Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1958)

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They told us one day that the mouse was moving. But were we dismayed? On the contrary, it created the kind of challenge that KSLA-TV personnel absolutely thrives upon. They could take the mouse but by golly, we'd keep the 27.9 rating! So we created a show of our own by wrapping a Salt named Captain Holly around POPEYE and Looney Tunes Cartoons. And to let the kids know that POPEYE AND HIS PALS were coming to town we staged a contest and promotion the success of which nearly blew us all down! The ratings? 27.9 for POPEYE 15.4 for the mouse, and we haven't even eaten our spinach yet! basic channel 3^25 shreveport, la. Represented by PAUL H. RAYMER CO., INC