Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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We've got Iowa PACKAGE! ,: 40 OF AMERICA'S 200 best farm counties are in Iowa! They're the cream of American agriculture — help give Iowa farmers an average income of $11,800 per year. Yet NON-agricultural income accounts for 74.5% of Iowa's total! WHO Radio reaches practically ALL of Iowa's 826,100 rural AND urban families — is "heard regularly" by more Iowa families than the next four commercial stations combined! Unless you have lived or worked in Iowa, you can hardly imagine the impact that this unique radio operation has on our entire State. Let PGW tell you! WHO for Iowa PLUS! Des Moines . . . 50,000 Watts Col. B. J. Palmer, President P. A. Loyet, Resident Manager Robert H. Harter, Sales Manager Affiliate WHO Radio is part of Central Broadcasting Company, which also owns and operates WHO-TV. Des Moines; WOC-TV, Davenport Peters, Griffin, Woodward, Inc., National Representatives Broadcasting June 2, 1958 • Page 33