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Fourteen special Easter messages broadcast over WGN-Radio
1. PALM SUNDAY— 11:55 A.M. "Time to Reflect." Palm Sunday message by the Reverend Peter J. Powell, rector of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church.
2. PALM SUNDAY— 1:00 P.M. Services in observance of the centennial of the First Baptist Church of Evanston, Illinois.
3. MONDAY— 11:55 A.M. Speaker: The Reverend Emerson S. Colaw, minister of Edison Park Methodist Church.
4. TUESDAY— 11:55 A.M. Speaker: The Reverend Wilfred E. Borne, pastor, Foster Park Baptist Church.
5. WEDNESDAY— 11:55 A.M. Speaker: The Reverend John Banahan, diocesan priest, director of radio and television, Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago.
6. THURSDAY— 11:55 A.M. Speaker: The Reverend Wilfred E. Borne, pastor, Foster Park Baptist Church.
7. FRIDAY— 11:55 A.M. Speaker: The Reverend C. J. Curtis, pastor, Bethel Lutheran Church.
8. SATURDAY— 11:55 A.M. Speaker: The Reverend Peter J. Powell, rector of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church.
9. EASTER SUNDAY— 11:55 A.M. Speaker: The Reverend Charles A. Williams, minister, Westminster Presbyterian Church of Skokie, Illinois.
10. GOOD FRIDAY— 12 NOON to 3 P.M. Subdued, meditative music and a reading of the Seven Last Words of Christ.
11. HOLY SATURDAY— 11:30 P.M. Easter Midnight Mass from Christ the King Roman Catholic Church. (Simulcast).
12. EASTER SUNDAY— 1 to 2 P.M. Services from Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, University of Chicago.
13. EASTER SUNDAY— 8:05 to 9:00 P.M. "The Triumphant Hour," dramatizations bearing on the mysteries of the rosary.
14. EASTER SUNDAY— 10:30 to 11:00 P.M. "Family Theatre," dramatization of the modern way to the cross.
WGN Radio 720 on your dial
441 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111.
April 14, 1958 • Page 23