Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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MOULDER, Rep. Morgan CDMo.): As chairman of House Legislative Oversight Subcommittee, his name will become part of industry vocabulary in 1958 through investigation of FCC; already has been target of "political witchhunt" charges; may produce top headlines of 1958. MAGNUSON, Sen. Warren CDWash.): Has outlined busy broadcasting slate for Commerce Committee, which he heads; it includes action and/ or hearings on Smathers BMI bill, pay tv, Bowles report on allocations and Bricker network bill; advocates public test of pay tv. CELLER, Rep. Emanuel (DN. Y.): Always prominent in Hill broadcast activities as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and Antitrust Subcommittee; plans active role in House pay tv hearings; wants fast FCC action on Barrow recommendations; hopes to stop plans to telecast Sunday baseball into minor league cities, with hearings probable; has close watch on Justice activit i e s in broadcasting and ASCAP-BMI squabble and has warned FCC his committee will stand for no "nonsense." HARRIS, Rep. Oren (D-Ark): Will oversee hearings on pay tv from chair of House Commerce Committee; bitterly opposed to FCC stand that it has authority to authorize tests. TWELVE MEN BUSY WITH BROADCASTING JACKSON, Sen. Henry CDWash.): Author of two bills making it a crime to (1) leak information from federal regulatory agencies and (2) attempt to influence decisions of these agencies; member of Government Operations. BRAY, Rep. William (R-Ind.): Has been active this fall seeking support for his bill, identical to Sen. Potter's, to establish a commission for frequency study; he seeks a hearing by House Commerce Committee. LANGER, Sen. William (RN. D.): Took personal pay tv survey this fall of Bartlesville, Okla., residents; will introduce bill outlawing wired as well as over-the-air toll tv. POTTER, Sen. Charles (RMich.): Active in fight against pay tv; will try for action on his bill establishing a three-man commission to study military use of spectrum; member of Commerce Committee. SMATHERS, Sen. George (DFla.): Author of bill to divorce networks and stations from ownership in BMI and recording companies; bill probably will get hearings by Commerce Committee, of which he is a member. THURMOND, Sen. Strom (DS. C): Another Senate leader in the fight against pay tv; author of a bill prohibiting same; member of Commerce Committee. MORSE, Sen. Wayne (D-Ore.): In report on daytime broadcasting last September, "ordered" FCC to take action on DBA petition for extended hours and will watch FCC rule making on matter; member Small Business Committee. BRICKER, Sen. John (R-Ohio): One of leading network foes in Congress; author of bill calling for their regulation by FCC; member of Commerce Committee and Communications Subcommittee. Broadcasting December 30, 1957 • Page 55