Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1958)

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TELEVISION FOR SALE— (Cont'd) FOR SALE — (Cont'd) Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Sales Sales background, references, photo mailed Immediately. $225 minimum. Write Box 892C, BROADCASTING. Employed national sales manager, also experienced in programming, desires similar position top thirty markets. Best rep and station references. Prefer station where sales are not currently satisfactory. Write Box 253D, BROADCASTING. Texas-souhwest tv-radio stations or advertising agency. Experienced sales manager-account executive. 11 years tv-radio all phases. Top record, references. Married, 35, college. Desires opportunity plus permanent position. Presently employed midwest. Box 266D, BROADCASTING. Announcers Radio know-how? I've got it! Now I'd like a radio-tv opportunity. Presently employed. Tape, resume available. Box 165D, BROADCASTING. Live-filmed commercial experience. Thoroughly trained tv-radio. Seeking permanent staff announcer position. Box 295D, BROADCASTING. Technical Engineer, 1st phone, desires permanent tv position, experienced am-fm-audio. 2 years ALTEC field engineer, 29, family, college. Box 225D, BROADCASTING. First phone, tv transmitter experience, desires permanent position radio or tv transmitter or mobile communication servicing, northeast Pennsylvania or Binghamton area. Box 270D, BROADCASTING. Production-Programming, Others Experienced tv radio newsman top midwest station desires relocation. Can write, edit, report, and deliver news. Photographic knowledge. Wants director, will take good staff job. Box 238D, BROADCASTING. Floorman at big city northern station wants to direct in smaller southern or western market. B.A., vet. Box 263D, BROADCASTING. TV program director with three years experience, currently in 75,000 set market. 32, married with two children, active churchman, senior college, seeks position in larger southwest market as program director or assistant. Box 269D, BROADCASTING. Young woman with taste for producing educational programs desires job in coordinating educational programs of commercial station with schools, colleges, civic organizations or public services. Can announce, write, do program planning and handle publicity. Box 280D, BROADCASTING. Production co-ordinator. National syndicated half-hour film series seen in 54 markets, seeks position with progressive tv station. Will relocate. Box 296D, BROADCASTING. Job abolished in CBS retrenchment. TV producer, four years network credits, seeks employment Washington area. Know all phases network production, public affairs, convention coverage. Ten years reportorial experience including six years Washington. B.A. Top references. Box 298D, BROADCASTING. We must let man go in economy wave. He is announcer, director, knows production, news, studio, remote, familiar with sales. Highly recommended. Needs job right away. Contact Program Manager, WTVP, Decatur, Illinois. FOR SALE House trailer converted into mobile studio and control room with plateglass studio window, built-in audio equipment including three-speed turntables. Ready to roll, $1600.00. Ernie Pate, WBIG Greensboro, N. C. D.J.'s — New original comedy material, record intros, skits. Vol. I, $1.00. SPOT Productions, 175 Lakeshore Dr., Lake Hiawatha, N. J. Stations For sale 500 watt daytime radio station. Exclusive 30,000 population county market in central Texas. Box 169D, BROADCASTING. Southwest, ideal climate. Metropolitan daytimer independent by owner. Box 255D, BROADCASTING. Stations VHF television station in growing market and region priced at estimated fair market value. Financing can be arranged for responsible purchasers. Paul H. Chapman Company, 1182 West Peachtree, Atlanta. Middle Atlantic, medium market, $65,000, terms. Chapman Company, 17 East 48th, New York. Small market Florida station, $12,000 down payment. Chapman Company, 1182 West Peachtree, Atlanta. Alabama, medium market. $75,000, terms. Chapman Company, 1182 West Peachtree, Atlanta. Northeast single station market, $125,000, 50% cash down payment. Chapman Company, 17 East 48th, New York. VHF-tv station, $450,000, terms. Chapman Company, 1182 West Peachtree, Atlanta. Norman & Norman, Inc., 510 Security Bldg., Davenport, Iowa. Sales, purchases, appraisals, handled with care and discretion. Experienced. Former radio and television owners and operators. Write now for our free bulletin of outstanding radio and tv buys throughout the United States. Jack L. Stoll & Associates, 6381 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Equipment UHF equipment, used, 1 kw GE transmitter, GE TY-24-B helical 4-bay antenna and all studio and transmitter equipment necessary for live, film and network operation. Available immediately. Very reasonable. Box 691C, BROADCASTING. 1 RCA fm transmitter BTF— 250A with frequency and modulation monitor. Very reasonable. Available immediately. Box 234D, BROADCASTING. Hewlett 600BR audio osc. $75.00. 4 Electro Voice 635 mikes new $40.00 each, 4-$150. Prices FOB. Box 262D. BROADCASTING. RCA 1 kw fm transmitter with harmonic filter and built in variable pre-emphasis network. Available around the 1st of June. For particulars write or call Mr. Murchison, KPOL, Los Angeles 5, Calif. 1-GE limiting amplifier type BA-5-A complete with GE power supply type BP-4-A in excellent condition. Price $250.00. Ernie Pate, WBIG Greensboro, N. C. Presto 16" inside-out recording lathe with Audak cutting head (recently factory rebuilt). Also brand new Gates remote meter kit with 3" meter (0-5RFA), thermocouple, rheostat, chokes and capacitors. $50 for lathe or kit. Chief Engineer, WBKV, West Bend, Wisconsin. 540 feet of Andrews 3V8 inch if 452 vhf transmission, 4 elboes, gas barrier, gas inlet coupling, miscellaneous hangers, expansion joints, insulators, etc. New, never uncrated. Contact Manager, WLNA, Peekskill, New York. Magnecord M-90. Year old. Full track. Little used. Reasonable. Grant, 2336 Commonwealth, Chicago, Illinois. Equipment Two federal model FTL 27B microwave units, 2000 mcs, 10-watt output power with four 10foot dishes; ideal for long haul, can be multiplexed if desired. Formerly used to feed area now served by BELLTEL; $3,750 each. WTCN Minneapolis, Minnesota. Video monitors — ■ 8 megacycle — plug-in construction. Miratel monitors are used by 80% of the present television stations. 14"-$215.00, 17"$219.00, 21"-$259.00. Factory direct sales. Why pay master monitor prices for your utility requirements? Our monitors have been delivered under several trade names! Write — Miratel, Inc., 1080 Dionne St., St. Paul 13, Minnesota. WANTED TO BUY Stations Have $20,000. Do you want to retire and pass along responsibility for radio station in west or southwest with greater earning potential in return for monthly income? No brokers. Box 247D, BROADCASTING. Equipment Good used 5 kw air-cooled transmitter and 3 head Magnecorder. Box 233D. BROADCASTING. Wanted, 10 kw fm transmitter and associated equipment including tower. Complete details to Box 258D, BROADCASTING. Gat?s studioette speech imput console type 52CS, or RCA single channel console. Chief Engineer, WBKV, West Bend. Wisconsin. Wanted: Audio consolette. WDOR. Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. New or used carrier-current transmitter and console for school radio station. Limited budget. WGLG, Emory, Virginia. FM transmitter: 250W, 1 or 3 kw with monitors. Prefer GE or RCA. Box 221, Lebanon, Tennessee. List with us, net to you. We have buyers for radio and tv stations. HOLCO, 514 Hemp. Ave., W. Hempstead, N. Y. INSTRUCTIONS FCC first phone preparation by correspondence or in resident classes. Our schools are located in Hollywood, California and Washington, D. C. For free booklet, write Grantham School, Desk B2, 821 19th Street, N. W.. Washington, D. C. FCC first phone license in six weeks. Guaranteed instruction by master teacher. Phone FLeetwood 2-2733. Elkins Radio License School, 3605 Regent Drive, Dallas, Texas. Since 1946. The original course for FCC 1st phone license. 5 to 6 weeks. Reservations required. Enrolling now for classes starting March 5, May 1, June 25, September 3, October 29. For information, references and reservations write William B. Ogden Radio Operational Engineering School, 1150 West Olive Avenue, Burbank, California. Make your RADIO and TV future secure with a First Class F. C. C. License GRANTHAM TRAINGING PREPARES YOU Grantham School of Electronics specializes in preparing students to pass FCC examinations. We train you quickly and well. All courses begin with basic fundamentals — NO previous training required. Beginners get 1st class commercial (not amateur) license in 12 weeks! A few of our recent graduates, the class of license they got, and how long it took them: License Weeks Edward Dahl, 7800 Old Chester Rd., Bethesda, Md. 1st 11 Beamon Meares, 1536.17th St., NW, Washington, DC. 1st 11 Larry Pacifico, 65 Main St., Roseto, Pa. 1st 12 Basil D'lmperio, 2223 H St., NW, Washington, D.C. 1st 12 John Ward, 407 E. Cowden Ave., Midland, Texas 1st 10 Herbert Halbig, 315 Park St., Tupper Lake, N.Y. 1st 11 Vregh Godoshian, 312 E. Wilson St., Pontiac, Mich. 1st 11 Antone Mello, 68 Union St., Nantucket, Mass. 1st 10 James Farish, 926 Cardone Ave., Reno, Nev. 1st 12 Charles Page, General Delivery, Yuma, Ariz. 1st 16 James Craig, 4004-19th St., S., Arlington, Va. 1st 11 TWO COMPLETE SCHOOLS: To better serve our many students throughout the entire country, Grantham School of Electronics maintains two complete schools — one in Hollywood, California and one in Washington, D. C. Both schools offer the same rapid courses in FCC license preparation, either home study or resident classes. MAIL TO SCHOOL NEAREST YOU. Grantham Schools, Desk B-6 $ 821 Itth Street N. W. flD I90S N. Wertorn A»». Wuhlaitsn 8. 0. C. UH Hollywood £7. Calif. Plots* lend mo your free booklet, telling how 1 na let my commercial FCC Ueonio quickly. Nome . Adareeo City sat* , Broadcasting February 24, 1958 • Page 193