Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1958)

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RADIO Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Sales Salesman, reliable, operation, car, sober, married, announcer 10 years experience, midwest, references. Box 282D. BROADCASTING. Announcers Basketball, baseball, football announcer. Seven years experience. Finest of references. Box 570C, BROADCASTING. Attention sports minded stations. Exciting playby-play sportscaster, dj. 5 years experience. Employed. Married. References. Box 112D. BROADCASTING. OJ-announcer. Go anywhere. Ready now. Run own board. Can sell, too. Steady-no bad habits. Love to build audiences and grab accounts. Tape and resume. Box 166D, BROADCASTING. Have first phone. Want broadcast experience and learn board work and announcing. Can go anywhere. Will send tape. Box 178D, BROADCASTING. Announcer, 3 years experience seeks permanent position in upper midwest. Prefer Wisconsin or Illinois and live audition. Box 183D, BROADCASTING. Young sportscaster desires station with heavy play-by-plav program. Experienced in all phases of broadcasting. Box 230D, BROADCASTING. Experienced, married man. A-l voice. Los Angeles-DUnkirk 3-4600. Box 235D, BROADCASTING. Manager says I'm worth $10,000 a year as dj. Can't pay it. Settle for $150/week. Prefer night or all night. Witty, educated. Program "class" pops only. No r&r or "top". Large markets only. Now in top thirty as od but rather entertain. Box 237D. BROADCASTING. I don't come cheap. I'm probably not worth my current earnings of $25,000 a year. But, I'm friendly. Top morning show, 50 kw major market. Voice changes, characterizations, funny (?) material. Ten years radio; four years tv personality. Major collegiate basketball and football. Must leave present operation, because I hate it. Highest of previous references. Box 239D, BROADCASTING. Good midnight till dawn man, must earn $90. Wants good station. Box 240D, BROADCASTING. Announcer, experienced, first phone, no maintenance, good news, commercial, dj. Box 250D, BROADCASTING. Single midwest dj -newsman can relocate. Vet, college, tv and theater experience. Third phone. Tape on request. Box 251D. BROADCASTING. Announcer, newsman seeks permanent position with good organization. Box 256D, BROADCASTING. Top-rated dj seeks major market opportunity. Pleasant, informal style, salesmanship, good taste. Relocate anywhere. Box 264D, BROADCASTING. Experienced dj prefers country music. Location not essential. Almost immediate availability. Box 265D. BROADCASTING. 2 top rated 2'i hour shows. 6 davs. $150 minimum. Top jock 8 years. Box 267D, BROADCASTING. By golly!!! If you can find a better morning man, hire him! First, hear tape of hot Storz, Noemac jock with Pulse proven magnetic audience appeal. The Utopia of showmanship. Box 279D. BROADCASTING. RADIO Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcers Successful popular music deejay. Newscaster. Experienced. Negro. No accent. No jivetalk. lieiVrnires Travel Box 273D, BROADCASTING Negro personality-dj experienced, young, successful, mature, stable in key metro market. Wishes to relocate, married, college. Strong commercials, polished gift-of-gab. Knows all facets radio. Will travel. Box 285D, BROADCASTING. Experienced, staff announcer permanent position only. Six years on-air experience all phases. No overnight moves considered, family. Box 287D. BROADCASTING. Versatile radio announcer, personality dj. news, sportscasting, commercial selling. 23 vet, thoroughly trained bv Pat Kellv. Will relocate, tape, resume on request. Box 288D. BROADCASTING. Disc-jockey, experienced, vet, college, seeks opportunity. Tape and resume. Box 291D. BROADCASTING. Announcer, deejay, newscaster good voice, four vears experience first phone, no maintenance. Box 292D. BROADCASTING. Strong newsman, staff wants radio and /or television. Fine voice. Box 294D, BROADCASTING. Top-country dj personality, with library. Available March 15th. P. O. Box #35 or call 44-75081 Nashville, Tenn. Experienced play-by-play sports, news, announcer. Sober, settled. Paul Barnett. 1489 Wellington, Memphis, Tenn. Married announcer-newsman, experience 5 kw indie. Available immediately. Good references. John Holm, KBHS. Hot Springs, Ark., NA 36661. Experienced announcer and control man, go anywhere, available now. Frank Mrowicki, 626 Union Street, La Salle, Illinois. Announcer, 5 years experience, 26, vet. Seeking permanent position with good station. Prefer Florida, but will take good job anywhere. Good dj and news man. Write or wire Lloyd W. Nelson, Jr., Box 268, Milford, Mass. Wanted— Job with small station. Willing to learn. Don Ryan, Box 22, Eveleth, Minnesota. Technical Engineer, 1st class FCC radiotelephone license, experienced am-fm audio, desire position as field sales engineer, with leading electronics mfg. College, willing to relocate. Box 979C, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer, construction, maintenance, directionals, consulting. References. Family man seeking permanency. Immediate availability. Box 243D, BROADCASTING. Interested in position of chief engineer with new or established station. Experienced in all phases of new construction. Box 277D, BROADCASTING. Engineer, am and tv studio and transmitter experience. Good past record. Strong on maintenance. Box 283D, BROADCASTING. Combo, 2nd phone, 25, deep resonant voice, college graduate, vet. Attending O'Connell Technical Institute. Write: 731 45th Ave., San Francisco. 3rd ohone, 5 years, college, need job now. Will travel. Wayne Schutte, 613 E. 1st., Mitchell, S. D. RADIO Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Technical Engineer, first class radio-telephone, thoroughly experienced in transmitter, control room and remote. Best of references can be furnished. Desires immediate employment in east. Please ■ ontact Kit Bush, 1431 Brierwood Avenue, Havertown, Penna. Engineer-announcer, four years experience all phases, three chief. Want top production minded station. Now employed, references. Jack Teiken, Radio WOSH, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Production-Programming, Others News director, editor-4 years experience, radio, tv, college degree. Have natural equipment, work hard, eager. Write Box 231D, BROADCASTING. Steady, reliable man seeks position with a future. Five years with present employer, but want more permanent position. Available April or May first. Box 248D, BROADCASTING. Experienced broadcaster desires programming, publicity, or announcing position. Salary must be commensurate with nine years experience, plus university training. Box 260D, BROADCASTING. Sober, dependable family man age thirty. Five years radio. Strong, news gathering, reporting, special events. Experienced photography, public speaking, interviews. Desires television and/or radio news, special events. References. Box 261D, BROADCASTING. TELEVISION Help Wanted A nnouncers Newscaster: Eastern metropolitan vhf-radio. Cover beat, air results. $75. Box 244D, BROADCASTING. Announcer-Director by aggressive vfh station in a rapidly growing southeastern market. Must be experienced in all types of commercial announcing and capable of directing. Box 259D, BROADCASTING. TV announcer in strong vhf two-station market to handle all types of programming. Must be commercial and must have tv experience. Send photo, tape and background material to Program Director, WHIO-TV, Dayton, Ohio. Technical Assistant supervisor well established tv station in northeast with transmitter staff of 6, requires assistant transmitter supervisor. Must be technically qualified in measurement and maintenance of tv transmission equipment. Character and technical references required with application. Box 690B, BROADCASTING. Unusual opportunity for inexperienced man who wants on-the-job training in tv transmitter operation. First phone required. Box 691B. BROADCASTING. Assistant chief engineer needed by midwest network affiliate. The job consists of operational supervision, maintenance, and some operation. Box 249D, BROADCASTING. TELEVISION Situations Wanted Management Top producer in highly competitive prime eastern market for past four years in local and regional sales now looking for more responsibility. Present employer will give top references. Young, married and primarily interested in management future. Box 142D. BROADCASTING. Ten year profit making record sales manager/ general manager, established reputation. Now employed sales manager major market vhf-tv/ radio. High personal billings. Desire manager/ sales manager radio or tv. Thorough experience quality background. Stable family man. Bonafide personal reason only this inquiry decision. Must be confidential. Box 193D. BROADCASTING. Experienced, mature, employed program-sales executive, desires position as assistant to radio-tv general manager. Excellent in personnel, programming, national sales and fiscal planning. Best references current, past management. Write Box 252D, BROADCASTING. WIND Chicago Needs two experienced announcers with personality, judgment and ambition for music and news staff duties. Send resume and audition tape with first letter including broadcasting experience to David C. Croninger, WIND, 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chi cago 11, Illinois. Page 192 • February 24, 1958 Broadcasting