Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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TRANSISTORIZED TURNTABLE EQUALIZING PREAMPLIFIER The BA-26A is designed to mount in same position and space previously occupied by RCA Type MI-11877 passive equalizer. Designed to provide both amplification and equalization of turntable output This compact equipment makes a modern replacement for bulkier combinations of separate amplifier and equalizing niters. Designed to provide both amplification and equalization of output of studio transcription turntables employing either the RCA Type MI-11874-4 or RCA Type MI-11874-5 Pickup Heads. The entire unit is completely self-contained including a-c power supply. Built-in equalization conforms to new industry standards of both NAB and RIAA. A three position switch compensates for variations in transcriptions and records. Etched wiring circuits provide stable, trouble-free operation. Transistors are employed throughout to assure freedom from microphonics. Absence of inductances make the BA-26 insensitive to stray hum field pickup, greatly simplifying installation. Mounts easily in turntable, provides essentially noise-free operation and long equipment life. Tmk(s) ® For full particulars about the new BA-26 A Transistorized Turntable Equalizing Preamplifier, see your RCA Broadcast Representative. In Canada: RCA Victor Company, Limited, Montreal. RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA BROADCAST AND TELEVISION EQUIPMENT CAMDEN, N. J. Broadcasting April 14, 1958 • Page