Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1957)

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RADIO RADIO RADIO Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Technical Wanted: First class engineer. Sales or announcing experience helpful. Job with future. Best references required. Write Radio Station WKIN, Kingsport, Tennessee. Engineer: First phone immediately, experience desired but not essential. Send complete resume and salary requirements to C. E., WLAP, Lexington, Kentucky. Chief engineer. Announcing helpful, but not necessary! Top pay for the right man. Southeast. Immediate opening. WLAS, Jacksonville, N. C. Production-Programming, Others Do you write sparkling, attention getting commercials? Fast with an idea? Then, you're needed at leading Illinois indie. Work with an aggressive staff that helps make the spots flow. Salary tops, too! Send resume and copy. We'll call! Box 341C, BROADCASTING. Wanted: Wide awake newsman or girl. One who can write and gather local news. Apply Ed Allen, WDOR, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Continuity writer experienced in straight production, copy, good typist. Prefer man. Immediate opening. Call collect, Easton, Pa., 6155, Art Burns, WEEX. Experienced local newsman for station WSLB, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Assume complete responsibility for gathering, writing and broadcasting news. Good salary and working conditions. Contact George Bingham, WKIP, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Newsman wanted immediately. Gather air, local news. Ohio town 36,000. Desire permanent, experienced, hard worker. College grad preferred. Apply only if you know you can do top-notch job! Salary depends on you. Send tape, photo, references, resume. Dick Scholem, WTlG, P. O. Box 573, Massillon, Ohio. Telephone TE 2-5023. RADIO Situations Wanted Management Recently sold my station after ten years of profitable operation. Ready to bring you a most thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the broadcasting business, all phases. Married, family. 37 years old, available February. Looking for community with a future. Box 224C, BROADCASTING. General manager available sometime in January. Family man with good references, and solid experience. Best terms present company as general manager. Leaving for best offer that brings advancement in my profession. Records and personal meeting will indicate I'm an excellent bet for a progressive radio operation. Box 405C, BROADCASTING. Situations Wanted — ( Cont'd ) Management General manager, age 32. Primarily a salesman, with energy and know-now to build business and a competent sales force. Good with personnel and programming. Box 481C, BROADCASTING. Seeking manager position in small or new am station in Los Angeles area. Engineer with sales experience, 36 years, vet W. W. II. Box 495C, BROADCASTING. Manager or assistant manager. 9 years radio. 2V2 years business management. B. S. radio production. Top references. Sober, reliable, sensible. Family. 30. Prefer southwest or midwest. Will consider reasonable salary, commission, or combination for opportunity. Box 496C, BROADCASTING. Manage-owner, now selling. Can give any operation network quality. Excellent proven sales record. 11 years experience. Built present station from ground up. 29 years old, married, children. Excellent references. Box 502C, BROADCASTING. Manager: small-medium market. Good saleable ideas, will increase sales and cut expenses. Take full charge of operation and do sports too. 10 years experience. Married, 3 children. $110 week plus percentage. Box 506C, BROADCASTING. Sales Experience in radio and tv all phases. Wish to relocate with opportunity for advancement. $125 minimum. Jeff Guier, WBEX, Chillicothe, Ohio. Announcers Basketball announcer, 7 years experience. Finest of references. Excellent voice. Box 898B, BROADCASTING. Girl-personality, dj, run own board, eager to please. Free to travel, gimmicks, and sales. Box 204C, BROADCASTING. Personality-dj strong commercials, gimmicks, etc., run own board. Steady, eager to please. Go anywhere. Box 205C, BROADCASTING. Deep, friendly voice. 4 years staff announcing experience. Prefer midwest. $90 minimum. Box 367C, BROADCASTING. Looking for announcer that sells hard; sells soft when needed, understands value of personality in radio and tv shows? I'm your man. Will work hard for station with opportunities. Western U. S. preferred. Box 404C, BROADCASTING. Experienced mature announcer-personality dj, desires permanent position with emphasis on announcing and opportunity of learning practical side of engineering. First phone, news, sports (play-by-play and color). Have done sales, programming and copywriting. Some television experience Veteran, single, 26, available after first of year. Go anywhere. Box 426C, BROADCASTING. Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcer Negro team-husband and wife. Sure-fire puller with services and gimmicks. Ready to make money for you. Box 435C, BROADCASTING. Negro dee-jay. Good board man, fast patter, smooth production. I'm the one you're looking for. Tape and resume. Box 436C, BROADCASTING. Seeking job as staff announcer, radio, tv. Three years experience in important commercial markets. Pleasing voice; personality. 24, married, will travel. Box 482C, BROADCASTING. Well experienced announcer, some television. Full particulars on inquiry. Box 485C, BROADCASTING. West coast man with family, five years experience; announcing, newscasting, dj, program director, assistant manager. Air work absolutely top quality. Will send tape and resume. Box 486C, BROADCASTING. Lazy announcer-lincense (no maintenance) prefers easy operation, excellent wages. Box 497C, BROADCASTING. Fast paced dj, 3 years experience, knows music, good commercial. Box 498C, BROADCASTING. Will play the best music in your library, from pops and albums. Prepare IV2 hours for every air hour. Deejay for teens or late-night, relaxed sessions. 2V2 years experience; age 25. $85 weekly. Prefer warm climate. Box 503C, BROADCASTING. Announcer, first phone, no maintenance, good news, commercials, dj, experienced. Box 512C, BROADCASTING. Ambitious, experienced combo. Industrious, reliable and ready to move up. Box 516C, BROADCASTING. Engineer-announcer or sales available soon. Box 517C, BROADCASTING. Experienced arinouncer-dj — 5 years. Production minded. Know all music, sports, news. Do live shows, public appearances, interviews. Married. Looking for larger market and salary. Box 518C, BROADCASTING. Tape-schmape! Doesn't give true picture. I'll come to you for in-person test almost anytime, anywhere. For top-rated dj -sports personality, who'll be on top in large market, write Box 519C, BROADCASTING. Country music deejay who still plays country music. First nhone, no maintenance. Six years experience. Box 521C, BROADCASTING. Savor the flavor of a distinctive negro personality, graduate of broadcasting school. You'll never regret or forget that authoritative newscasting style, convincing commercials and original di fashion. Competent writer. Box 525C, BROADCASTING. Negro announcer, 5 years experience. Give me 3 months. Be tops in your area. Travel. Box 528C, BROADCASTING. Announcer, 3 years experience, seeks position upper midwest. Prefer live audition. F. Kuhl, 20 North Franklin St., Madison, Wisconsin. Graduate of Chicago radio school seeks opportunity to display talents as pop or jazz disc jockey. Also strong on news. 19 years old. Single. Contact Bill Thomas, 1113 W. Oak St., South Bend, Indiana. Technical Young man with first phone desires opportunity to use same. Primary interest is operating but willing to try anything. Joe Lundy, Tonasket, Wash. Production-Programming, Others Sports director, salesman, announcer, qualified to manage, 8 years experience radio and tv. Box 357C, BROADCASTING. News director new Penna. daytimer. Staff cut victim. Can gather, write, edit. Write salesproven documentaries. Play-by-play. 3 years Phila. Inquirer sportswriter. Double in promotion. Married, college, car. Box 507C, BROADCASTING. Man Friday, Ability, travel. Mature, 14 years experience all phases broadcasting. Assistant manager, program director, news chief. Salary tops. Pat Fox, 53 Carlson Avenue, Danville, Virginia. Phone SWift 3-5943. Farm director, copywriter, excellent references. Lyle Nelson, Route 1, Breckenridge, Minn. Broadcasting ANNOUNCERS Radio stations throughout the country are rapidly converting to "combo operation". Keep pace with the trend — protect your security— get your first class F.C.C. license without delay. Put yourself on the preferred list for better, higher-paid positions. A first class F.C.C. license gives you the advantage over otherwise equally qualified applicants. We have trained thousands and can prepare you, too, for a first class F.C.C. license in a minimum of time. Our 32 page booklet, Opportunities in Electronics, explains how you can prepare for this all-important license quickly, through home study or in resident classes. This booklet is free. Write for it today. Our Guarantee If yon should fail the FCC exam after finishing: our course, we guarantee to give yon additional trainingat NO ADDITIONAL COST. FCC-Type Exams FCC-type tests are nsed throughout the Grantham course. Constant practice with these FCC-type tests helps you prepare for the actnal FCC examination. MAIL COUPON TO SCHOOL NEAREST YOU GRANTHAM SCHOOLS, Dept. 14-J 821 19th St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. or 1505 N. Western Ave., Hollywood 27, Calif. Please send me your free booklet, telling how I can get my FIRST CLASS FCC license quickly. I understand there is no obligation and no salesman will call. Name Address .city. State I am interested in: □ Home Study □ Resident Classes *e 80 • December 30, 1957