Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1958)

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PEOPLE A WEEKLY REPORT OF FATES AND FORTUNES ADVERTISERS & AGENCIES « Rollin C. Smith Jr., > vice president and head of art department, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, to senior vice president. With OB&M since 1950, Mr. Smith previously was art director at McCann-Erickson and N. W. Ayer & Son. Vergil D. Reed, vice president and economist, J. Walter Thompson Co., will retire June 30 from agency to join Michigan State U. as professor of marketing in College of Business and Public Service. Appointment, effective Sept. 1, was approved March 20 by State Board of Agriculture which governs university. In his 14year career with JWT, Mr. Reed rose from associate director of research to his current position. Paul M. Visser, account ► executive, Gardner Adv., St. Louis, elected vice president. He has been account executive at Gardner since 1953. ■< Donald W. Walton, sales promotion manager, D. P. Brother & Co., Detroit, named vice president in charge of merchandising services. Before joining agency in 1955, Mr. Walton was with Ross, Roy and Maxon Inc., both Detroit, and Meldrum & Fewsmith, Cleveland. Alice M. Westbrook, creative director, North Adv., Chicago, elected vice president. James Cope, vice president for corporate market planning at Chrysler Corp., Detroit, has resigned. Paul C. Smith, former president, CrowellCollier Publishing Co. (KFWB Los Angeles) and executive editor, San Francisco Chronicle, to vice president and treasurer, American Export Lines, N. Y. Charles Willard, formerly with McCannErickson, N. Y., has joined Doherty, Clifford, Steers & Shenfield, that city, as timebuyer. Jack Schluter, account executive at Atherton, Mogge, Privett, L. A., for past three years, to Stromberger, Lavene, McKenzie, that city, in similar capacity. Ralph B. Trieger, formerly sales promotion manager of WBBM-TV Chicago, to R. Jack Scott Inc., that city, as account executive on H-A Hair Arranger account. Herbert F. Grayson, formerly director of information services at WBBM-AM-TV Chicago, appointed account executive and Broadcasting director of public relations at Mohr & Eicoff Inc., Chicago agency specializing in mail order accounts. Arthur E. Larkin Jr., vice president of George A. Hormel Co. (meatpackers), to marketing manager, Maxwell House Div., General Foods Corp., White Plains, N. Y. Mr. Larkin, who assumes his post April 15, will take charge of overall advertising for instant Maxwell House, instant Sanka, and regular-ground Maxwell House, Sanka, Yuban and Bliss coffees. George Forman, formerly director of advertising and sales promotion, Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp., to Lewyt Corp. (vacuum cleaners). Long Island City, N. Y., as advertising and sales promotion manager. Seymour Chodorkoff, formerly with FlavR-Straws, Mt. Vernon, N. Y, as advertising and sales promotion manager, to DWG Cigar Corp. in similar capacity. Robert Pearson, senior copywriter, Ketchum MacLeod, & Grove, Pittsburgh, named director of sales and technical literature. Other appointments: Alvin B. Berry, General Electric Corp., joins agency as account executive and Frederick C. McCormack Jr., director of radio-tv for Erwin Wasey, Ruthrauff & Ryan, Philadelphia, named timebuyer at KM&G. Richard F. Kieling, media research supervisor and research account head, Ted Bates & Co., to P. Lorillard Co. as marketing research director. Winifred S. Snyder, with Foote, Cone & Belding for 14 years, joins North Adv., Chicago, as copywriter. J. O. Peckham Jr. promoted from statistical control department to client service executive for food and drug manufacturers' products at A. C. Nielsen Co., international marketing research firm. Gladys Blair, public ► service account supervisor at Young & Rubicam, selected Chicago Advertising Woman of Year for 1958 by Women's Adv. Club of Chicago at dinner meeting March 18. She is past president of Women's Adv. Club of Chicago and past vice president of Chicago Federated Adv. Club. Edward F. Molyneux, 62, art director of Cunningham & Walsh, N. Y., for past 28 years, died March 24 at St. Luke's hospital in New York. He joined Frank Seaman Inc. agency as topographer in 1918, became Newell-Emmett Co.'s first art director when agency was formed in 1919 and was elected vice president of Cunningham & Walsh, N-E's successor. FILM Bill Kersey, active for many years in Milwaukee radio and tv, has opened Bill Kersey Productions at 2809 N. 77th St., that city. In addition to program package production, firm will produce transcribed radio and live tv commercials. James H. Kimberly, formerly with KimberlyClark Corp. (Kleenex tissues, other products), Neenah, Wis., appointed vice president in charge of business development at Kling Film Studios, Chicago. He is son of James R. Kimberly, president of KimberlyClark. James B. F. Boyce, previously with Young & Rubicam, N. Y., as account executive, appointed eastern station relations manager of NTA Film Network. Hillard Elkins, formerly tv talent department head at William Morris Agency, has joined Mills-Park-Milford, New York television producing and packaging firm, as director of sales and sales planning. James Troy, in addition to his present position in charge of business affairs, has been made responsible for sales promotion and public relations. In realignment, Ted Mills and Ben Park, founders of company, will concentrate on live and film program development and production and partner Gene Milford will direct film production operations. Jack Boyle, Mike Wims, M. W. Wilson, Clyde Bailey and Richard Windon, sales representatives, Alexander Film Co., Colorado Springs, Colo., promoted to district sales managers. Jerry Liddiard, formerly with Guild Films, has been appointed eastern sales manager for Comet Distributing Corp., which handles 210 half-hour Space Patrol tv shows. He has opened offices at 425 E. 63rd St., N. Y. Murray Oken, formerly director of film distribution for Colonial Williamsburg Inc., Williamsburg, Va., appointed midwest division manager of Trans-Lux Television Corp., N. Y., headquartering in Chicago. Patricia J. Trumbull, program coordinator of Cross Country agricultural film tv series at Fred A. Niles Productions, Chicago, has resigned. Her duties are being handled by Ruth L. Ratny, assistant sales manager and promotion-publicity director. Lou Asher, 52, chief property man for Lassie tv series for five years, died March 25 of cancer, following six-week illness. STATIONS Richard Gerken, general manager, WHIM Providence, R. I., also becomes stockholder, president and director of Buckley Jaeger Broadcasting Corp., owners of WHIM. FCC has approved application providing for 20% stock transfer of station to Mr. Gerken. Tom E. Beal, general manager, KBKC Mission, Kan., named president of board of directors of Mission Broadcasters Inc., operators of KBKC. Roland L. Filiault, accounting staff, WWLP (TV) Springfield, Mass., elected treasurer of Springfield TV Broadcasting Corp., succeeding William L. Putnam, re-elected by board as president and to devote his full time to March 31, 1958 Page 101