Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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GREATEST POPULATION CONCENTRATION IN THE ENTULSOUTHEAST >er,3j the Area a Surprised? No wonder. Since 1950 Tidewtar has been growing at 2^ times the national rate! Also, its true size is obscured by the fact that the U. S. Government unrealistically lists Norfolk and Newport News as separate metro areas. Sales Management and other statistical references follow suit, which gives rise to a lot of mistaken ideas about the "Norfolk market". Always add Norfolk & Newport News, all ways. They are much closer together than Tampa-St. Pete, for example, with more people, and nearly twice the population density! People in Less Than Half olitan Atlanta or Miami! TIDEWATER, VA. Here is a metropolitan area richer in retail sales than metro Richmond, Roanoke, and Lynchburg combined . . . yet so compact that you can sell more through fewer outlets, get better distribution of advertised merchandise, better coordinated wholesale and retail promotion . . . more positive sales results per man-hour of your merchandising effort, and per advertising dollar! TIDEWTAR is a better way to spell it— and sell it. For WTAR-TV has led in every audience survey ever made here, has no duplication within the metro area, and virtually no competition from any station outside the market! e Call or wire WTAR-TV, Norfolk, Va.> or your Petry man. WTAR-1 Norfolk, Va. • Channel 3 Represented by Edward Petry & Co.