Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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FILM CONTINUED PROGRAM SERVICES sales rights, are actor-producer Kirk Douglas, whose Bryna Productions reportedly is about to produce a television series based on its forthcoming theatrical release, "The Vikings"; director Stanley Kramer, and producer Joseph Manckiewicz, whose Figaro Productions is owned partly by NBC-TV. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles to work out arrangements with other UA producers for the projected United Artists Playhouse anthology series [Film, Dec. 23], Mr. Eells last week issued this optimistic statement: "I am confident UA-TV will be more than ready for the mid-February selling season with several properties. We are well in advance of our hoped-for schedule because production discussions have accelerated tremendously." A fortnight ago, Mr. Eells told newsmen that UA-TV was shooting for an April deadline. Alexander Film Co., Colorado, Purchased by Management Firm Allied Film Co. has completed negotiations to purchase Alexander Film Co., Colorado Springs, Colo., according to an announcement by Don M. Alexander, president of the firm bearing his name. Principals in Allied are the Cleveland, Ohio, management consultant firm of Fleming, Talbert & Munroe and the present secretary-treasurer of Alexander Film Co., E. B. Foster. Keith Munroe of the Cleveland firm, who has been acting as executive vice president of Alexander Film Co. since July 1, will become president, and Mr. Alexander will resign that post, assuming chairmanship of the board. Continuing on the board will be Don Alexander Jr., Thomas M. Burgess, Mr. Munroe, John Talbert and Mr. Foster. The new owners have taken over an agreement to buy a major interest held since October 1955 by Harold Kaye, New York advertising executive, and associates. This group has resigned from the board. Mr. Munroe has announced plans to develop the Alexander company into a national marketing organization, diversifying production activities and developing a merchandising organization "covering the entire panorama of the advertising horizon." NTA Moves to Larger Quarters National Telefilm Assoc., New York, was scheduled to move to larger quarters over the weekend at the newly built Coliseum Tower, 10 Columbus Circle, New York. The telephone number, starting today ( Monday), will be Judson 2-7300. Outlets Go for CBS Film Plan CBS Tv Film Sales Inc., New York, has sold more than 6,000 half hours of programming under its "Sales Safari," plan, according to John F. Howell, general sales manager. The plan which was begun on Oct. 28 and will be in effect until tomorrow (Tuesday), makes available to stations 528 half hours of programming at greatly reduced prices for that period. Nine CBS Film series make up the package. Stations are allowed to select any combination of shows and number of runs of those shows. Thus, it is possible for a station to get max imum discount if it purchases all 528 half hours for one run, or half that number for two runs. The series included in the special offer are Amos 'n Andy, The Whistler, Mama Life With Father, Brave Eagle, Our Miss Brooks, The Honeymooners, Files of Jeffery Jones, Cases of Eddie Drake and San Francisco Beat. European Expansion Announced By Screen Gems7 Fineshriber In line with increased sales activities in Europe during 1957, Screen Gems Inc., New York, today (Monday) is announcing enlargement of the technical operations in its London office and the expansion of its coverage on the Continent. William Fineshriber Jr., director of international operations for SG, observed that the expansion program follows "a substantial" increase in sales in Europe and in other international markets. He declined to pinpoint the percentage of increase over 1 956 but said that with the growth of tv in Europe and other parts of the world, Screen Gems' overseas gross revenues in "two to four years will be about 30% of the U. S. gross." In the London office, Mr. Fineshriber reported, Isobelle Ibbott has been appointed traffic manager for the United Kingdom and the Continent and Doreen Newell has been named executive secretary to John Cron, managing director of Screen Gems Ltd. Two new employes, he said, also have been added to the technical staff handling traffic, print servicing and dubbing. Mr. Fineshriber also said Screen Gems is about to open its own office in Paris on the Champs Elysee, which will be under the supervision of Mr. Cron. Joining Screen Gems to work out of the new Paris branch as European sales representative, Mr. Fineshriber said, is George Blaug, who has been with Columbia Pictures International for five years. Mr. Fineshriber, who returned two weeks ago from a two-month business trip in Europe, reported that Screen Gems' business there is "well ahead" of 1956 and the company "is operating in the black overseas." He acknowledged that prices for film products are not large but pointed out that with the constant increase in tv set circulation, the expansion in the number of tv stations and the adoption of commercial tv in one form or another by various European countries, the outlook for the future is "very bright." FILM PRODUCTION Jon Hall-Cowan Enterprises, Hollywood, is filming Malolo of the Seven Seas, tv series in 39 parts, on 35 mm Eastman (color and monochrome) on location on island of Maui in Hawaiian group. Normandy Productions reports completion of 26 half-hour Tugboat Annie tv films for Television Programs of America, using U. S. and Canadian harbor locations. Ziv Year-end Report Discloses Gross Volume Up 53% over '56 The gross dollar volume for all Ziv divisions during 1957 rose 53% over 1956 levels, Frederic W. Ziv, board chairman of the Frederic W. Ziv Co., disclosed last week in a year-end report of the company's activities in various facets of radio and tv programming as well as sales. In television, Ziv television programs' syndication division increased sales by 57% above those of 1956, according to Mr. Ziv; this rise was highlighted by a 73% rise in multi-market sales. Ziv Economee, which handles re-run programs, registered an 83% rise this year over 1956, attributed by Mr. Ziv to the "increased popularity of 'strip' programming in the late afternoon or early evening hours." The national sales division, Mr. Ziv reported, scored a 33% increase over 1956, spotlighted by the sale of Harbor Command to Theo. Hamm Brewing Co. for 57 markets and to Miles Labs for 18 markets and The New Adventures of Martin Kane to Anheuser-Busch for 12 markets. The international division, he said, raised its sales volume to a level 120% over that of 1956. Mr. Ziv observed that the company's investment in tv film production amounted to $12 million, as against $8 million in 1956, and added that $16 million has been earmarked for production in 1958. In radio, the company's World Broadcasting System registered a 2 1 % increase in the number of new contracts signed in 1957 as compared with 1956 and a 17% increase in the number of renewals, according to Mr. Ziv. During the year, World Broadcasting, which supplies radio stations with programming materials, merchandising ideas and selling tools, introduced Sound-O, a merchandising idea based on a radio quiz game and two new programs, Top Tunes of Our Time and Words to Remember. Bramson Forms C-C Operation The formation of a closed-circuit tv operation by Bramson Entertainment Service, New York, has been announced by Nat M. Abramson, president. Mr. Abramson, who also is manager of the WOR New York Entertainment Bureau, will maintain offices at 1440 Broadway, New York. Telephone number is Longacre 4-8000. Mr. Abramson already has conducted several closed-circuit tv programs for fraternal and religious groups in the New York area and will handle the closed-circuit telecast of a meeting of the New York State Grand Lodge of Masons from Oswego, N. Y., to various cities in the state. Tela Forms C-C Tv Network Tela Electronics Div. of Meilink Steel Safe Co. (GianTView projection equipment), Toledo, Ohio, is forming a closed-circuit tv network linking the country's major cities, it has been announced by S. R. Akers, Meilink president. W. R. Smith, sales manager of the Tela division and formerly vice president of the East-West Tv Network, Toledo, has been appointed sales manager of the GianTView Closed-Circuit Network, Page 64 • December 30, 1957 Broadcasting