Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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talk to Even a few minutes with General Manager Neal Welch will give you an inkling of the major role that the Paul H. Raymer Company has played in the development of WSBT as the dominant . . . overwhelmingly dominant . . . Radio/TV property in South Bend. In national spot, Raymer Representation delivers better than 80% of all the radio business and grabs more than fifty percent of all the TV schedules in this hot 3-station market. No one can tell you better than Neal Welch how intelligent management, programming showmanship and aggressive representation can make a station the buy . . . the only buy ... in a major market. then talk to Raymer WSBT has been represented by Raymer for twenty-three years . . . a unique record in station representation (most representatives haven't even been in business that long). Perhaps it would pay you to talk to Raymer and find out for yourself what it is that makes Raymer Representation tick . . . and stick. Certainly it would help you decide if your representative is doing for you what Raymer Representation has done for WSBT. THE PAUL H. RAYMER COMPANY, INC. Exclusive National Representatives Since 1932 New York • Chicago • Hollywood San Francisco • Dallas • Detroit Atlanta mow Neal Welch