Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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Williams named director of sales-merchandising. Earl W. Welde, veteran broadcast executive, named administrative assistant to general manager of WSUN-AM-TV St. Petersburg Fla. Donald N. Finger, junior accountant, WGRTV Buffalo, N. Y., promoted to chief accountant. Don Hughes, formerly with KAKC and KRMG, both Tulsa, named news director of Public Radio Corp. (KAKC and KIOA Des Moines, Iowa). John Orloff, operations director, KABC-TV Los Angeles, promoted to staff director. Don Mathewson, news director, WTUX Wilmington, Del., promoted to program director. He also will continue as news director. Thomas J. Foy Jr., production supervisor at WGN Chicago, appointed director of news division of WGN-AM-TV that city. He replaces Holland Engle, who held duties on temporary basis and is reassigned to reportorial activities. Ann M. Corrick, network newscaster-producer in Washington, to assistant bureau chief, Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.'s Washington news bureau. Dean Moxley, formerly with KYA San Francisco, to KGO that city as director of client service. Ray Morgan, sports director, WWDC Washington, to WTTG (TV) that city in similar capacity. Roy Ross, musical director of WNEW New York, to WMGM that city in similar capacity. Doris Boyd, named to handle promotion activities for WIBG Philadelphia. Charles W. MacKenzie, formerly sales supervisor for Curtis Pub. Co., joins WKMH Dearborn, Mich., as sales representative. Al Mackay, formerly sales service manager of KGO San Francisco, to station's sales staff as account executive. Fred Beaton, formerly in guest relations dept. of CBS, joins KWKW Pasadena, Calif., sales staff. Jack A. Fritzlen, formerly office manager of Lahr Adv., to WFBM Indianapolis sales staff. Bob Bartusch, account executive, WLOK Memphis, promoted to assistant manager. Robert Doherry, formerly with KYOK Houston, moves to sister-station WLOK sales staff. Gene Dillehay, KWTV (TV) Oklahoma City, Okla., named chief announcer. Peter Potter, d. j., KLAC Los Angeles, resigns, effective April 14. Richard C. Martin, announcer, KTUK-TV Phoenix, joins KFSD-TV San Diego in similar capacity. Rick Mertz, formerly with KVAS Astoria, to KOIN Portland, both Oregon, announcing staff. Gary Rogers joins KBLV (TV) Denver as announcer. Al Stevens, Baltimore d.j., to WAYE that city in similar capacity and as member of sales staff. Richard Haskitt, staff announcer at KUTE (FM) Glendale, Calif., since his graduation from UCLA last June, has left station for active duty at Fort Ord, Calif. Robert J. Bodden, general manager of WSWW Platteville, Wis., elected president of local Community Chest for coming year. REPRESENTATIVES mmmm George Bingham, manager of WalkerRawalt Co. Boston office, to vice president in charge of that office. Fred Adair Jr., S. F. manager, appointed west coast manager at Headley-Reed Co. Art Astor named L. A. manager, succeeding Clark Barnes. John Murphy, Branham Co.'s Chicago office, promoted to manager in that city. Robert Hanrahan, account executive with CBS-TV New York, joins Branham's S. F. office. Kenneth H. Goldblatt, formerly sales manager for Forjoe & Co., N. Y., apointed to tv sales staff of Headley-Reed Co., N. Y. Paul Wilson, with Adam Young Inc. for 1 3 years, to Richard O'Connell Inc., N. Y., sales staff. MANUFACTURING . . • flHHi if -*IMerle W. Kremer, general manager of Sylvania Electric Products, parts division, elected vice president and general manager of parts division. He has been with Sylvania in his previous capacity since January 1957. Gerald L. Moran, gen ► eral manager of chemical and metallurgical division of Sylvania since November 1957, named vice president and general manager of that division. Kay Bidwell, merchandising director, WIBG Philadelphia, installed as member of Assn. of Manufacturers Representatives. She is reportedly first woman member of organization. Robert W. Burtness appointed manager of engineering and research at Stewart-Warner Electronics, division of Stewart-Warner Corp. Leon Seldin, manufacturing manager of Federal Instruments (IT&T), returns to Allen B. DuMont Labs where he had been engineering section head, now becoming assistant sales manager, Instrument Div. at DuMont. Robert J. Stone, formerly with public relations department of Ford Motor Co., N. Y., appointed public relations manager of Fed eral Electric Corp., Paramus, N. J., division of IT&T. David Sarnoff, RCA board chairman, has been elected trustee of Emanu-El Congregation, N. Y. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Milliard A. Sehendorf, radio-tv writer and editor with Associated Press for 17 years, has resigned to join APS Assoc., N. Y. (radio-tv public relations), as partner. Frank Corwin, formerly director of public information for Boys' Clubs of America, has joined Thomas P. Swift Assoc. (public relations & publicity), N. Y., as account executive. PROGRAM SERVICES mm \ m Jerald T. Manter named manager of United Press Hartford (Conn.) Bureau, and William D. Clark named Connecticut news manager of UP. Norton Pearl, with United Press since 1953, to west coast as sales representative of commercial photography division with headquarters in S. F. TRADE ASSNS. • " ' • ' —vyvj George Silber, president of Rek-O-Kut Co., Long Island City, was elected chairman of board of directors, Institute of High Fidelity Manufacturers, N. Y., succeeding Avery Fisher, president of Fisher Radio Corp., N. Y. Mr. Fisher continues to serve as director of institute. Joseph Katz of Joseph ► Katz Co., Baltimore, elected chairman of Chesapeake Council of American Assn. of Advertising Agencies. Other appointments: Helen Ver Standig of M. Belmont Ver Stan dig, Washington, to vice chairman of AAAA; Frank L. Blumberg of NewhoffBlumberg Adv., Baltimore, to secretarytreasurer. Robert Levenstein, who has handled visual aids in Television Bureau of Advertising's production department since last October, promoted to research assistant. Michael Wiener, with TVB in various assignments for two years, succeeds Mr. Levenstein. INTERNATIONAL Lew Roskin, retail sales manager of CHED Edmonton, Alta., to general sales manager, and Allan Slaight, news director, to national sales manager. Reg Carne, formerly of CJKL Kirkland Lake, to sales manager of CHEX Peterborough, both Ontario. Jim Gibson named sales manager of CHEX-TV. Max Jackson named sports director of CKWS-AM-TV Kingston, succeeding Pete Handley, who joins CFCH North Bay, both Ontario, in similar capacity. Chuck Davis, announcer of CJKL Kirkland Lake, to CKWS in similar capacity. Broadcasting April 7, 1958 • Page 111