Broadcasting Telecasting (Apr-Jun 1958)

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THIS OUTDOOR SEMINAR along the sea wall drew the entire RAB student body to discuss agency organization with visiting professor Alan Tripp (far right), president of Bauer, Adrian & Tripp, Philadelphia. The location: Old Greenwich, Conn. OLD PRO Kev Sweeney shows how it's done. In this case the demonstration is on the proper technique in using a "Vu-Graph." THIS TEAM (left) had to make a pitch to the "Black & White Agency" — one which never uses radio. Each student of the course took his turn before the skeptical panel. HOW TO KNOCK the competition (lightly) was demonstrated by this "team" pointing up the multiplicity of newspaper ads. ON THE VERANDA: A class gets the word on the operations of a coffee processor from mc VE ,w . , „ r Amort FhWs Toffee Co New York, another of the Edwin Ehlers Jr., vice president of Albert hnlers conee ^u., visiting professors who lectured during the week's course. Broadcasting ALL OVER: Mr. Sweeney, in academic regalia, presents "diplomas" during a somewhat-less-than-serious commencement. June 30, 1958 • Pase 65