Broadcasting Telecasting (Jul-Sep 1958)

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HOWARD BARRETT, General Manager Like Hundreds of Broadcasters . . . General Manager HOWARD BARRETT KNIT Abilene, Texas and Chief Engineer JOHN E. TURNER Selected STAINLESS TOWERS JOHN E. TURNER, Chief Engineer LEARN WHY MANY BROADCASTERS CHOOSE y\ STAINLESS TOWERS M ^Jjf \ f°r Informative iS — Literature. <r i o+ainless, me. NORTH WALES • PENNSYLVANIA FOR THE RECORD continued SUMMARY Compiled by Lie. 3,028 524 4151 OF STATUS OF BROADCASTING ON AIR Cps 73 36 94" AM, FM, through Sept CP Not on air 103 92 116 AM FM Tv (Commercial) OPERATING TELEVISION STATIONS Compiled by BROADCASTING through Sept. VHF UHF Commercial 425 83 Non-Commercial 27 8 COMMERCIAL STATION BOXSCORE As reported by FCC through July 31 TV . 4 TOTAL APPLICATIONS For new stations 577 69 125 TOTAL 508' 334 am FM TV Licensed (all on air) 3,235 530 422 CPs on air (new stations) 36 22 92 CPs not on air (new stations) 105 93 114 Total authorized stations 3,376 645 667 Applications for new stations (not in hearing) 412 36 47 Applications for new stations (in hearing) 109 30 58 Total applications for new stations 521 66 105 Applications for major changes (not in hearing) 311 19 35 Applications for major changes (in hearing) 41 0 16 Total applications for major changes 352 19 51 Licenses deleted 0 2 1 CPs DELETED 2 0 3 1 There are, in addition, nine tv stations which are no longer on the air, but retain their licenses. 3 There are, in addition, 37 tv cp-holders which were on the air at one time but are no longer in operation and one which has not started operation. * There have been, in addition, 177 television cps granted, but now deleted (33 vhf and 144 uhf). « There has been, in addition, one uhf educational tv station granted but now deleted. sioner Craven not participating. Initial decision of Feb. 3 looked toward simultaneous operation of KOB and WABC on 770 kc but as Class 1-B stations. (KOB is licensed on 1030 kc, 10 kw, unl„ and is operating under SSA on 770 kc, 50 kw-LS, 25 kw-N; WABC is licensed on 770 kc, 50 kw, unl.) Announced Sept. 3. OTHER ACTIONS Commission on September 3 directed preparation of documents looking toward: Reopening record in proceeding involving applications of Northwest Bcstrs. Inc., for new am station to operate on 1540 kc. 1 kw, DA, unl., in Bellevue, Wash., and Rev. Haldane James Duff for new station on 1540 kc, 10 kw, DA, unl. in Seattle, Wash. Initial decision of Sept. 23, 1957, looked toward granting Northwest and denying Duff application; Denying petition of Crawfordsville Bcstrs. Inc., to reopen record and amend application in proceeding involving its application and that of J. E. Willis for new am stations to operate on 1410 kc, 1 kw, D, DA, in Crawfordsville and Lafayette, Ind., respectively. Initial decision of March 19 proposed grant to Willis and denial of Crawfordsville; Granting application of Allegan County Bcstrs. for new am station to operate on 1580 kc, 250 w, D, in Allegan, Mich., and Booth Bcstg. Co. to increase power of WJVA South Bend, Ind., from 250 w to 1 kw, continuing operation on 1580 kc, D. Initial decision of May 1 looked toward granting both applications; Denying petition of WOV Bcstg. Corp. (WOV), New YorK, N. Y., for reconsideration of May 7 decision which granted application of WGLI Inc., for new am station (WGLI) to operate on 1290 kc, 1 kw, DA-1, unl., in Babylon (village), N. Y., but affording WOV to file amended pleading to state with specificity facts officially noticed by Commission which petitioner controverts; and Denying petition by South Miami Bcstg. Inc. (former applicant for new am station in South Miami, Fla.) and motion by Louis G. Jacobs to enlarge issues in proceeding on Jacobs application for a new am station (990 kc, 5 kw, DA, unl.) in Miami-South Miami, Fla., and application of Pompano Beach Bcstg. Corp. for new station (980 kc, 1 kw, DA, D) in Pompano Beach, Fla. Initial decision of Aug. 13 looked toward grant of both applications. By memorandum opinion and order. Commission denied motion by WDAY Inc. (WD AY -TV, ch. 6), Fargo, N. D., intervenor, for enlargement of issues in hearing on application of North Dakota Bcstg. Co., for new tv station to operate on ch. 11 in Fargo, N. D. Initial decision of May 27 looked toward grant of North Dakota application. Announced Sept. 3. By memorandum opinion and order, Commission denied as moot petition by South Norfolk Bcstg. Co., to enlarge issues in Denbigh-South Norfolk-Virginia Beach, Va., am proceeding; on own motion, enlarged issues to determine whether Denbigh Bcstg. Co. proposes to serve primarily .particular city, town, or other political subdivision as contemplated by Sect. 3.30(a) of Continues on page 107 YOUR COPY If you haven t received your copy of Collins new Broadcast Equipment Catalog, simply mail a request on your station's letterhead to the address below. The catalog lists and describes Collins complete Broadcast line . . . everything needed to put a station on the air, modernize or expand it. You'll find more than equipment, too. There are reactance, ground conductivity and db charts, suggested station layouts, color codes, and other helpful technical information. Mail your request today to Broadcast Sales, Collins Radio Co., 315 Second Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Your free copy of Collins new Broadcast Equipment Catalog will be sent to you in the return mail. CREATIVE LEADER IN COMMUNICATION Page 102 • September 8, 1958 Broadcasting