Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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MR. KAHN MR. HILTON MR. CLIFFORD MR. CHESLEY ABOVE are the top echelon of the newly-created advertising agency, Kastor, Hilton, Chesley & Clifford Inc. [Advertisers & Agencies, May 19]. They include H. Kastor Kahn, chairman of KHC&C; Peter Hilton, president; Charles E. J. Clifford, vice chairman, and W. S. Chesley Jr., chairman of the executive committee and treasurer. The agency was formed when Kastor, Farrell, Chesley & Clifford merged with Hilton & Riggio. re MR. WHEELER MR. WHITELAW MR. SMUCKER promoted to tv sales manager, succeeding BARNEY KOBRES, who resigned to form his own advertising agency. CLAUDE WHEELER, sales staff, WCHS Charleston, W. Va., named general sales manager for WCHS-TV. He has been with WCHS sales staff since 1951. SEYMOUR WHITELAW, CBS Radio Spot Sales account executive, appointed sales manager of KCBS San Francisco, succeeding RICHARD H. SCHUTTE, who has joined Robert E. Eastman Co., radio representative, as west coast manager. RAY C. SMUCKER, veteran in show business and broadcasting, joins KTAR and KVAR (TV) Mesa, Ariz., as sales manager. Mr. Smucker formerly was manager of KYTJM Yuma, Ariz., and will continue to have charge of overall operations of that station in addition to his new post. BILL EXLINE, tv sales head of Peters, Griffin, Woodward, S. F. office, joins KIRO-TV Seattle-Tacoma, Wash., as sales manager. MEG KINGBAY, radio personality, WCCO Minneapolis-St. Paul, joins WPBC Minneapolis-St. Paul as manager of station's Southdale branch office. LEE COFFEE, announcing staff, WIBV Belleville, 111., named promotion manager. EDWARD W. PARO, WEAR Pensacola, to WILZ St. Petersburg Beach, both Florida, as commercial manager. ALAN EATON, formerly on publicity staff of ILLINOIS GOV. WILLIAM STRATTON, appointed manager of radio press information at WBBM Chicago. BILL MASLOWE, Chicago newspaperman, to WBBMTV Chicago in similar press information capacity. JAMES E. BLOYD, engineer and engineering supervisor with WEWS (TV) Cleveland, promoted to chief engineer. Post is newly-created because JOSEPH B. EPPERSON, engineering v.p. of Scripps-Howard Radio Inc. had served as chief engineer of all S-H radio-tv stations. .. ~ JB JOHN STRUCKELL, formerly v.p. of WFPG Atlantic City and manager of WOND Pleasantville and WWBZ Vineland, all New Jersey, joins WKDN Camden, N. J., as program director. He succeeds DAVID A. MOSS, who has been appointed commercial manager of WKDN. SIDNEY GABY, formerly assistant program director at WNEW New York, to WGR Buffalo as program director. Broadcasting MR. BLOYD JIM HARDEN, formerly newscaster with KWWL Waterloo, Iowa, joins KLWN Lawrence, Kan., as news director. CHARLES MINNEHAN, assistant manager of marketing for Los Angeles Examiner, joins KABCTV Los Angeles as director of marketing, succeeding ROBIN ROSEFIELD, who resigned to go to England and study acting. MARVIN HUGHES, Dot recording artist, joins WSM Nashville, Tenn., as musical director. JOHN CORPORON, formerly United Press bureau manager in New Orleans, joins WDSU-TV New Orleans as fulltime Washington correspondent. WILLIAM S. GAILMOR, veteran of 20 years as newspaper man and radio commentator, joins WPEN Philadelphia as news editor. WAYNE GRIFFIN, head of own travel organization, appointed travel editor at WBKB (TV) Chicago. KEITH RYAN, formerly news and sports announcer, WKDA Nashville, Tenn., to WCKY Cincinnati, Ohio, as news announcer. BETH ROBINSON, formerly account executive, KPRO Riverside, Calif., joins KRHM (FM) Los Angeles as sales representative. ED FLEMING, newscaster, WPIX-TV New York, joins KNXT (TV) Los Angeles as tv news personality. HARRY BIRRELL, WNOE New Orleans, La., joins KCBQ San Diego as d.j., effective June 1. ZOEL P. SILVERMAN, formerly with KQV Pittsburgh, joins KDKA Pittsburgh sales staff. JACK BROWN, formerly with KOBY San Francisco, joins KGO San Francisco sales staff. SCOTT MUNI, formerly announcer for WAKR Akron, Ohio, to WMCA New York musical announcing staff. JIM PASSANT, sports publicist at Cleveland's Western Reserve U., joins KYW-AM-TV Cleveland publicity staff. ANDREW M. ROWLEY, veteran oil writer (52 years) for Tulsa Tribune and featured for many years as "Mr. Oil" on KVOO Tulsa, died May 14. MANUFACTURING PERRY R. ROEHM, formerly president and director of Norden-Ketay Corp., Stamford, Conn., appointed director of marketing for International Telephone & Telegraph, N. Y. MICHAEL BALOG, general manufacturing manager for Sylvania Electric Products semiconductor division appointed to new post of manager of manufacturing and engineering for division. Also appointed were DR. SUMNER MAYBURG, division manager of research and materials, to division chief engineer; and THEODORE R. BUNNELL, division industrial engineer, to manager of manufacturing services. DERMOT A. DOLLAR, previously manager, RCA Camden, N. J., showroom, to newly created post a subliminal ad we have the largest share I 111 if t of audience by the latest ARB Feb.-Mar. '58 r it fa § if A HAZARD THAT NEVER SLEEPS A daily occurrence — Radio and TV Stations are accused of LIBEL — SLANDER PIRACY — PLAGIARISM INVASION OF PRIVACY COPYRIGHT VIOLATION through act of station, staff, announcer, speaker, talent, commentator, sponsor. THE SPOKEN WORD IS MASTER! BUT you can INSURE against embarrassing loss by having our unique Excess Policy at amazingly low cost. Write for details and rates EMPLOYERS REINSURANCE CORPORATION 2 1 WEST TENT H STREET . KANSAS CITY, MO. New York, 107 William St. Chicago 175 W. Jackson Saii Francisco, 100 Bush S* May 26, 1958 • Page 97