Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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of deadline Mutual, KDBX (FM) Discuss Plan For Network Fm Outlet in L. A. Mutual's second owned-and-operated fm station for its projected all-fm o&o group (early story, page 44) may wind up located in Los Angeles, according to further developments Friday. Network has been talking with group which holds permit for KDBX (FM) Los Angeles (headed by Jim Harford, general manager of KDB Santa Barbara) and may (1) negotiate working agreement whereby KDBX would relay MBS programs via multiplex (not affecting main KDBX program channel nor Mutual's affiliation with KHJ-AM-FM there), (2) buy part interest in KDBX once it is established, or (3) buy station outright once established. Mutual earlier announced plans to apply for owned-fm outlet in San Francisco and to use fm stations to replace some class C land lines in supplying some affiliates which are spur operations off regular class A transcontinental line. These fm links would be off-air pickups of multiplex signal in many cases, MBS explained, thus avoiding FCC duopoly provisions or competition with affiliates having fm outlets. It is estimated that about 80 fm stations will be required to satisfy requirements for replacing class C spur lines or situations where new affiliates could be added. In Los Angeles area, KDBX arrangement also would serve as relay station to handle delay production for Don Lee stations, MBS said. MBS president Paul Roberts revealed that MBS has been servicing upstate New York for past two months without use of land lines via fm Rural Radio Network (WRRL Wethersfield, WRRE Bristol Center, WRRA Ithaca, WRRD De Ruyter and WRRC Cherry Valley [all FM]) which operates on basis of off-air pickup of main program channel (simplex). He said Mutual plans to make these stations basic affiliates May 1 when multiplex relaying will be employed for MBS programming. RRN also will continue with its own programming. "Fm cannot continue in this country on the basis of not making money," declared Mr. Roberts. His plan: while MBS will upgrade its musical programming, fm stations now beaming high-brow programming should re-evaluate their standards, perhaps "come down a bit" to attract advertisers afraid of cultural programming. He thought MBS could set up its fm operations (eliminating 80% of class C line facilities now linking 40% of its 460-odd affiliates) within span of two years and claimed that MBS do so without seeking outside working capital. While intending to set up its own o&o fm organization, he went on, MBS is also negotiating with present regional fm networks as in case of Rural Radio Network. Mutual's insistence on better-grade trans mission, noted Mr. Roberts, was illustrated over last three months as network turned down affiliation requests of some 23 stations— "all of which were C-line stations." House Committee Pay Tv Hearing Will Start Jan. 14, Harris Says Hearings on pay-tv will begin Jan. 14 before House Interstate & Foreign Commerce Committee, according to Chairman Oren Harris (D-Ark.). He gave views on pay-tv in filmed interview on KNOE-TV Monroe, La., with Mac Ward, KNOE-TV news director, as interrogator. Rep. Harris said he felt fee television would destroy free use of spectrum by public and make utility of broadcasting industry. Trial of subscription television would require amendment or rewriting of Communications Act, he felt, contending law was not intended to cover this type of broadcasting. While not definite on length of hearings. Rep. Harris indicated committee procedure would depend on information brought out during first few days of testimony. He took position that spectrum should be limited to free broadcasting and opposed principle of paid television. RAB Plans Auto Set Count New study on auto radio circulation announced Friday by Sherril Taylor, vice president, Radio Advertising Bureau. Project calls for assessing percentage of 1958 cars which are radio-equipped at time of delivery to buyer plus determining volume of tradeins radio equipped. Similar 1957 study showed more than 85% of 1957 cars had radios at time of delivery. PRUDENTIAL SUBS Landmark in tv history is way Reach, McClinton & Co., N. Y., agency for Prudential Insurance Co. of America, Newark, N. J., called attention Friday to upcoming "Where We Stand," special 90-minute documentary Jan. 5 (5:30-7 p.m.) on CBS-TV as part of Prudential's The Twentieth Century series. According to advertiser, agency and network, program will be "report to the nation" on how U. S. resources compare with those of Russia particularly in light of satellite developments. Under its arrangement with CBS-TV, Prudential can include it in its regular shows special telecasts on important news and public affairs matters. Reach, McClinton noted that "War in China" originally slated for Jan. 5 was pre-empted and shifted to next May. • BUSINESS BRIEFLY Late-breaking items about broadcast business; for earlier news, see Advertisers & Agencies, page 27. WATCH THIS ONE • J. Walter Thompson, N. Y., and Lever Bros., N. Y., are keeping close tabs on tv testing underway since October on behalf of Lever's latest toothpaste now being marketed only on limited basis. Toothpaste is Stripe with chlorophyll. In introductory campaign, Stripe is using only two tv cities, which JWT and Lever won't identify. Lever's Pepsodent toothpaste and other Pepsodent products handled by Foote, Cone & Belding, N. Y. DOESKIN APPOINTS W & G o Doeskin Products Inc. (facial and bathroom tissues), N.Y., today (Mon.) announcing appointment of Weiss & Geller, NY. Cohen & Aleshire, NY., formerly handled account. Saturation spot tv being planned. HEAVY BUY ON MBS • Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., NY., to invest about $750,000 for 52-week campaign on Mutual, starting shortly after Jan. 1 and utilizing fiveminute newscasts, dramatic programs and adjacencies. Agency: Dancer-FitzgeraldSample, NY. PRO BOWL SOLD OUT • NBC-TV reported to have lined up full sponsorship of its coverage of annual game between stars of eastern and western divisions of National Football League on Jan. 12. Co-sponsoring will be Lincoln and Mercury divisions of Ford Motor Co., Detroit, through Kenyon & Eckhardt, N. Y. TWIN SPOT BARRAGE • Life Magazine, N. Y., planning large radio and tv spot campaign in two flights to promote sales. First flight is set Jan. 20-24; second flight, Jan. 27-30. Magazine will use over 70 radio markets and about 60 tv markets. Young & Rubicam, N. Y., is agency. TWO WEEKS IN SOUTH • General Foods, N. Y., for Sanka coffee, planning two-week radio campaign using one-minute announcements, Monday through Friday, in number of southern markets. Young & Rubicam, N. Y., is agency. SMALL FRY SPOTTING • Welch's Candy, Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 3 starts sponsorship of Fireman Frank Show on KRON-TV San Francisco. At same time firm renews spot schedules on children's shows at KTLA (TV) L. A., KFSD-TV San Diego and Continues on page 10 Broadcasting December 30, 1957 • Page 9