Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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have 819 tv stations, USIA reported. Communist bloc countries have 166 outlets, with USSR having added 20 new stations in past six months, Czechoslovakia and Poland two each and East Germany one. In 1956 there will be 161 tv stations in the Soviet Union, an increase of 68 over the current total of 93, according to an analysis of tv developments in that country issued recently by the Institute for the Study of the U.S.S.R., Munich, Germany. Rapid expansion of Soviet tv, through "enormous" sums poured into tv by the Communist Party Central Committee, is apparent frorruthe fact that the number of outlets there increased from 2 in 1940 to 12 in 1955, 30 in 1957 and 62 in 1958, the institute reported. USIA also reports • Free world countries gained 2.2 million receiving sets, with the total now 24 million. Communist bloc stations gained 200,000 receivers for a total of 4 million. For the first time, Communist China has announced 5,000 sets in use in the Peiping area. Red China has three tv stations operating. Increased activity in Africa and the Near East also was noted by USIA. The Central African Federation (Rhodesia and Nyasaland) expect to have tv next year; Ghana is considering establishment of the system; Liberia plans to have it by December and Western Nigeria by the end of this month. In the near East, Lebanon has inaugurated tv service; United Arab Republic has launched construction and Israel expects to have tv within two years. In other parts of the globe, USIA reported that India's experimental tv service began Sept. 15, and in Japan six government-owned and 12 commercial stations went on air in past six months — with the set count reaching 3 million. FOR THE RECORD Station Authorizations, Applications As Compiled by Broadcasting Oct. 13 through Oct. 20. Includes data on new stations, changes in existing stations, ownership changes, hearing cases, rules & standards changes and routine roundup. Abbreviations: DA — directional antenna, cp — construction permit. ERP — effective radiated power, vhf — very high frequency, uhf — ultra high frequency, ant. — antenna, aur. — aural, vis. — visual, kw — kilowatts, w — watts, mc — megacycles. D — day. N — night. IS — local sunset, mod. — modification, trans. — transmitter, unl. —unlimited hours, kc — kilocycles. SCA — subsidiary communications authorization. SSA — special service authorization. STA— special temporary authorization. SH — specified hours. * — educational. Ann. Announced. New Tv Stations APPLICATIONS Alamosa, Colo. — Star Bcstg. Inc. vhf ch. 3 (60-66 mc); ERP 14.84 kw vis., 7.42 kw aur.; ant. height above average terrain 211 ft. Estimated construction cost $60,000, first year operating cost $75,000, revenue $75,000. P.O. address 2226 Television Lane, Pueblo, Colo. Studio-trans, location Alamosa', on U.S. 285, l'mile south of U.S. 160. Geographic coordinates 37° 27' 07" N.Lat., 105° 52' 49" W.Long. Trans. RCA TT-5A, ant. RCA TF3C. Star Bcstg. Inc. is licensee of KCSJAM-TV Pueblo, Colo. Star is owned by Bankers Life and Casualty Co., Chicago. 111. Ann. Oct. 15. Wausau, Wis. — VaUey Telecasting Co. vhf ch. 9 (186-192 mc); ERP 143 kw vis., 74 kw aur.; ant. height above average terrain 549 ft. Estimated construction cost $94,378, first year operating cost $180,000, revenue $80,000. P.O. address Mason and Roosevelt Sts., Green Bay, Wis. Studio-trans, location Marathon County, Wis., 3.5 miles south of Bevent. Geographic coordinates 44° 43' 29" N.Lat., 89° 24' 32" W.Long. Trans. RCA TT11AH, ant. RCA TW-158. Legal counsel McKenna & Wilkinson, 1735 DeSales St. NW, Washington, D.C. Consulting engineer George P. Adair Engineering Co., 1610 I St. NW, Washington, D.C. Principals include Clayton Ewing, S.N. Pickard and others Mr. Ewing is in engineering and real estate. Mr. Pickard is owner of WNAM Neenah, Wis., and owner of Neenah -Menasha Bcstg. Inc. licensee of WFRV Green Bay. Ann. Oct. 15. Existing Tv Stations CALL LETTERS ASSIGNED *WCIQ (TV) Munford, Ala.— Alabama Educational Television Commission. Changed from WTIQ (TV). KVUE TV Sacramento, Calif . — Capitol Television Co. Changed from KCCC-TV. New Am Stations APPLICATIONS Duluth, Minn. — Linton D. Hargreaves 1390 kc, 500 w D. P.O. address Box 3034, Eastbrook Station, Montgomery, Ala. Estimated construction cost $7,484, first year operating cost $36,000, revenue $47,000. Applicant is general manager and 25% owner of WMGY Montgomery, Ala. Ann. Oct. 14. Bolivar, Mo. — Shepard of the Hills Bcstg. Co. 1550 kc, 500 w D. P.O. address Bolivar, Mo. Estimated construction cost $23,950, first year operating cost $42,000, revenue $48,000. Applicants are Robert F. Neathery and L.C. McKenney, equal partners. Mr. Neathery is majority owner of KWPM-AM-FM West Plains, KALM Thayer, KUKU Willow Springs, all Missouri, and KAMS-FM Mammoth Springs, Ark. He is 50% owner of KBHM Branson, Mo. Mr. McKenney is owner of KRMO Monett, and 50% owner of KBHM Branson, both Missouri. He is owner of KMDO Fort Scott, Kan. Ann. Oct. 20. Sag Harbor, N.Y.— The Hamptons Bcstg. Co. 1600 kc, 500 w D. P.O. address % Fitzgerald Smith, 116 W. 48th St., New York, N.Y. Estimated construction cost $17,000, first year operating cost $35,000, revenue $48,000. Applicant is Fitzgerald Smith who is radio-tv producer-writer. Ann. Oct. 20. Cherryville, N.C. — Cherryville Bcstg. Inc. 1590 kc, 500 w. P.O. address 109 E. Sycamore St., Lincolnton, N.C. Estimated construction cost $14,205, first year operating cost $24,000, revenue $30,000. Applicant is Jack W. Franks. Mr. Franks is in small loan and memorial park businesses. Ann. Oct. 20. Myrtle Creek, Ore. — Earl McKinley Trabue 1010 kc, 5 kw D. P.O. address 724 South 4th St., Springfield, Ore. Estimated construction cost $12,500, first year operating cost $24,000, revenue $31,000. Applicant is employed in plywood manufacture. Ann. Oct. 19. Existing Am Stations APPLICATIONS KWTC Barstow, Calif.— Cp to increase daytime power from 250 w to 1 kw and install new trans. (1230 kc). Ann. Oct. 14. WHOO Orlando, Fla. — Cp to increase daytime power from 10 kw to 50 kw, change from DA-N to DA-2, make changes in ant. system (1 additional tower) and install new trans, for daytime use (990 kc), Ann. Oct. 19. KRXK Rexburg, Idaho — Cp to increase daytime power from 250 w to 1 kw and install new trans, for daytime use (1230 kc). Ann. Oct. 15. WZIP Covington, Ky.— Mod. of license to change station and studio location from Covington, Ky. to Cincinnati, Ohio (1050 kc). Ann. Oct. 14. WKHM Jackson, Mich. — Cp to increase daytime power from 1 kw to 5 kw and install new trans. (970 kc). Ann. Oct. 20. WROB West Point, Miss.— Cp to increase daytime power from 250 w to 1 kw and install new trans. (1450 kc). Ann. Oct. 14. KWRE Warrenton, Mo. — Cp to increase 119 EDWIN TORNBERG & COMPANY, INC. NEGOTIATORS FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF RADIO AND TELEVISION STATIONS EVALUATIONS j k FINANCIAL ADVISERS NEW YORK 60 East 42nd Street MUrray Hill 7-4242 WEST COAST 860 Jewell Avenue Pacific Grove, California FRontier 2-7475 WASHINGTON 1625 Eye Street, N.W. District 7-8531 BROADCASTING, October 26, 1959