Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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RADIO RADIO RADIO Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcer Technical Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Production-Programming, Others News man who likes and knows news. Must be qualified to handle remote car. Midwest network radio-tv station in heart of resort country. Send full background to Box 469C, BROADCASTING. Continuity writer experienced in straight production, copy, good typist. Prefer man. Immediate opening. Call collect, Easton, Pa., 6155, Art Burns, WEEX. RADIO Situations Wanted Management Recently sold my station after ten years of profitable operation. Ready to bring you a most thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the broadcasting business, all phases. Married, family, 37 years old, available February. Looking for community with a future. Box 224C, BROADCASTING. General manager available sometime in January. Family man with good references, and solid experience. Best terms present company as general manager. Leaving for best offer that brings advancement in my profession. Records and personal meeting will indicate I'm an excellent bet for a progressive radio operation. Box 405C, BROADCASTING. Presently general manager of 3 radio stations. Have opportunity to sell my interest at a profit. Will be available February 15. 13 years experience in announcing, news, sales and management. Box 422C, BROADCASTING. Sales Cut expenses! Experienced, aggressive salesman seeks permanent "home-marriage" to good station. Writes continuity; vivid imagination for merchandising, promotion. Handle agency correspondence, traffic intelligently. $75.00 weekly plus work out minority stock. Or??? any proposition, location considered. Box 424C, BROADCASTING. Energetic salesman, looking for opportunity. Best references from present employer. Jeff Guier, WBEX, Chillicothe, Ohio. Announcers Basketball announcer, 7 years experience. Finest of references. Excellent voice. Box 898B, BROADCASTING. Girl-personality, dj, run own board, eager to please. Free to travel, gimmicks, and sales. Box 204C, BROADCASTING. Personality-dj strong commercials, gimmicks, etc., run own board. Steady, eager to please. Go anywhere. Box 205C, BROADCASTING. Sportscaster desires good sports station with emphasis on baseball, basketball, football. Presently employed in midwest. Box 354C, BROADCASTING. Country dj, announcer. Guitar. Third. Thoroughly experienced. Available January. Box 358C, BROADCASTING. Deep, friendly voice. 4 years staff announcing experience. Prefer midwest. $90 minimum. Box 367C, BROADCASTING. Top personality discomedian, 36, family-man. Production-minded, audience-builder, 14 years radio, 2 years tv. Proven ratings, sell-ability, thrive on competition. Doing highly-successful, all-sponsored, all-nite show in top major market. Want back mornings-days and out of "jukebox" station. $200 per week. Tapes, brochures, best references. Box 379C, BROADCASTING. Looking for announcer that sells hard; sells soft when needed, understands value of personality in radio and tv shows? I'm your man. Will work hard for station with opportunities. Western U. S. preferred. Box 404C, BROADCASTING. Announcer-engineer, routine maintenance, copy and sales. 2V2 years experience. Florida only. Box 416C, BROADCASTING. Eleven years experience, 8V2 present job. Old established 10 kw CBS outlet. Ready for big move. Box 419C, BROADCASTING. Radio school graduate, 27, married, ambitious. DJ, news, runs own board. 7 years selling background. Tape available. Box 425C, BROADCASTING. Pops-standards deejay or r & b. Newscaster. Large or small market. Minimum depends on living cost. Experienced, will travel. Negro, absolutely no accent. Box 430C, BROADCASTING. Announcer! Want an announcer with experience who can adjust to station procedure, combo, is production minded, go anywhere? Presently employed. Box 431C, BROADCASTING. Experienced mature announcer-personality dj, desires permanent position with emphasis on announcing and opportunity of learning practical side of engineering. First phone, news, sports (play-by-play and color). Have done sales, programming and copywriting. Some television experience. Veteran, single, 26, available after first of year. Go anywhere. Box 426C, BROADCASTING. Hillbilly dj, newsman, 6 years experience. Presently employed, $100 minimum, 44 hours. Photo, tape. Box 428C, BROADCASTING. Negro team-husband and wife. Sure-fire puller with services and gimmicks. Ready to make money for you. Box 435C, BROADCASTING. Negro dee-jay. Good board man, fast patter, smooth production. I'm the one you're looking for. Tape and resume. Box 436C, BROADCASTING. Dj-staff. 2 years experience. Just out of Army. Seek northeast, east. Will consider others. Box 442C, BROADCASTING. Country music deejay. First phone, no maintenance. Six years experience. Will do some popular music. Box 449C, BROADCASTING. Announcer, 8 months experience, 23 years old, married veteran, commercials, news, dj -sports. Box 454C, BROADCASTING. Disc-jockey, announcer, 5 years experience, excellent-friendly voice, restricted ticket, wishes to locate in Florida. Excellent references, superb credit, photo, tape, resume on request. Box 456C, BROADCASTING. DJ, three years experience, knows music, programming, good commercials. Family. Box 457C, BROADCASTING. Top dj-news. I want to spin jazz. Ambitious and anxious. Married, 27, experienced. Tape and resume. Box 459C, BROADCASTING. Southern Califorina only: DJ-five years in major New York state markets, good voice, strong adlib, news, tight production record cues, run board, remotes and record hops. Tape, photo, resume available. Box 462C, BROADCASTING. 11 years broadcast experience, last six years in present position. Top news delivery and announcing. Married, family, excellent references including present employer. Available immediately. Box 466C, BROADCASTING. Versatile announcer-musician. Excellent knowledge good music, operate console, strong on news-commercials. Capable writer. Married. Box 473C, BROADCASTING. DJ-announcer. Strong on commercials, music, news, continuity. Graduate B.C.A. Radio School. Combo and commercial announcing experience. Location open. Tape available. Box 474C, BROADCASTING. DJ staff announcer 5 years, 27 family man, knows music inside out, desires day shift in Florida or far west, third ticket. Box 476C, BROADCASTING. Negro dj. Four years experience. Sponsorship and audience builder, for competitive market. Top rated shows. Box 478C, BROADCASTING. Presently employed morning dj. Gather, write, air'local news. Telephone quiz and feature shows. Strong commercials, college degree radio-television communications. Nick Alexander, WCIL, Carbondale, Illinois. Excellent dj. Know music. Good commercial delivery. Sports announcing; newscasting. College graduate. Previously with 5000 watt Mutual affiliate. Prefer Chicagoland area. Age 25. Don Baskin, 5000 East End, Chicago. Announcer, 3 years experience, seeks position upper midwest. Prefer live audition. F. Kuhl, 20 North Franklin St., Madison, Wisconsin. Technical Experienced graduate engineer-announcer overseas or state side. Box 403C, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer, competent, experienced, construction, maintenance, directionals. Seeking permanency. Will consider short announcing shift. Married, sober, dependable. Available during January. Box 429C, BROADCASTING. Announcer-engineer desires job in Wisconsin or midwest. Versatile, references. Know music, maintenance, repairs. Will try sales. Box 463C, BROADCASTING. 1st class engineer-announcer. 10 years experience all phases. Sober, dependable. $115.00 minimum. Box 472C, BROADCASTING. California, Frisco area-combo. Single, 25, exempt, car. Experience: 250-5000 watt, directionals and fm, consider tv. After February first. Box 477C, BROADCASTING. 1st phone, ten years experience, directionals, some tv and fm experience. P. O. Box 8123-F, Atlanta 6, Georgia. Production-Programming, Others Newsman, 7 years radio-newspaper experience; seeks metropolitan market, prefers east; accurate, fast coverage, professional air delivery; best references; car. Box 282C, BROADCASTING. Sports director, salesman, announcer, qualified to manage, 8 years experience radio and tv. Box 357C, BROADCASTING. Program director-news director. I have had wide experience in both fields with local stations, networks, agencies. May I send you my comprehensive professional resume? Box 408C, BROADCASTING. Cameraman and photographer. Years of experience and owns own equipment. Box 433C, BROADCASTING. Women's director, interviews, light news, music programming, music librarian. What can you use? All or any part or combination. Location open. Salary — livable. Future potential important. Box 445C, BROADCASTING. Have camera-will travel. Newsfilm cameraman seeks permanent location. 4 years station and net experience, no floater, plenty references. Has own SOF equipment. Box 460C, BROADCASTING. Attention midwest, eight years experience, with solid references. Have headed news department. Veteran with college. Single. Can operate board. Wants different location. Box 464C, BROADCASTING. TELEVISION Help Wanted Management Traffic manager wanted for top midwestern vhf. Experienced organizer who can take complete charge and operate traffic department smoothly. Please send qualifications Box 451C, BROADCASTING. Sales TV salesman who wants profitable opportunity to sell locally for fine ABC station that leads 3 vhf Wichita, Kansas market is welcome to submit confidential application stating all particulars, background, experience, income requirements, photo, etc. to Martin Umansky, KAKE-TV. Announcers Mature announcer, authoritative voice, special events experience, for vhf in important Texas market. Box 345C, BROADCASTING. Expanding vhf television station needs experienced tv announcer or radio announcer with tv potential. Please send photo, tape and resume. Reply Box 407C, BROADCASTING. Technical Assistant supervisor well established tv station in northeast with transmitter staff of 6, requires assistant transmitter supervisor. Must be technically qualified in measurement and maintenance of tv transmission equipment. Character and technical references required with application. Box 690B. BROADCASTING. Unusual opportunity for inexperienced man who wants on-the-job training in tv transmitter operation. First phone required. Box 691B, BROADCASTING. Expansion of staff means opportunity for you to live and work at established vhf CBS affiliate in ideal climate of Colorado Springs. First class license and operating and maintenance experience in television or radio required. Starting salary $85.00 and up, depending on experience. Regular salary review. State experience, education, and furnish recent snapshot. H. C. Strang, Chief Engineer, KKTV, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Engineer with 1st class ticket. TV control room operation experience, for combined studio and transmitter operation. KRDO-TV, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Page 92 • December 23, 1957 Broadcasting