasis on baseball, basketball, football. Presently employed in midwest. Box 354C, BROADCASTING. Country dj, announcer. Guitar. Third. Thoroughly experienced. Available January. Box 358C, BROADCASTING. Experienced announcer, salesman, copywriting program director. Reliable. Anywhere. No drifter. Looking for future, salary secondary. Available now. Box 359C, BROADCASTING. DJ, three years experience, knows music, good commercial, family. Box 362C, BROADCASTING. Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcer Announcer, IV2 years experience, BA Degree, vet, 23, single; desire permanent position with future as staff announcer, reporter-announcer or playby-play. Box 363C, BROADCASTING. Deep, friendly voice. 4 years staff announcing experience. Prefer midwest. $90 minimum. Box 367C, BROADCASTING. I'm available — announcer-license (no maintenance). Some experience, $400 minimum. Box 369C, BROADCASTING. Available January. 4 years radio. Know good music. Married. Employed. Box 371C, BROADCASTING. 4 years experience music and news. Married and sober. Want to return middle Atlantic area. Available January. Tape or phone on request. Box 372C, BROADCASTING. Top personality discomedian, 36, family-man. Production-minded, audience-builder, 14 years radio, 2 years tv. Proven ratings, sell-ability, thrive on competition. Doing highly-successful, all-sponsored, all-nite show in top major market. Want back mornings-days and out of "jukebox" station. $200 per week. Tapes, brochures, best references. Box 379C, BROADCASTING. Announcer with limited air experience but excellent potential. 2 years college, radio school graduate. Married, one child. Restricted license. Tape and photo available. Box 380C, BROADCASTING. Staff announcer, strong on music-jazz to classics. Young, married, veteran. Prefer east coast. Tape on request. Box 383C, BROADCASTING. Top rated dj in city of 250,000 looking for chance in larger market. 10 years experience covering dj and pd. Tapes and further information available. Write or wire. Box 388C, BROADCASTING. Bright, young dj, smooth on board, two years experience available before January 1. I need you, you need me, let's get together. Box 389C, BROADCASTING. One of the better sports announcers who is equally capable at staff and news. Young, sober, married. Consider tv. Need one month to give present employer notice. Minimum $600 month. Box 392C, BROADCASTING. Loking for announcer that sells hard; sells soft when needed, understands value of personality in radio and tv shows? I'm your man. Will work hard for station with opportunities. Western U. S. preferred. Box 404C, BROADCASTING. Oklahoma. Because of personal reasons, must move to Oklahoma. Prefer Tulsa or general NE area. Experience: Part time since 1949, full time for past 3V2 years as combo announcer-engineer. Experienced also in construction. Desire to work in radio or opportunity to learn tv. Do not drink, am reliable. Best of references. Must have 3 weeks notice. Present employer knows of this ad. For resume, tape and picture, write 1520 N. 18th, Springfield, Oregon. Staff announcer interested in gathering, writing, airing local news. B.A. Degree Radio Television Communications. Presently employed. Nick Alexander, WCIL, Carbondale, 111. Want staff job radio and/or tv. 12' years show biz background. Understand importance hard sell. Married. Will work hard and stick with good job. Skip Haynes, 13240 So. Ave. F, Box 915, Mitchell 6-2029, Chicago. Top dj in small market looking for bigger things. Tapes will prove rating. Present salary $96. Midwest please! Paul Lazzaro, WGWC, Selma, Ala. Technical Licensed first class chief engineer, qualified farm director and photographer. Box 266C, BROADCASTING. First phone, 2y2 years schooling television and radio, 2V2 years experience, transmitter, studio, tape, disc, mag film recording. Prefer upper midwest. Box 370C, BROADCASTING. Experienced graduate engineer-announcer overseas or state side. Box 403C, BROADCASTING. Job as engineer any place in Louisiana, 1st class ticket, with 9 years experience. Will do combo work if necessary, have own repair equipment. Write Box 1064 or call National 4-2450, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Have first class ticket and experience in radio. Prefer situation in Mississippi or adjoining state. Now employed WAZF, Yazoo City, Mississippi. Write John Gilmore, Post Office Box 44, Eden, Mississippi. Make your RADIO and TV future secure with a First Class F. C. C. License Grantham Training Prepares You Here's Proof! *S how long it took them: Grantham School of Electronics specialises in License Weeks preparing students to pass FCC examinations. James M. Farish, 926 Cardone Ave., ixr . . ... , Reno, Nev 1st 12 We train you quickly and well. All courses begin Prancis Krugi statjon WNCC, with basic fundamentals — NO previous training Barnesboro, Pa 1st 14 required. Beginners get 1st class commercial (not Steve Galvan, 1911 Brockwell, Monteray amateur) license in 12 weeks! _ Park. Ca'if m~Ll^ lst 13 Bernard Kirschner, 504 E. Fifth, New York, N. T lst 12 ■ !_»«•! • n . ■ Richard Meelan, 166 Jerome St., Learn by Mail or in Residence Brooklyn, n. y ist 10 Edwin Harman, 6162 Bonner, North You can train either by correspondence or in Hollywood, Calif lst 12 residence at either division of Grantham School Albert D Meeleib, Box 136, Elrama, of Electronics-Hollywood, Calif., or Washing Gu^0 Ellas,' 66 S.' Elliott ' PI.", ^ ton, D. C. Send for free booklet. Brooklyn, N. Y lst 12 IAIL COUPON TO SCHOOL NEAREST YOL GRANTHAM SCHOOLS, DEPT. 14-H 821 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. OR 1505 N. Western Ave., Hollywood 27, Calif. Please send me your free booklet, telling how I can get my FIRST CLASS FCC license quickly. I understand there is no obligation and no salesman will call. Address .city. State I am interested in: □ Home Study □ Resident Classes Page 112 • December 16, 1957 Broadcasting