Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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TRADE ASSNS. continued Look, Ma!!! No Ratings!!! — Sets in use is all you need to know for the California-Oregon Trio — exclusive vhf coverage for nearly 100,000 tv families who can't be reached either by San Francisco or Portland. SETS IN USE . . . SUMMERTIME KIEM-TV3 KBES-TV5 KOTI-TV2 Eureka Medford Klamath Falls California Oregon Oregon SIGN-ON to 6:00 PM Mon-Fri 25.2% 23.8% 24.9% Saturday 17.7 18.0 20.8 Sunday 16.7 23.3 23.1 6:00 PM to SIGN-OFF Monday 55.6 58.9 52.1 Tuesday 50.9 59.5 47.1 Wednesday 56.5 49.0 50.0 Thursday 55.7 52.3 54.7 Friday 57.6 48.9 47.9 Saturday 47.0 43.9 41.7 Sunday 53.3 43.8 39.4 Interviewing was done in each area under personal direction of Kenneth H. Baker, July 6 through August 6, 1957. Three Markets — One Billing tKIEM §»NIB@* K0JI#5 TV 3-Calif. . Eureka TV 5— Oregon Medford TV 2— Oregon B Klamath Falls MARKET FACTS Population 356,330 Families . 115,760 Tv Families C 94,898 Retail Sales $485,803,000 Consumer Spendable Income . . . $610,357,000 for CALIF.-ORE. TV TRIO THE SMULLIN TV STATIONS call Don Telford, Mgr. Phone Eureka. Hillside 3-1123 TWX EKIf ftr acV blair»/*i«w national or as* associates inc. representatives New York. Chicago. San Francisco, Seattle. Los Angeles. Dallas, Detroit, Jacksonville. St. Louis. Boston. SELF-CENSORSHIP BACKED BY ALMOND • Governor addresses VAPB • Hoarty elected president Virginia Gov. J. Lindsay Almond Jr. told the Virginia AP Broadcasters at the group's spring meeting that American news media will impose on themselves "in the interest of the public good all the censorship that is needed." He commended newsmen for urging the Virginia General Assembly to adopt a resolution calling for open meetings and open records. The meeting, held April 4 at the Washington National Press Club, also saw election of Leo Hoarty of WBOF Virginia Beach as VAPB president succeeding Mrs. Mildred Alexander of WTAR Norfolk. Other new officers: Jack Clements, WRVA Richmond, vice president; Wally Hankins, WAGE Leesburg, treasurer, and Frank H. Fuller, AP bureau chief at Richmond, secretary. Named to the board of directors: Don Murray, WDBJ Roanoke; Bob Wolfenden, WMEV Marion, and C. A. Sinclair II, WPRW Manassas. In the awards oresentation, WRVA Richmond led the field among metropolitan stations, taking three first places. WBOF Virginia Beach captured five first place awards in the non-metropolitan category. WRVA took top metropolitan (two or more stations in market) honors in comprehensive, commentary and state-local broadcasts. WTAR Norfolk won first awards in sports and women's news. WRNL Richmond took first place in farm news and WTON Staunton in special events. WBOF's first places were in the nonmetropolitan classifications of comprehensive, commentary, sports, farm news and special events. WRAD Radford was first in state and local and WBBI Abingdon in women's news. Don Greene of WCYB Bristol won the WDBJ (Roanoke) Cup for a station and individual giving the best news protection to AP during the year. Mr. Greene also won the award in 1955-56 when he was with WSVS Crewe; he is the only two-time recipient of the WDBJ Cup since it was first offered eight years ago, VAPB says. A total 42 awards were given in the seven news categories. Nine newsmen from North Carolina stations judged the VAPB contest, which drew 85 entries from 20 of 59 member stations. Broadcast Pioneers Ask DeMille To Be Principal Speaker in L. A. Veteran motion picture producer Cecil B. DeMille ("The Ten Commandments"), onetime producer of CBS Radio's Lux Radio Theatre, will be cited at the 17th annual dinner-meeting of the Broadcast Pioneers, April 29 at the Statler Hotel, Los Angeles, site of the NAB convention. Mr. DeMille will be the principal speaker. Meanwhile, Broadcast Pioneers President John F. Patt, president of WJR Detroit, said that NBC Vice President William S. Page 86 April 14, 1958 Hedges, chairman of the Pioneers awards committee, will "shortly make known the complete list of citations for distinguished achievement in various fields of broadcasting." as well as other awards. Mr. Patt also announced the formation of new chapters. Chapter officers are: • Northern Ohio chapter: Carl George (WGAR Cleveland) president; James C. Hanrahan (WEWS [TV] Cleveland), Warren P. Williamson Jr. (WKBN-AM-TV Youngstown), Allen Simmons (WADC Akron) and Eugene Carr (WHBC Canton), vice presidents; Gordon Davis (KYW-AM-TV Cleveland), secretary-treasurer. • Michigan chapter: Don DeGroot (WWJAM-TV Detroit), chairman; Les Biederman (WTCM Traverse City, WATT Cadillac, WATZ Alpena, WMBN Petosky, WATC Gaylord), senior-vice chairmen; William G. Siebert (WJR Detroit), secretary-treasurer; Milton Greenebaum, first vice president; Carl E. Lee (WKZO-TV Kalamazoo, KOLNAM-TV Lincoln, Neb.; WJEF Grand Rapids, and WMBD Peoria, 111.), second vice president; Harry Travis (WNEM-TV Bay City, WABJ Adrian and WPON Pontiac), third vice president, and Willard Schroeder (WOOD-AM-TV Grand Rapids), fourth vice president. • Southern California chapter: Robert O. Reynolds (KMPC Los Angeles), president; Cal Smith (KFAC Los Angeles), vice president; Art Holbrook (Southern California Broadcasters Assn.), secretary-treasurer. • "Heart of America" chapter: No officers yet but W. K. Hartenbower (KCMO Kansas City) shortly will announce nomination and election of an officer slate. RTES Nominates Officers; McGannon Slated For President Nominations for new officers of Radio & Television Executives Society of New YOrk are being announced today (Monday), with Donald H. McGannon, president. Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., slated to succeed ABC Vice President John Daly as president of RTES. Elections will be held at the annual RTES luncheon meeting May 14. Officer nominees are Geraldine Zorbaugh (CBS Radio vice president-general attorney), first vice president; Don Durgin (NBC-TV network sales vice president), vice president; Frank E. Pellegrin (H. R. Representatives Inc. vice president), vice president; Omar F. Elder Jr. (ABC assistant general counsel), secretary, and Jay Smolin (advertising-sales promotion-publicity director, Associated Artists Productions Inc.), treasurer. Nominated for two-year terms to the Board of Governors: Ted Bergmann (president, Parkson Adv.), Ernest Lee Jahncke Jr. (vice president and assistant to the president, Edward Petry & Co.), Winfield R. Levi (sales manager. Broadcasting), Alfred L. Mendelsohn (assistant tv sales manager, Universal Pictures Corp.) and David Channing Moore (president, Transcontinent Tv Corp.). One-year nominee was Josef C. Dine, partner in public relations firm of Dine & Kalmus. Broadcasting