Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1958)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Payable in advance. Checks and money orders only. • DEADLINE: Undisplayed — Monday preceding publication date. Display — Tuesday preceding publication date. • SITUATIONS WANTED 20tf per word — $2.00 minimum • HELP WANTED 254 per word — $2.00 minimum. • All other classifications 30tf per word — $4.00 minimum. • DISPLAY ads $20.00 per inch. • No charge for blind box number. Send replies to Broadcasting, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Applicants: If transcriptions or bulk packages submitted, $1.00 charge for mailing (Forward remittance separately, please). All transcriptions, photos, etc., sent to box numbers are sent at owner's risk. Broadcasting expressly repudiates any liability or responsibility for their custody or return. RADIO Help Wanted Stations selling mail order soecialties to senior citizens send rates to Box 268D, BROADCASTING. If you are a salesman and feel you are ready for a big market like Washington, D. C, contact WEAM, Arlington, Va. Management General manager, who can invest to purchase an interest and manage music and news in excellent metropolitan market. Box 254D, BROADCASTING. Sales Good experienced radio salesman who can produce in highly competitive northeast Texas market of 60,000. Network 250 watter long established, modern programming, strong promotion with good list of prospects. $100.00 week guarantee against 15%. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Good character and business references required. Box 958C, BROADCASTING. Texas opportunity for radio salesman. Guaranty and commission. List experience, billing, education, etc. Box 103D, BROADCASTING. Salesman wanted for well established daytime station in middle west market of 30,000 people. Send complete resume, references and photographs. Box 241D, BROADCASTING. Small market regional station in western state has sales opening. Some announcing duties. Right man can earn $7,000 to $8,500 per year. Outline experience and references. Box 278D, BROADCASTING. Are you eager to make easy money. Sell for a good music station that is getting results for their advertisers. KBKC is expanding sales staff. The person we are looking for lives with his accounts, loves radio, and likes to sell. Guaranteed salary and 15 percent commission. Hospitalization and insurance. Music and news station and 18th size market. Send account list, photo and background to Tom E. Beal, General Manager, Radio Station KBKC. 436 West 47th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. Account executives. Two stable, experienced sales-executive type men for local radio-tv time sales department. $8,000 to $10,000 year potential. Write, Keith Oliver, Sales Manager, WJIM, Lansing, Michigan. Looking for experienced man for established radio station who can sell in a good wide-open market. $125 per week guarantee against 15%. Mail complete information to Bill Ewing, WTUX, Wilmington, Delaware. New, sales minded ownership wants top-notch, experienced salesman for daytimer in Fort Worth, Texas. Commissions up to 20%. Prosperous market. Opportunity for producer to earn big money. Apply Bill Schueler, P. O. Box 7321, Ft. Worth. Announcers Expanding chain has immediate opening for experienced announcers at brand-new station in greater Pittsburgh area. Will be in operation in a few weeks. $90 to $95 per week to start, with regular raises and unusual opportunity for advancement into management. Minimum of 1 year experience required. All applicants must send tape, photo, resume with letter of application. Box 131D, BROADCASTING. Wanted: Announcer with first phone for all night deejay show; engineering secondary. No maintenance. Personality and newscasting talent are "musts". Salary open, commensurate with ability. Box 161D, BROADCASTING. Northeast CBS radio and tv affiliate looking for a good staff announcer, primarily for a.m. Good salary for right man. Send tape and resume. Box 200D, BROADCASTING. RADIO Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Announcers For better than average announcer-newsman, established kilowatter in pleasant prosperous Illinois city offers better-than-average-situation as to pay, extra benefits and opportunity. Must be sharp with general staff work including music, news, interviews and selling with a warm friendly personality. Send tape, resume to Box 220D. BROADCASTING Announcer-engineer. South Georgia 5 kw daytimer needs combination announcer-first class engineer immediately, emphasis on announcing. Southerners only. Box 232D, BROADCASTING. Good announcer wanted on daytime station in market of 30,000 in middle west. Prefer a man with first class ticket. Send tape, resume, photograph including references. Box 242D, BROADCASTING. Higher than average pay plus good future opportunities for an experienced announcer with higher than average ability and versitility. Key personal qualities we are looking for are sincerity, maturity, and intelligence. Send recent photo, resume, and 7V2 or 15 tape with first reply. Station located near Pittsburgh, Penna. Box 276D, BROADCASTING. If you are a country-rock-n'-roll disc jockey with a good character gimmick, there may be a spot for you in the St. Louis area. Send air check, experience, photograph, references and salary requirements to William Bailey. General Manager, WIBV, Belleville, Illinois. Tapes will be returned. KBUD, Athens, Texas, needs experienced, mature announcer. Salary commensurate with experience, ability. New Mexico independent needs experienced news-music announcer. KPBM, Carlsbad, New Mexico. Wanted: Announcer for a 1000 watt independent in city of 11.000 in southwest. Prefer an experienced radio man with knowledge of music, news and sports. Car necessary. Salary open. Some talent fees. Send full information, photo, tape and references to KSCB, Liberal, Kansas. KWKH, Shreveport, La., 50,000 watts CBS has opening for experienced staff announcer who knows folk music. Send tape and particulars to Program Director. Immediate opening for announcer-salesman interested in future. Contact Bill Tedrick, KWRT, Boonville, Missouri. Top dj personality for area's leading music, news station. Must be warm, friendly, with outstanding voice quality. Thorough experience a necessity. Excellent salary and working conditions. Send air check, tape and complete information immediately to Art Burnham, Program Director WEEX, Easton, Pa. WFRL, Freeport, Illinois, has immediate opening for experienced staff announcer. 48 hour week, overtime over 40 hours, paid vacations, free insurance, daytime operation. Write or call Bud Walters. Announcer also announcer with first phone for top independent. Top pay for right men. Hospitalization and retirement plan. Copywriting helpful. Contact Jim Duncan immediately, WGGH Marion, Illinois. Two staff announcers, must be experienced. One who knows hillbilly, one disc jockey for pop, news and staff duties. Send reference, tape and all information. Immediate opening. Prefer men with first class license but not essential. Radio Station WHNC, Henderson, N. C. Telephone 7136. St. Louis area radio station needs a stable family man, highly qualified in gathering, writing and airing local news. He must also be able to do a good air record show. If you think you can qualify, send tape, recent photograph, references, news writing samples, experience and salary requirements to William Bailey, WIBV, Belleville, Illinois. Tapes will be returned. Wanted: Experienced staff announcer 5000 watt midwest station. Send tape, picture, background to Manager, WKTY, LaCrosse, Wisconsin. RADIO Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Technical Transmitter engineer, no announcing. Car required. AM-FM station. Upstate New York. Box 981C, BROADCASTING. UHF-tv NBC affiliate, located in two station market, needs two transmitter engineers. 1 year experience necessary. Box 236D, BROADCASTING. Wanted: A first class engineer, announcer, good voice, strong on maintenance. No drifters wanted. Grow with a growing concern. Write Mike Donovan, Radio KANA, Anaconda, Montana, or call Logan 3-3443. Announcer-engineer first ticket, news-music station. WSHE, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Engineer-announcer for 250 watt progressive station. Settled, sober, good credit. Send tape and photo. R. H. Thompson, WWNS, Statesboro, Georgia. Production-Programming, Others Accountant with experience in television who wants change from cold north to warm balmy south in climate excellent for arthritis, TB, etc. NCR machine and outside CPA make up monthly reports. Woman preferred but man acceptable. Salary $350.00 per month with raise if work satisfactory. If applicant can handle monthly P and L starting salary $500.00. Write Box 126D, BROADCASTING. RADIO Situations Wanted Management Net flagship executive — exceptional local station experience, extensive background, program, promotion, administration. Box 246D, BROADCASTING. Young commercial manager, medium market experienced, college, married, seeks general management with investment opportunity. Box 257D, BROADCASTING. Young, aggressive, competent, and reputable family man to manage southeastern market station. Write for personal interview. Box 281D, BROADCASTING. 400 hitter seeking challenging opportunity in faster league. Station or sales manager. Fifteen years extensive experience. Can hit to all fields. Family man. Best references. Require $12,000. Have bats will travel. Box 284D, BROADCASTING. Successful sales manager-specialty announcer. Desires lucrative managership, college, married. Box 289D, BROADCASTING. Aggressive, experienced young man, with managerial experience, program, sales, promotion desires management independent station. Goal, build your station number one market. Presently employed. Western states preferred. Write to Box 293D, BROADCASTING. Manager-salesman. Presently managing No. 1 Pulse rated radio in eastern metropolitan city. Personally sell over 125,000 each year excluding national, agency and industry contacts. Best references including present company. I run stations on lowest overhead as possible. Box 297D, BROADCASTING. Married man, 47, desires managership. 10 years experience as announcer, combo-man, salesman, program director and manager. Former school teacher and violinist. Earl Whitener, Farmington, Missouri. Sales Account executive, basic CBS radio-tv affiliate in southeast. Desires network or agency position. Best references. Now in New York and available for personal interview. Write Box 271D, BROADCASTING. Broadcasting February 24, 1958 • Page 191