Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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TRADE ASSNS. CONTINUED SRA Re-elects Headley, Katz, Peters; O'Conneli New Secretary Frank M. Headley, president of H-R Representatives and H-R Television, was reelected president of Station Representatives Assn. last Thursday at the organization's annual meeting in New York. H. Preston Peters of Peters, Griffin, Woodward and Eugene Katz of The Katz Agency were re-elected vice president and treasurer, respectively, and Richard O'Conneli, Richard O'Conneli Inc., was named secretary to succeed Robert Meeker of The Meeker Co. Joseph J. Weed, Weed & Co., was elected to the board for a three-year term; Lewis H. Avery, Avery-Knodel, was named for a two-year term, and Mr. Meeker, one year. SRA's newest member was presented at the meeting. It is Blair Television Assoc., represented at the session by Richard Foote, vice president and general manager. Cronkite to Address Georgians Walter Cronkite, New York newsman for CBS, will address the 13th annual Georgia Radio & Television Institute at the U. of MR. HEADLEY Reason's! 1 (greetings! Georgia, Athens, Jan. 30-31, it has been announced. The institute is co-sponsored by the Georgia Assn. of Broadcasters and the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism of the U. of Georgia. Mr. Cronkite's scheduled appearance was arranged by Glenn Jackson, vice president and managing director of WAGA-TV Atlanta, CBS affiliate. Impact of Newscasts Cited Impact of the radio newscast as a sales medium is detailed by Radio Advertising Bureau in a four-page folder released this week which claims that a five-minute newscast aired over a single radio station is received by almost one-third of a market's total families over a seven-day period. RAB claims that if this five-minute newscast is aired hourly, these families are exposed to the sponsor's message nearly 1 1 times each over a five-week period and that the news program during a course of a month builds "a tremendous accumulative audience" resulting in more than half of these families being reached nearly 25 times each. FCBA Sets Banquet for Jan. 10 The annual banquet of the Federal Communications Bar Assn. will take place Jan. 10, 1958, at the Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D. C, it was announced last week by William P. Sims Jr., chairman of the banquet committee. The annual meeting of FCBA is scheduled there the same day. A L Repertory of A Distinction from SESAC 4 PRODUCERS OF THE FAMOUS SESAC i TRANSCRIBED \^ LIBRARY MANUFACTURING Cresap Elected President Of Westinghouse Electric Major executive changes were announced last week by Westinghouse Electric Corp. as 47-year-old Executive Vice President Mark W. Cresap Jr. was named president effective Jan. 1 to succeed 62-year-old Gwilym A. Price who continues as chairman. E. V. Huggins, vice president in charge of corporate affairs and secretary, becomes chairman of the executive committee but will continue to have general supervision of subsidiary Westinghouse Broadcasting Corp. and will have general supervision of the defense products divisions. John K. Hodnette, vice president and general manager, was elected executive vice president of the parent firm while George G. Main, treasurer since 1949, becomes vice president in charge of finance. Francis E. Dalton, director of corporate accounting since 1949, was elected controller. Carlisle P. Myers, general counsel since 1955, continues in that post and becomes secretary. Russell B. Read, planning director since 1952, becomes assistant treasurer in addition to his present post. Mr. Price also announced the formation of a policy and finance committee of which he will be chairman and which also will include Messrs. Cresap and Huggins. Mr. Cresap, former New York management consultant, joined Westinghouse seven years ago as a vice president. RCA Furlough Affects 4,300 In what is described by RCA spokesmen as a normal Christmas furlough comparable to previous years, RCA is laying off some 4,300 workers at its Indianapolis television factory. About 2,500 workers on the tv production lines will be off five working days until Jan. 2 and about 1,800 in the picture tube section will be off seven working days until Jan. 6. Plant employes total 7,000 workers. Radio Set Shipments Up 12% Shipments of radio sets from factories to dealers totaled 6,830,249 for the first 10 months of 1957, an increase of 12% over the 6,080,825 shipped in the same 1956 period, according to Electronic Industries Assn. October shipments totaled 985,969 compared to 754,005 in the same 1956 month. Tv shipments totaled 4,873,819 sets in the 10 months of 1957, down from the 5,433,750 shipped in the same 1956 period, EIA found. October tv shipments totaled 624,044 sets compared to 843,508 in the same 1956 month. Gen. Transistor Earnings Double General Transistor Corp., New York, reports doubled earnings for the third quarter of 1957, totaling $91,222 after taxes or 30 cents a share on 306,727 shares outstanding. Figures are based on sales of $819,569. Third-quarter earnings compare with $45,361 for the same period last year, 16 cents a share on 282,966 shares, according Page 78 • December 23, 1957 Broadcasting