Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Technical ;..„,.„,„ „. east or midwest. Experienced studio operations, maintenance, Ampex video tape. Box 963P, BROADCASTING. Engineer 8 years experience in all phases radio — some tv. Wish opportunity in tv. Permanent position with future in engineering. Presently employed. Box 993P, BROADCASTING. Production — Programming, Others Production manager-director: Married, B.A., M.A., 2y2 years. TV experience, desires position requiring initiative. Box 920P, BROADCASTING. Artist. 7 years television experience. All phases production. Outstanding brush, airbrush, pen, set designing, building. First ticket. For full resume contact Box 955P, BROADCASTING. Director's position desired, 3V2 years broadcasting college, 2V2 years commercial tv. Experienced in all phases of production and engineering departments. Present employer understand my ambitions but foresees no future opening. Excellent references. Married, vet. Box 987P, BROADCASTING. TV director-producer available; experienced local station, closed circuit; M.A.; 30. Highly recommended. Write Box 120R, BROADCASTING. FOR SALE Equipment For sale.. 5 kw vhf tv transmitter channels 2-6. 25 kw vhf amplifier channels 2-6. 25 kw vhf amplifier channels 7-13. Box 976P, BROADCASTING. Ampex VTK 1000— Used only 35 hours. Reason for selling, going full color. Price $39,000. 124R, BROADCASTING. 5 kw transmitter Gates BC-5A complete with tubes and crystal in good operating condition. Currently on air at KYOK, Houston, Texas. Price $5900. Terms can be arranged. Available for immediate shipment. Stanley Ray, 505 Baronne St., New Orleans 12, La. Custom built mobile studio; used only five months; inside measures IVz feet wide, 2OV2 feet long, 7 feet high; weight 4,000 pounds; 6 double-glass windows 43" x 72"; fully insulated, heated; fully wired for mikes, lights, telephone; external HOVAC with inside receptacles; complete for on-the-air use except amplifier arid mikes, PA with all-weather speaker on roof; priced for quick sale $2150. Contact Dick Shepard, General Manager, WHAM, Rochester, N. Y. Collins 21A 5 kw transmitter maintained in original condition, only factory-approved modifications, now operating. Excellent quality. Ten years old. Price $4,000. Terms. Address Radio Station WISE, Box 75, Scenic Highway, Asheville, N.C. Heavy duty, 300 foot guyed tower, standing, 304 feet with beacon. Uniform triangular cross section, has base insulator. Strong enough to support side antenna. Excellent condition. WKAN, Kankakee, Illinois. RCA type 76-B-5 consolette and power supply with instructions. First class condition. Write WRJW, Picayune, Mississippi. 50W2 Mcintosh power amplifier, 600 ohm balanced line, plug-in preamplifier stage, excellent condition, $115.00. Joe Beck, 1004 Truxillo, Houston 4, Texas. Video monitors. Closed circuit and broadcast. Foto-Video Laboratories, Inc., Cedar Grove, New Jersey. CE. 9-6100. Ampex 601-2 stereo recorder demo $849.50; Ampex 600-2 stereo recorder $695.00; Ampex 400 full track in console cabinet $395.00; Ampex 351-2 new $1865.00. Contact Noel Palm, High Fidelity Enterprises, 901 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, California. Ampex 601 recorder. Perfect. Less than 20 hours use. $475.00. Allen Olinger, Jr., 207 So. Ridgewood, Kentfield, California. WANTED TO BUY RADIO Stations Special advertising agency owner. Will purchase or lease station now losing money. Will show stations how to convert red ink to black. All replies confidential. Box 894P, BROADCASTING. Any station, any market up to $20,000. Box 972P, BROADCASTING. Wanted: Experienced broadcaster in Virginia desires to lease am station in small market in Virginia or North Carolina. All replies confidential. Box 977P, BROADCASTING. Haskell Bloomberg, Station Broker, 208 Fairmount Street, Lowell, Massachusetts, Telephone Glenview 5-5823. Equipment UHF low power tv transmitter and allied equipment for experimental purposes. Must be able to be licensed. Give full information in first letter. Box 923P, BROADCASTING. 3 — 10 kw fm transmitter and studio console wanted. Box 989P, BROADCASTING. Wanted. Will buy pullers for model 900 Presto tape machines. Write Chief Engineer, Radio Station KATE, Albert Lea, Minnesota. Equipment wanted — RCA TG-1 sync generator. 3-RCA master monitors preferably TM-6, 2-DuMont stabilizing amplifiers, 4RCA console housings with end sections, 1 video patch panel. All equipment should be in A-l condition. George Sprague, C. E. WLOS-TV, Box 2150, Asheville, N. C. Wanted, microwave equipment in the two thousand or six thousand megacycle band to retransmit video and sound channel. Contact Patrick J. Lamartina, Capital City Television Limited, 791 Somerset Street, West, Ottawa, Canada. Phone CEntral 2 2733. 3 5 kw fm transmitter with or without tape player and accessories. Also interested 250 w to 10 kw, am and fm. Submit details. Compass Electronics Supply, 75 Varick Street, New York 13. INSTRUCTIONS F.C.C. first phone license preparation by correspondence or in resident classes. Grantham Schools are located in Hollywood, Seattle, Kansas City, and Washington. Write for our free 40-page brochure. Grantham School of Electronics, 3123 Gillham Road, Kansas City 9, Missouri. Be prepared. First phone in 6 weeks. Guaranteed instruction. Elkins Radio License School of Atlanta. 1139 Spring St., N.W., Atlanta, Georgia. Since 1946. The original course for FCC 1st phone license, 5 to 6 weeks. Reservations required. Enrolling now for classes starting Oct. 28, 1959. January 6, March 2, 1960. For information, references and reservations write William B. Ogden. Radio Operational Engineering School. 1150 West Olive Avenue, Burbank, California. FCC first phone license in six weeks. Guaranteed instruction by master teacher. G.I. approved. Request brochure. Elkins Radio License School, 2603 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas. FCC license in six weeks. Resident classes November 16, January 18. Guaranteed personal instruction by Waldo Brazil, Pathfinder Radio Service, 510 16th St., Oakland, California. MISCELLANEOUS Plan Christmas spot campaigns now. We write, voice, record custom commercials. No jingles. M-J Productions, 2899 Templeton Road, Columbus, Ohio. Help Wanted — Management EXPERIENCED SALESMANAGER WANTED Who can realize exceptional earnings at a top-rated midwest major market independent. If you're willing to work around the clock and personally and continuously solicit business — not just "supervise" — and if you can prove your ability through past performance and references — contact us immediately. Top earnings, stock options and fringe benefits available to right man. Please don't reply unless you have truly outstanding record. Box 880P, BROADCASTING. Announcers One of the Outstanding Popular Music Stations In the country would like to hear from you if you are a swinging disc jockey and would like to re-locate. Screamers need not apply. Good mature jockeys are our objective. We are located in a major market in the mid-western part of the nation. Send tape, photo, biography and salary expected to Box 907P, BROADCASTING. TOP DJ'S NEEDED For newly acquired station in major market. Modern personality format station. Send resume and tape. Minimum two years on air experience required. Box 971P, BROADCASTING. SOMEWHERE THERE'S ANOTHER VICTOR BORGE . . . Someone who can ad-lib, execute piano artistry, develope features, sing, and carry one and one-half hours of a five-day a week show ON HIS OWN SHOULDERS. Large radio station major market. Adequate remuneration. Send tape and resume to Box 985P, BROADCASTING. No d reamers, no prima donnas need apply. EVER HAD THE URGE . . . To work at a top rated pop-music operation where REAL PERSONALITY is a POLICY, not a PROMISE? Then come join KSTT's happy house of swinging, imaginative deejays here in the QUINT CITIES. We have an immediate opening for an A.M. man with a fresh approach. A COMIC . . . A CHARACTER . . . You tell me! Public appearances, publicity, promotions . . . unlimited future . . . New, beautiful facilities! Money: let's talk! Tape (air special) to: Ken Draper, KSTT Radio, Davenport, Iowa. BROADCASTING, October 26, 1959 127