Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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VERTICAL BLANKING INTERVAL TEST SIGNAL KEYER The Teiechrome Model 1008-A Vertical Blanking Interval Keyer is a selfcontained portable unit that makes possible transmission of television test and control signals between frames of a TV picture. Any test signal (multiburst, stairstep, color bar, etc.) may be added to the composite program signals. The keyer will operate anywhere in the TV system and operates from composite video, sync, or H & V drive. The test signals are always present for checking transmission conditions without impairing picture quality. The home viewer is not aware of their presence. These continuous reference signals may be used in connection with various Teiechrome devices for automatic correction of video level, frequency response, envelope delay, differential gain and differential phase. 1003-C VIDEO TRANSMISSION TEST SIGNAL GENERATOR VERTICAL BLANKING INTERVAL TEST SIGNAL KEYER Portable or standard rack mounting. Self-contained power supply. Test signal is thin line between frames. All test signals can be transmitted during vertical blanking portion of program. Video picture with multiburst test signal inserted, as seen on ordinary wave monitor. IMPORTANT: Checking after programming is costly and at best highly inefficient since conditions constantly vary. The Telechrome Vertical Interval Keyer minimizes post-program checking and overtime expenses. It provides instant indication of deteriorating video facilities so that corrective measures can be undertaken immediately— manually or automatically during programming. Now in use by CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC ITA (Brit.) ■ Completely self-contained, portable. Produces multi-frequency burst, stairstep, modulated stairstep, white window, composite synch. Variable duty cycle. Regulated power supply. 12Vi" standard rack mounting or in carrying case. Integrates withabove model 1008-A Test Signal Keyer. am Write for Specifications & Details The Nation'* Leading Supplier of Co/or TV Equ/'pmenf 28 RANICR DRIVE AM1TYV1LLE, N. Y. Lincoln 1-3600 Cable Address: COLORTV ion13635 Victory Blvd.. Van Nuys, Calif., State 2-7479. Broadcasting June 2, 1958 • Page