Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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wkrg-tv Ratings up 5th time on Ch. 5 in Mobile With Nielsen and A.R.8. already showing WKRG-TV leading by a country-mile in Mobile, the new TELEPULSE (Sept. '57) shows Channel 5 out in front even more. WKRG-TV Leads, 372 to 89 TELEPULSE (Sept. '57) reports WKRG-TV leading Station X in 372 quarter hours to 89 (one tie). WKRG-TV has 15 of "Top 15 Once-a-Week Shows" ... 7 out of 10 "Top Ten Multi-Weekly Shows". Sunday through Saturday (6 P.M. to Midnight) WKRG-TV leads in 155 quarter hours to 12 for Station X. Monday through Friday (7 A.M. to 6 P.M.) WKRGTV leads in 165 quarter hours to 55 for Station X. WKRG's Saturday daytime lead is 4-to-l. WKRG-TV's Sunday daytime lead is 5-to-l. How else can we say any time is better time on WKRG-TV! For availabilities, call your AveryKnodel office or C. P. Persons, Jr., Vice-President and General Manager. NIELSEN GIVES US THIS BONUS: T.R.S. WKRG-TV Station "X" Popu Families C.SJ. lation 1,258* 336* $1,467** $1,060** 1,087* 290* 1,316** 954** WKRG-TV Bonus 161* 46*$ 151**$ 106* * In the thousands ** In the millions Channel ® wkrg-tv Page 76 RfPS: AVERY KNODEL December 23, 1957 TRADE ASSNS. New England Broadcasters Unite In Regional Promotion Campaign Broadcasters of six states decided Wednesday to form a • Resurgent New England council to carry out a regionwide promotion project. A project approved at a Boston meeting of 60-odd broadcasters is subject to formal ratification by the region's six state broadcast associations. The project was originated earlier in the year by Daniel W. Kops, WAVZ New Haven, Conn., an NARTB board member. It is designed to organize the spread of the New England story through broadcast facilities in cooperation with commercial and industrial organizations. Speakers at the Boston meeting included Mayor John Hynes of Boston; Comr. John Burke of the Massachusetts Dept. of Commerce; Mayor Richard C. Lee of New Haven, and Alan G. Tindal, WSPR Springfield, Mass. Sample kits to guide broadcasters in evaluating their communities and promoting their market areas were distributed at the meeting. Among proposed projects were a public relations program presented by Max Ryder, WBRY Waterbury, Conn.; two-target plan of sales emphasis by John Hurley, WNEB Worcester, Mass., who was unable to be present, and disaster coordination by Charles Bell, WHAY New Britain, Conn. Roy Whisnand, WCOP Boston and president of Massachusetts Broadcasters Assn., opened the Wednesday meeting with Mr. Kops serving as chairman. Mr. Tindal is chairman of the New England Promotion & Stimulation Committee. Johnson Reappointed to Head NARTB Employer-Employe Unit Leslie C. Johnson, WHBF-AM-TV Rock Island, 111., has been reappointed chairman of the NARTB Employer-Employe Relations Committee by President Harold E. Fellows. The committee is tentatively scheduled to meet Feb. 27 in Washington. Other members of the group are Joseph J. Bernard, KTVI (TV) St. Louis; Richard M. Brown, KPOJ Portland, Ore.; Herbert E. Evans, Peoples Broadcasting Co.; Robert W. Ferguson, WTRF-TV Wheeling, W. Va.; Robert B. Jones Jr., WFBR Baltimore; Herbert R. Ohrt, KGLO-TV Mason City, Iowa; Ward L. Quail, WGN-AM-TV Chicago; Calvin J. Smith, KFAC Los Angeles; Harold C. Stuart, KVOO-AM-TV Tulsa, Okla.; William C. Fitts Jr., CBS; Richard Freund, ABC; B. Lowell Jacobsen, NBC, and Harold M. Wagner, MBS. SMPTE Lists Tv Papers for Meet Television topics will be high on the agenda of the 83rd semiannual convention of the Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers April 21-25 at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, according to convention officials. Herbert E^ Farmer, Cinema Dept., U. of Southern California, chairman of the convention program, and Bernard D. Plakun, General Precision Labs, heading the papers committee, said papers will include Frank Ralston, ABC Television Center, "Distribution of Tv Programs on Films"; James L. Pettus, RCA, "Sound Recording"; Jack Kennedy, NBC, "Tv Studio Practices"; Ellis W. DArcy, consulting engineer, "World Wide Tv"; Ralph E. Lovell, NBC, "Television Recordings"; Boyce Nemec, management consultant, "Closed-Circuit Television." SRA Adopts New Spot Form; Will Reduce Extra Paperwork Further helping to reduce the growing paperwork involved in handling spot radio and tv advertising, a new standard form to confirm broadcast orders and to serve as a contract between station and agency was adopted Thursday in New York by the board of the Station Representatives Assn. The form eliminates the need for an agency to issue a separate formal contract to confirm verbal orders which often are fulfilled before the paperwork can be completed. Station representatives will supply sufficient copies of the new form for use by agencies although the latter may continue to issue separate contract forms if they wish. On the back of the new form SRA plans to show the contract conditions for spot-radiotv as copyrighted by the American Assn., of Advertising Agencies. Both agency and station will sign and exchange copies of the form. SRA has been working on this project for a year in cooperation with the 4-A committee on broadcast media, which has approved the idea of the new form. Larry Webb, SRA managing director, said the new form "would save thousands of hours of clerical work for all concerned — agencies, stations and station representatives. It will reduce the possibility of errors in contracts and over a period of time the savings in cost of paper alone should add up to a very sizable figure." N. Y. Council Ban Protested A protest has been lodged by RadioNewsreel-Television Working Press Assn. against the New York City Council's action in barring camera coverage of the council's deliberations Dec. 5 on the bill to outlaw racial or religious bias in the rental or sales of private housing. The bill was passed. Evicted from the council chamber were Gabe Pressman, news manager, WRCAAM-TV New York, and Tom Costigan, CBS-TV newsman cameraman. GIVE IT SELL! KOSI and KOBY turnover products — not audience! BOTH RADIO STATIONS NO. 1 in HOOPER and PULSE 6 a.m. -6 p.m. average share 1 KOSI • KOBY Denver San Francisco Mid-America Broadcasting Company Broadcasting