Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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A food processor buys a thousand viewers for just 38c on KCRG-TV. (Sure we'll tell you who.) Channel 9 — Cedar Rapids — Waterloo, Iowa ABC-TV for Eastern Iowa The Cedar Rapids Gazette Station * Based on November ARB Telephone Coincidental Survey. OPEN MIKE CONTINUED until the last week before Christmas, implying that it is an original idea with them. We know not how many stations are following the practice or for how long, but WKBZ has . . . for eight years ... to maintain the religious beauty and dignity of the holiday itself. Bill Bennett Publicity Director WKBZ Muskegon, Mich. One Short editor: Your Business Briefly feature [Adv. & Agencies, Dec. 2] was one station too brief. You listed 22 stations carrying the Knickerbocker Plastic Co.'s toy schedule, through Hixson & Jorgensen of Los Angeles. KSTPTV is carrying that schedule in this market. James E. Blake National Sales Manager KSTP-TV Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. [EDITOR'S NOTE— We regret KSTP-TV was omitted from the station list furnished us.] editor: Both Hixson & Jorgensen and we are very happy that your good publication gave such excellent coverage to our story on Knickerbocker Plastics Co. Helen Norris Ryan-Norris Hollywood, Calif. Can Anyone Help? editor: For some time I have been trying to find models of television production equipment. I would like to obtain models on such a scale that they could be used in conjunction with doll furniture for plays, and with small sets that could be built for other special programs. I hope you will be able to assist us. Robert E. De Voe Television Coordinator Marquette U. Milwaukee OLD HAT In 1944, Ted Bergmann, now president of Parkson Adv., New York, and Harry Algus, now director of public relations for National Telefilm Assoc., New York, were -fellow officers, serving in Paris with the public relations section of Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF). Mr. Bergmann borrowed an officer's cap from Mr. Algus and for reasons now vague forgot to return it. Last week, Mr. Bergmann was rummaging through some of his war mementos at his home in Manhasset, L. L, and found the cap bearing Mr. Algus' name. He turned the cap over to William Koblenzer, a Manhasset neighbor and an executive at NTA, who forwarded it to a puzzled but appreciative Mr. Algus. Page 22 • December 23, 1957 Broadcasting