Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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Help Wanted — (Cont'd) Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) WANTED TO BUY Announcers Production-Programming, Others Stations MAJOR 50 KW STATION HAS OPENING FOR All Night Personality Major eastern 50 kw. station looking for personality who is different and can get top audience. Must be pro, fresh, intelligent, have a way with a commercial, know how to pace a show. Send audition tape — News, Music, the works — photograph, previous employment, current income, to Box 102R, BROADCASTING RADIO Situations Wanted Production-Programming, Others Still Watch Television? THEN YOU KNOW . . . Radio has never had a better chance to take a giant step than right now. But I'm afraid radio is in mortal danger of shouting and bell-clanging itself right out of that chance! And that's stupid . . . Because radio can be responsible and realistic and aggressive . . . And all at the same time. If you think your radio station should stand for more in your community than a wet nurse for the pre-shave crowd . . . If you agree . . . The successful station is the station that shows it really cares about its image in the community . . . Then maybe this will suggest a thing or two to you: • 7 have had genuine success in programming an outstanding station image in one of the nation's most competitive markets. I want to step up to: • One of the top 10 markets • A group programming position • A part-owner or equity arrangement Obviously, I'm not interested in: Storz or McClendon or Bartell or Star. And if, as you read this, you think I've eliminated everyone worth considering . . . I'm not interested in you either. Box 926P, BROADCASTING. SPORTSCASTER-NEWSMAN To work news shift and specialize in sports as featured on-the-air sports personality. Reply to Boyd Harrier, WTAR, Norfolk, Virginia. AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 1st: Mature newsman, ending association with dominant station in major midwestern market after six years. 15 years background broadcasting, college-trained journalist with key contacts in every field from politics to sports. Thoroughly versed all phases of LOCAL news-gathering and reporting. Can direct complete news operation. Exceptional ability as writer and analyst. Has covered every special event from tornado-approach to National Political Conventions. Good voice and lively personality. Authoritative delivery stems from KNOWING what IS news— WHEN. Family man, 34, veteran of both newspapers and radio. Has spurned television thus far but will take plunge when sufficiently motivated. Prefers post as morning editor. Can be had for "very little money" if working conditions and hours are right. (Please note clause following last conjunction!). Box 890P, BROADCASTING. TELEVISION Help Wanted— Sales THE MOST OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY EVER OFFERED AN IMPORTANT FILM SALESMAN A dynamic, small film and radio programming company, with a fantastic track record, offers the following to a salesman's SALESMAN: (1) Profit sharing plan (2) Stock option plan (3) Outstanding commissions with advance. Our midwestern V.P. earned $78,500 last year (our books are open). We expect to talk to a seasoned sales vet, worth that much money, who will understand the meaning of OWNERSHIP in a business as tough and unrelenting as ours. Of course, all replies will be held confidential. We own no desks. Box 106R, BROADCASTING Technical WFMY-TV, GREENSBORO, N.C. Needs to add engineer with first class license. Must have television training or experience. Excellent working conditions, insurance plans, 40-hour week. Write Mr. Doyle Thompson, Chief Engineer, with full details on training, experience. Send photograph. This is a job for a man who wants a permanent situation. TELEVISION Situations Wanted Production-Programming, Others SALES PROMOTION MANAGER Six years television experience in advertising, merchandising, sales promotion (local and national level), interested in television promotion with sales future. Successful in sales and sales administration in other fields. Excellent references from present management in major southern market. Creative ability — realistic approach. Prefer lower California, Texas, Florida. Box 116R, BROADCASTING AM STATION WANTED I Private purchase, no brokers, negotia| tions in strictest confidence. I will pay 29% cash with balance over realistic period. Can assure highest type operaj tion. No southern, no city under 20,000. Box 969P, BROADCASTING. WANTED TO BUY Class "B" FM radio station, in New York City area. All replies strictly confidential Reply Box 571, Wheaton, Illinois Responsible business man looking for radio station in $100,000.00 price range. Must be in black. Brokers invited. Box 204 Bridgeport, Connecticut Equipment, etc. READY TO BUY SPOTS ON YOUR RADIO-TV STATION ? If you have business news or other show slanted to investors. Write Box 995P, BROADCASTING MISCELLANEOUS FUNNYPHONE Radio's new and successful fun game! 13 entertaining weeks of insfanfaneous audience reaction. 650 clever Funnyphone questions and answers; formats; feasers; promos, $100. For more details, write or wire: SPECIALIZED PROGRAMMING SERVICES Box 694P. BROADCASTING FOR SALE Stations SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RADIO STATION 1000 watts— possible 5000 watts. Tremendous growth area. 1,000,000 population in coverage area. Purchase price $350,000, 30% down, balance five years. Box 984P, BROADCASTING PACIFIC NORTHWEST Full time local station in one of the better growth markets of the Northwest. Grossing better than $4500 monthly and can do much more. Valuable real estate included at $67,000 with $20,000 down and the balance on easy terms. Box T03R, BROADCASTING 128 BROADCASTING, October 26, 1959