Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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WPBN-TV WTOM-TV eh. 7 Traverse City eh. 4 Cheboygan PAUL BUNYAN Television & Radio NETWORKS TAKE BIG STEP Effectively Immediately: Venard, Rintoul BECOME OUR National Representatives THEY KNOW OUR STORY! WTCM WATT WATZ 1400 kc 2SO watts |240 KC 250 watts 1450 KC 250 watts Traverse City Cadillac Alpena WMBN 1340 KC 250 watts Pete-sky W A T C 900 KC 1000 watts Gayiord radio on a limited basis in 1930 with a barn dance show on WHO Des Moines; it really got serious in 1954. Chances are, it will continue to use spot programming (farm conditions vary in parts of the country to make network radio impracticable). It's intimated that tv costs too much and the pattern of saturation does not align with that required to push farm equipment. (It has done a job for some dealers in isolated cases, as in Green Bay, Wis.) Radio remains the medium, it seems, that produces the richest harvest. Tight blue noses' Rev. Hugh Michael Beahan, radio and television director of the Grand Rapids Roman Catholic Diocese, told the 10th Annual Convention of the National Licensed Beverage Assn. Oct. 27 that they should "stand up and fight the blue-nosed enemies of the liquor industry." The nation's tavernkeepers, he said, should get rid of their inferiority complexes because they are in an honorable profession. "You have every right to take your legitimate place in your community as a man who provides a legal and honest service," Rev. Beahan stated. Controlled drinking, he declared, relieves tensions and relaxes. Because drinking creates a problem for a relatively few people, "we should not consider depriving the vast majority of normal adults." • Business briefly Time sales French fashions • Chesebrough-Pond's Inc., N.Y., will coordinate a line of beauty products with 1960 Paris fashions in an hour-long color special set for Feb. 29 (10-11 p.m. EST) on NBCTV. Parisian mannequins will model creations of some 15 top French fashion designers in a program that also will use singers and dancers. Agency: J. Walter Thompson, N.Y. Two to Philadelphia • Westclox Div. of General Time Corp., LaSalle, 111., and General Mills Inc., Minneapolis, will co-sponsor "The Philadelphia Story," to be colorcast on NBC-TV Dec. 7 (Mon. 9:30-11 p.m. EST). Adapted for tv by Jacqueline Babbin and Audrey Gellen of Talent Assoc.. comedy by Philip Barry was originally a stage play and later was made into a movie titled "High Society." BBDO is agency for both sponsors. Nucoa news • Best Foods Div. of Corn Products Co., N.Y., is buying minutes and 20-second announcements for Nucoa Margarine beginning this month on tv nationally and in a few radio markets. Agency: Dancer-FitzgeraldSample, N.Y. Watch special • Longines-Wittnaur Watch Co., N.Y., signed for special pre-holiday colorcast, "The 13th Orphan," to be seen Dec. 9 on NBC-TV (Wed. 7:30-8:30 p.m. EST). Christmas fable by Paul Gallico will be staged by Leon Leonidoff of Radio City Music Hall and produced by Jack Philbin. Agency: Victor A. Bennett Co.. N.Y. Agency appointments • Associated Products (5-day labs, products), West New York, N.J., names Doyle Dane Bernbach, N.Y., as agency, effective Nov. 1. Billing estimated at $1 million. Grey Adv., N.Y., formerly handled the account. • George Widemann Brewing Co., Newport. Ky., appoints Doherty, Clifford, Steers & Shenfield, N.Y., as agency with budget estimated at $1.5 million. Advertiser uses spot radio and tv, newspapers and outdoor in a five-state area in the Ohio valley. Account formerly was at Tatham-Laird, Chicago. • Helene Curtis Industries (hair preparations), Chicago, appoints CampbellMithun, same city, as agency for Suave Hair Dressing, Sauve for Men and Shampoo Plus Egg and Altman-Stoller Adv., New York, for Lentheric products, all formerly handled by Gordon Best Co. Billings breakdown: slightly under $2 million for former, about $500,000 for latter. Date Wed., Oct. 21 Thur., Oct. 22 Fri., Oct. 23 Sat., Oct. 24 Sun., Oct. 25 Mon., Oct. 26 Tue., Oct. 27 ARBITRON'S DAILY CHOICES Listed below are the highest-ranking television network shows for each day of the week Oct. 21-27 as rated by the multi-city Arbitron instant ratings of American Research Bureau. Program and Time Steel Hour — Caesar (10 p.m.) Untouchables (9:30 p.m.) 77 Sunset Strip (9 p.m.) Gunsmoke (10 p.m.) Loretta Young (10 p.m.) Danny Thomas (9 p.m.) Special Tonight (8:30 p.m.) Copyright 1959 American Research Bureau Network Rating CBS-TV 28.5 ABC-TV 19.4 ABC-TV 24.4 CBS-TV 27.6 NBC-TV 29.2 CBS-TV 31.6 CBS-TV 26.1 66 (BROADCAST ADVERTISING) BROADCASTING, November 2, 1959