Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Vandivere, Cohen & Wearn Becomes Vandivere & Cohen Reorganization of the Washington consulting engineering firm of Vandivere, Cohen & Wearn was announced last week. The new firm is Vandivere & Cohen, with Edgar F. Vandivere Jr. returning to active consulting practice with the dissolution of Vandivere Labs. Inc. Jules Cohen is the second member of the firm. Resigned is Wilson C. Wearn, for the past 2Vi years assistant to the president of WFBC-AM-FM-TV Greenville, S. C. Joining the firm as an engineer is Raymond P. Aylor Jr., most recently chief of the field laboratory, Air Force Airways Communications System, Andrews Air Force Base, Md. Chase Plans Own Law Practice Seymour M. Chase, a member of the Washington law firm of Segal, Smith & Hennessey, has announced he will enter communications practice for himself when the current firm dissolves Jan. 1. George S. Smith and Philip J. Hennessey, with three other attorneys of the partnership, are leaving to establish Smith & Hennessey [Professional Services, Dec. 2]. Prior to joining Segal, Smith & Hennessey four years ago, Mr. Chase was an attorney in the FCC Office of Opinions & Review. His new office will be at 736 Wyatt Bldg., Washington. Telephone: Executive 3-2299. Jaffe, Preminger Agencies Unite The talent agencies of Herb Jaffe in New York and Ingo Preminger in Hollywood have joined forces to form a new agency, Preminger-Jaffe-Stuart. Mr. Preminger will be president, with offices in Hollywood; Mr. Jaffe will be vice president and treasurer, with offices in New York; Malcolm Stuart, an associate of Mr. Preminger for the past three years, will be vice president and secretary. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE SHORT Harshe-Rotman Inc., national public relations firm, has announced move of Chicago offices to 108 N. State St. Telephone: Financial 6-6868. INTERNATIONAL CBC Board Recommends First Uhfs for Dominion Recommendations for licensing the first two Canadian uhf stations were made by the board of governors of CBC at its meeting Dec. 6 at Ottawa. Societe Video de Clermont was recommended for a license on ch. 75 with power of 45.1 w video and 22.5 w audio and directional antenna at 491.5 feet above average terrain as a satellite transmitter of CFCM-TV Quebec City, Que., at Clermont, Que. At Estcourt, Que., a satellite station of CJBR-TV Rimouski, Que., was recommended for a license in the name of La Compagnie de Television Pohenegamooke Inc., on ch. 70 with 45.1 w video and 27.55 w audio and directional antenna of 123.4 feet above average terrain. CHAB Moose Jaw, Sask., was recommended for a television station license on ch. 4 with 54 kw video and 27 kw audio and antenna 830 feet above average terrain. New radio stations were recommended for licensing in widely separated parts of the country. At Kitimat, B. C, 400 miles north of Vancouver in a new aluminum smelting town, International Radio & Television Corp. Ltd. has been recommended for a 1-kw station on 1140 kc. The recommendation was made on the understanding that the station have an average of 28 hours of live programming weekly. It will be connected with CBC Trans-Canada network as a supplementary station, while the CBC repeater station at Kitimat will remain in operation. Schefferville, Que., new iron ore town 280 miles north of the St. Lawrence River in otherwise uninhabited territory, is to have a community radio station. A license recommendation has been granted to Hollinger Ungava Transport Ltd. for a 250-w station on 1230 kc. In granting recommendations for new stations, the CBC board announced that in the future it wants more program planning information from applicants and evidence the plans can reasonably be carried out. The board proposes to develop additional reviews of programming of existing stations and of actual operations as compared with previous assurances, which will be studied when recommendations regarding renewals of licenses are considered. Power increases were granted to a number of stations. CKLG North Vancouver, B.C., was recommended for a power boost from 1 kw to 10 kw and change of frequency from 1070 kc to 730 kc. CKNW New Westminster, B.C., another Vancouver suburban station, was turned down for a power boost to 10 kw on 730 kc on grounds that a greater amount of public advantage should come from the increase to CKLG, which through unforeseen bad ground conductivity, has been technically unable to provide adequate service north and west of Vancouver for which it was established. CJAV Port Alberni, B.C., and a new station applicant at Burnaby, B.C., were also both turned down for stations on 730 kc. CKRB Ville St. Georges, Que., has been HIGHER AND HIGHER G0^o Here's a few of the new: KSHO-TV Las Vegas, Nev. UTILITY TOWER COMPANY Box 7022 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Broadcasting December 23, 1957 • Page 81 J