Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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NAB PLEASED WITH L. A. BOOKING Advance registration for the NAB convention, to be held April 27-May 1 in Los Angeles, is running about 10% ahead of the same period in 1957 despite the west coast locale. NAB President Harold E. Fellows and other staff officials were delighted at the surprising registration figures for both management and engineering meetings but they warned that total attendance may fall well below the 1957 figures in Chicago. They observed that many persons planning the long trek to the west coast were probably making their arrangements well ahead of convention time because the trip is longer. Normally NAB's west coast conventions have not been as well attended as those in the Midwest or East. Programming for the convention was completed at the weekend. Howard H. Bell, NAB assistant to the president in charge of joint affairs and convention program manager, announced the May management luncheon will feature a tribute to Dinah Shore, NBC-TV artist sponsored by Chevrolet. A series of special features will be built around Miss Shore's appearance at the luncheon. She made her radio debut before World War II at WSM Nashville, Tenn. Plans for a public relations session preceding the FCC roundtable the morning of April 30 were drawn up by Donald N. Martin, assistant to the president in charge of public relations. John M. Outler Jr., who retired recently from WSB-AM-TV Atlanta, will direct a presentation of NAB's upcoming "Learn and Live" project. "Learn and Live" was approved by the board last January. It is designed to promote the place of broadcasting in the nation's life, showing how radio and tv serve the public. A major project, it will get underway by early summer. Stations and networks will cooperate with government and civic agencies. Mr. Outler was chairman of the NAB Public Relations Committee at the time the idea was conceived. Mr. Bell said a panel titled "Radio's Role in National Defense" will be moderated by Vincent T. Wasilewski, NAB government relations manager. Brig. Gen. W. H. Duplantis, USMC retired, has been added to the program, scheduled the afternoon of April 29. Gen. Duplantis is assistant administrator of communications, Federal Civil Defense Adm. A. Prose Walker, NAB engineering manager, announced Murray G. Crosby, of Crosby Labs., Hicksville, N. Y., has been added to the Engineering Conference program. Mr. Crosby will explain a compatible system of stereo transmission by fm multiplex at the technical session the afternoon of April 29. He will appear with William Tomberlin, of KMLA (FM) Los Angeles, who will read a paper on fm multiplexing. Two more events not on the official convention agenda were announced last week. ABC-TV affiliates will meet April 25. KABC-TV Los Angeles will take out-of Broadcasting town timebuyers on a tour of Disneyland which will include souvenir gifts and a Hawaiian luau. Uhf Group Slates LA. Meet The Committee for Competitive Television, an organization of uhf stations, has announced that it would meet April 27 at the Hotel Statler, Los Angeles, prioi to the NAB convention. Dr. George R. Town, executive director of the Television Allocations Study Organization, is to talk about the work of TASO. CCT also announced that Louis J. Appell Jr., WSBA-TV York, Pa., has been named third vice chairman of the organization. Others are: Hal Phillips WTVH (TV) Peoria, 111., and Edward Breen, KQTV (TV) Fort Dodge, Iowa. John W. English, WNAO-TV Raleigh, N. C, and WSEE (TV) Erie, Pa., is chairman of CCT. Five Join NAB Exhibitors Five exhibitors have been added to the list of those booking display space at the NAB convention in Los Angeles April 27May 1 [Trade Assns., March 24; At Deadline, March 31]. New exhibitors: Industrial Transmitters & Antennas, Upper Darby, Pa.; Kahn Research Labs, Freeport, Long Island; Hollywood Television Service, N. Hollywood, Calif.; Modern Talking Picture Service, New York, and Kleigl Bros., New York. Sales Promotion Convention Set Prof. Albert W. Frey, author of the "Frey Report" on advertising agency compensation methods, will be among guest speakers at the first national convention of the Sales Promotion Executives Assn. in New York April 30-May 2, according to Ernest W. Hull, association president. Four panel discussions— "Marketing Research for Sales Promotion Executives," "Application of Motivational Research for Sales Promotion Men," "Cooperative Advertising in Sales Promotion" and "Making Mailings Make Money" — have been scheduled. Convention headquarters will be the Hotel Roosevelt. Radio Boosted for Insurance Rowland J. Varley, national account executive, Radio Advertising Bureau, told the Annual Insurance Day meeting of the Milwaukee Assn. of Insurance Agents last week, "In life insurance alone, you're missing sales among 71% of all your prospects." Mr. Varley backed up his speech with a specially prepared slide presentation on radio's effectiveness as an advertising medium for selling insurance. He explained his 71 %-below-par figure by stating "about 30% of the U. S. population today has no form of life insurance — and 41% of current policy holders admit they don't have enough coverage." 0O UA& £ CHANNEL 4-SIGHT You won't suffer that sinking feeling if you use Channel 4-Sight on the Great Golden Spread More than 100,000 TV sets in a vastly healthy and wealthy market. Power: Visual 100 kw Aural 50 kw Antenna Height 833 feet above the ground KGNC-TV CHANNEL 4 AMARILLO, TEXAS CONTACT ANY KATZ MAN April 14, 1958 • Page 87