Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Payable in advance. Checks and money orders only.) (FINAL DEADLINE — Monday preceding publication date.) • SITUATIONS WANTED 20tf per word — $2.00 minimum • HELP WANTED 25tf per word — $2.00 minimum. • DISPLAY ads #20.00 per inch— STATIONS FOR SALE advertising require display space. • All other classifications 304 per word — $4.00 minimum. • No charge for blind box number. Send replies to Broadcasting, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Applicants: If transcriptions or bulk packages submitted, $1.00 charge for mailing (Forward remittance separately, please). All transcriptions, photos etc., sent to box numbers are sent at owner's risk. Broadcasting expressly repudiates any liability or responsibility for their custody or return. RADIO Help Wanted — (Cont'd) Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Help Wanted — Management Will give 15% interest of in-the-black Carolina 250 station plus salary to top qualified sales manager-air personality. No investment, no gimmick. Write fully stating earnings, billings, availability, etc. Box 883P, BROADCASTING. Take off your ear-muffs . . . remove your rubbers . . . relax and listen to this heartwarming message. Here's your big chance to make the move to sunny California. We're building a brand new station (the second) in a California market that is really booming with a gigantic military installation. We need a manager, a sales manager, and sales staff. We'll pay top salaries . . . you'll have excellent opportunities for advancement with our expanding station group. You can name your own deal as manager or sales-manager if you are worth $750.00 per month guarantee plus some form of profit-sharing. Apply in detail (including photograph) to Box 961P, BROADCASTING. All Replies treated with strictest confidence. Have opening for selling manager who can operate profitably with small staff in middle Atlantic state medium market. Send complete background details, etc. to Box 107R, BROADCASTING. Pittsburgh area station wants experienced announcer with first class ticket who is seeking an opportunity to move into management. $120 per week to start. Must be competent announcer, married, have car, good employment history. Send audition tape, personal history employment record and photograph. Box 117R, BROADCASTING. Wanted . . . Radio station manager with sales ability, top engineer, announcer, salesman. Place . . . new station Key West, Florida. Good salary and commission. Must have proven record and good references. Permanent and good future. Write giving full history and details. Applications confidential R. E. Hook. Aliceville, Ala. Manager-sales/programming — new fm station Chicago-suburban area. Must know fm selling. Opportunity for loyal, hard-working, community-minded person. $150,000,000 market plus. Write in confidence, experience, salary, etc. John D. Morgan, WNWC, Box 26, Arlington Heights, Illinois. Aggressive manager, for expanding chains. New 5000 watt Fargo, N.D. indie. Attractive salary, beautiful incentive plan. Our successful managers become partners. Must be strong on sales and promotion. Gene Williams, W. 411-33rd, Spokane, Washington. Sales Northern Ohio medium market needs 2 men, building for top grosses, experienced men only. Box 308P, BROADCASTING. Sales manager. Major central Ohio market top money and future for man who loves to sell. Box 667P, BROADCASTING. Aggressive, experienced radio salesman with at least 2 years fulltime radio selling experience. Only those with successful sales record need apply. Position in metropolitan market south Florida. Salary and commission open. Tell all in first letter, include references. Box 740P, BROADCASTING. $125.00 weekly for salesmen. Also bonus and commission. Metropolitan market east coast. Opportunity unlimited. Box 865P. BROADCASTING Sales Sales $100-$150 weekly guarantee plus commission and bonus plan for aggressive selfstarter salesmen. Top station Washington, D.C. market. Box 867P, BROADCASTING. Sales representative: We will pay top salary plus bonus for an energetic, ambitious, experienced sales person for the #1, 30 year radio station in western Arkansas. Town of 60,000 on Oklahoma border— network affiliation. Wonderful living conditions in the heart of this vacation paradise. Get away from the big town rat race and learn how to live at an easier pace. Send photo, references, and full experience in first letter. All replies confidential. Box 876P, BROADCASTING. Top sales producer needed for top 5,000 watt station in fast growing California market of 300,000. The right man will have chance to become sales manager. Salary plus commission or guarantee against commission. Send full details of background and references plus picture to Box 903P, BROADCASTING. Florida east coast top station in market looking for top-notch salesman. Box 929P BROADCASTING. Excellent New York market, sound station, good people, offers wonderful opportunity in sales. Training provided. Potential five figures. Box 937P, BROADCASTING. Wanted. Salesmen who can produce for country and western station in California. Write Box 950P, BROADCASTING. Commercial manager— Outstanding opportunity for aggressive young producer to take over major eastern sales department. Excellent income arrangement and chance for promotion to higher management with multi -ownership group. Box 953P, BROADCASTING. Salesmen — Two — Excellent chance to earn top income and grow into management. We promote from within. Major and small market opportunity— seven stations. Box 954P, BROADCASTING. Aggressive. Good opportunity in growing pleasant, competitive major southeast market. Complete details first letter. Box 983P, BROADCASTING. Aggressive, experienced radio salesman in well established CBS station in Michigan market. Excellent opportunity. Furnish all details first letter. Immediate opening. Box 986P, BROADCASTING. Radio sales manager for number one station. Multiple ownership. Outstanding opportunity for experienced man. Send details Box 998P, BROADCASTING. Salesman. Preferably some experience medium market. Small staff operation in middle east. Send background and etc. to Box 108R, BROADCASTING. Wanted: Radio-tv and newspaper salesmen. If you can produce, make up to $350.00 per week! 601-705 Olive, St. Louis 1, Missouri. CH. 1-6656. California, KCHJ, Delano. Serves 1,300,000. Increasing sales staff. Wanted, experienced salesman, salary plus commission. Furnish complete background and references. Contact Sam W. Anderson, Manager, KFAA, Helena, Ark. We have opening for progressive salesman who would like to join real progressive top rated station that really swings. Excellent opportunity for the right man. Send full details to Radio Station WSHE, Raleigh, North Carolina. Salesman wanted immediately by WLOF, Orlando, Florida. Good salary guaranteed, incentive bonus arrangements, outstanding fringe benefits with long established, top rated, modern music and news operation. Brand new housing plentiful and inexpensive. Living conditions unrivaled. Tell all in first letter. Write Mr. Howard Kester, General Manager, WLOF Radio, P.O. Box 5756, Orlando, Florida. Announcers South Florida metropolitan market, Number 1 station, in beautiful city three miles from the Atlantic ocean, with wonderful living and working conditions, needs a swinging deejay at $135.00 a week. Send resume, tape at once to Box 591P, BROADCASTING. Modern number one format station in one of ten largest markets auditioning fastpaced, live-wire announcers. Key station leading chain offers big pay, big opportunity. Send tape to Box 864P, BROADCASTING. In a California market of 300,000 there's a top job waiting for a top dj. If you're really good and can still work with other people, you're our man. Must be able to sell and work with top 40. Must be able to project sparkling personality. Must be able to hold No. 1 audience. Send tape, picture and all details to Box 904P. BROADCASTING. Wanted: Country and western personalities for California station. Send tape, picture, resume to: Box 951P, BROADCASTING. Wanted, two young, aggressive deejays, intelligent and willing to work. Some experience required. Medium size, competitive North Carolina market. Starting salary $60-$65. Successful operation, small turnover, great crew to work with. Send resume and tape. Box 957P, BROADCASTING. Wanted, experienced play-by-play hockey announcer for northern Wisconsin. Some experience in sales desirable. Top rank senior hockey team with top rank personnel and schedule. Send tape and full information. Box 964P, BROADCASTING. Announcer. Good all-around man in news, sports, record shows for top station in top eastern market. Must be bright in sound and fast on his feet. Send tape, photo, and past performance record to Box 967P, BROADCASTING. Aggressive man for announcing and/or news, sales or continuity. Excellent staff and working conditions in fast growing 500 watt daytimer in rich eastern Iowa single-station market. Salary according to experience. Send full resume to Box 978P, BROADCASTING. Experienced. Mature voice. Production. Knows modern independent radio. Major southeast market. Tape only. Box 982P, BROADCASTING. First phone qualified technical maintenance necessary. Eastern medium market. Send tape and background details to Box 109R, BROADCASTING. Announcer-copywriter emphasis on copy, preferably experienced. Send tape, copy samDles, background, eastern medium market. Box 110R, BROADCASTING. Morning man upstate New York major market better music station. No rock and roll, first phone desirable. Fast growing station, new modern facilities. Send tape, photo to Box 111R, BROADCASTING. 124 BROADCASTING, October 26, 1989