Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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1 BUY 3 MARKETS NETWORKS Iā€” Vfl Wes* Texas Television Network KDUB-TV, CBS, LUBBOCK, TEXAS 316,000 watts and highest tower in West Texas provides maximum coverage (20% greater than competing channel) of rich Plains cotton country. TV FAMILIES: 150,484 KPAR-TV, CBS, ABILENE-SWEETWATER New studios in downtown Abilene plus increased power (91,200 watts) plus Sweetwater studios provide grade A coverage and grade A results in both oil-rich, twin-cities. TV FAMILIES: 87,640. KEDY-TV, CBS, BIG SPRING, TEXAS Channel 4 is the only Television Station providing grade A service in this oil, cattle, cotton area. Huge oil refineries and Air Force Base add to income. TV FAMILIES: 65,970. TOTAL TV FAMILIES: 304,091 Delivers greater % of audience in all time segments than any other BIG Texas market! K PAR-TV ABILENE SWEETWATER KEDY-TV BIG SPRING, TEXAS PRESIDENT & GEN. MGR.i W. O. "DUB" ROGERS NAT* I. SALES MGR.: E. A. "BUZZ" HASSETT NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE: THE BRANHAM COMPANY TV NETWORK SALES CURVE RISES Irrespective of what next season's business may bring in time sales, network television billing in the current season is holding up to expectations, and. in fact, has increased over the billing for last year. Figures released last week by Television Bureau of Advertising and compiled by Leading National Advertisers and Broadcast Advertisers Reports bear this out. The tv networks grossed $44,636,018 in February, a gain of 13.3% over last year. In the first two months of the year, the networks grossed over $94.2 million at the one time rates, or 13.7% above 1957. Each of the networks was up both for February and the two-month period. ABC-TV at the $8.4 million billing level in February was 36.5% over 1957; NBC-TV scored a 12.7% rise and CBSTV a 6% increase. The percentage changes were similar for the two-month period for each of the networks. There is still a substantial billings jump from ABC-TV's level to that achieved by the other networks. A rule of thumb shows NBC-TV with a gross about double that of ABC-TV in February, and CBSTV with more than 2Va times American's time billings. The network billing breakdown as released by TvB: NETWORK TELEVISION GROSS TIME BILLINGS Source: LNA-BAR 1957 1958 FEBRUARY ABC-TV CBS-TV NBC-TV TOTAL $ 6,175,488 $ 8,427,596 18,309,088 19,410,741 14,900,631 16,797,681 % CHANGE + 36.5 + 6.0 + 12.7 1957 1958 % CHANGE JANUARY-FEBRUARY" $12,891,069 $17,581,813 38,540,562 41,504,756 31,455,572 35,141,792 $39,385,207 $44,636,018 +13.3 $82,887,203 $94,228,361 BILLINGS MONTH BY MONTH ā€” 1958 +36.4 + 7.7 + 1 1.7 + 13.7 ABC-TV JANUARY* $9,154,217 FEBRUARY 8,427,596 * January 1958 Figures Revised 4/7/58 CBS-TV NBC-TV $22,094,015 19,410,741 $18,344,111 16,797,681 TOTAL $49,592,343* 44,636.018 KENT Affiliates with NBC KENT Shreveport, La., has affiliated with NBC, effective last week, it was announced by Frank H. Ford Sr., owner. The station also retains its MBS affiliation, continuing that network's news commentaries and sports features, and its participation with the special St. Louis Cardinals baseball network. Sale of KENT to Radio Shreveport Inc. (Troy A. Kaichen and son) has been filed for FCC approval [Stations, April 7], but Mr. Ford and his sons, Frank Jr. and William, remain under management contracts with the station. Hansen Named to New CBS Post Carroll V. Hansen, coordinator of news and sports for CBS Radio since July 1955, has been appointed to the new position of program coordinator for CBS-owned radio stations, according to Jules Dundes, vice president in charge of station administration for CBS Radio. Mr. Hansen will function as liaison between the network and the six owned stations on the local programming level, reporting directly to Mr. Dundes. CBS-TV Promotes Stromberg Hunt Stromberg Jr., who joined CBSTV Hollywood in June 1956 as a program development executive, has been appointed director of program development. Announcing the promotion, Guy della Cioppa, vice president and director of programs CBS-TV Hollywood, said Mr. Stromberg will be "responsible for the origination and initial processing of formats and properties for any programs developed on the west coast." THE SWITCH from secondary to primary CBS-TV affiliation for WJIMTV Lansing, Mich. [Networks, April 7], is executed by (1 to r) Edmund C. Bunker, CBS Television network vice president and director of station relations; Harold F. Gross, president of WJIM-TV, and Edward Scovill, midwest manager, CBS-TV network station relations. CBS programs get priority under the new contract with WJIM-TV continuing as an optional affiliate of NBC and ABC. Page 80 ā€¢ April 14, 1958 Broadcasting