Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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FOR SALE INSTRUCTION Equipment — ( Cont'd ) 3 microphones: Western Electric 633-A; RCA 88A; Altec 639-B; $150 for all. WDBC. Escanaba, Michigan. Collins 21A 5 kw transmitter maintained in original condition, only factory-approved modifications, now operating. Excellent quality. Ten years old. Price $4,000. Terms. Address Radio Station WISE, Box 75, Scenic Highway, Asheville, N.C. Heavy duty, 300 foot guyed tower, standing, 304 feet with beacon. Uniform triangular cross section, has base insulator. Strong enough to support side antenna. Excellent condition. WKAN, Kankakee, Illinois. Commercial crystals and new or replacement crystals for RCA, Gates, W.E., Bliley and J-K holders, regrinding, repair, etc. BC-604 crystals. Also am monitor service. Nationwide unsolicited testimonials praise our products and fast service. Eidson Electronics Co., Box 31, Temple, Texas. Video monitors. Closed circuit and broadcast. Foto-Video Laboratories Inc., Cedar Grove, New Jersey. CE. 9-6100. Two 198-foot antenna towers, guyed-type, pivot base, triangular, 20-ft. bolted sections, with lights, transmission lines, etc. Formerly KSBW-AM. In place, Salinas, California. Must be removed. Bid opening December 15, 1959, for either or both. For bid forms contact Division of Highways, Box 841, San Luis Obispo, California, Attention: J. F. Powell, telephone Liberty 3-6000. One model MBC — 20 Multiplex exciter with two subchannels, 41 kc and 67 kc. Used about six months. Top care and condition while in service. Withdrawing from Multiplex operation. Entire installation cost about $10,000. Make offer. Radio Broadcasting Co., 18th Floor, Inquirer Bldg., Philadelphia 30. Pa. WANTED TO BUY Stations Let me invest in, purchase or lease your station. Young, profitably successful manager of the west seeks ownership in the west. Replies confidential. Box 162R, BROADCASTING. Want to retire? Let me buy in and manage with eventual ownership in view. Twenty years experience in radio and tv. Prefer midwest or New England 250 station. Other locations definitely considered. Box 188R, BROADCASTING. Haskell Bloomberg, Station Broker, 208 Fairmount Street, Lowell, Massachusetts, Telephone Glenview 5-5823. Equipment Wanted. Will buy pullers for model 900 Presto tape machines. Write Chief Engineer, Radio Station KATE, Albert Lea, Minnesota. 3-5 kw fm transmitter with or without tape player and accessories. Also interested 250 w to 10 kw, am and fm. Submit details. Compass Electronics Supply, 75 Varick Street, New York 13. INSTRUCTIONS F.C.C. first phone license preparation by correspondence or in resident classes. Grantham Schools are located in Hollywood, Seattle, Kansas City, and Washington. Write for our free 40-page brochure. Grantham School of Electronics, 3123 Gillham Road, Kansas City 9, Missouri. Be prepared. First phone in 6 weeks, Guaranteed instruction. Elkins Radio License School of Atlanta. 1139 Spring St., N.W., Atlanta, Georgia. Since 1946. The original course for FCC 1st phone license, 5 to 6 weeks. Reservations required. Enrolling now for classes starting January 6, March 2, May 4, June 29, 1960. For information, references and reservations write William B. Ogden, Radio Operational Engineering School, 1150 West Olive Avenue, Burbank, California. FCC first phone license in six weeks. Guaranteed instruction by master teacher. G.I. approved. Request brochure. Elkins Radio License School, 2603 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas. FCC license in six weeks. Resident classes November 16, January 18. Guaranteed personal instruction by Waldo Brazil, Pathfinder Radio Service, 510 16th St., Oakland, California. Help Wanted— (Cont'd) MISCELLANEOUS Plan Christmas spot campaigns now. We write, voice, record custom commercials. No jingles. M-J Productions, 2899 Templeton Road, Columbus, Ohio. Want employment in West Virginia? List your qualifications in the monthly publication of the West Virginia Broadcasters Association at no charge. Send particulars to Editor "News and Views", 3615-B Kanawha Ave., S.E., Charleston, W.Va. RADIO Help Wanted — Management EXPERIENCED SALESMANAGER WANTED Who can realize exceptional earnings at a top-rated midwest major market independent. If you're willing to work around the clock and personally and continuously solicit business — not just "supervise" — and if you can prove your ability through past performance and references — contact us immediately. Top earnings, stock options and fringe benefits available to right man. Please don't reply unless you have truly outstanding record. Box 880P, BROADCASTING. Sales Major Market Leader Now Interviewing for Local Sales Manager Will set early talks with applicants between 30-38 having minimum five years radio-tv sales experience, two in sales management. Medium market background acceptable, but must have a real success story as a "working" sales executive. We're an established regional in one of top 30 markets. Our man will start with $10,000 guarantee in a situation that can top $15,000 first year. Must be capable of moving up executive ladder as expansion continues. East Coast. Box 189R, BROADCASTING Announcers DISC JOCKEYS— NEWSMEN Positions open in several major markets for top-flight formula men. Salary commensurate with ability. Thoroughly experienced only need apply. Rush tape, resume to: Dick Lawrence WNDR Syracuse, New York ANNOUNCERS LOSING JOBS? LACK THAT PROFESSIONAL SOUND? AUDITION TAPE NOT A POLISHED . . . SHOWCASE? S.A.S. is the ONLY school in the east that offers "PROFESSIONAL ADVANCED" coaching, in all phases of ANNOUNCING . . . including TIGHT FORMAT BOARD WORK. 10 week course for those who can qualify . . . AUDITION TAPE included with course. Remember . . . announcers . . . are MADE . . . not born. "Let us analyze your present audition tape, THERE IS NO CHARGE."*** For information and brochure contact . . . MR. KEITH . . . SU 7-6938. NEW YORK SCHOOL OF ANNOUNCING & SPEECH 160 West 73rd Street N.Y. 23, N.Y. * BY APT. ONLY. TELEVISION Help Wanted — Sales LOCAL SALES MANAGER to assume complete charge of local sales of New York State TV station. Right man can find great happiness, security and possibilities for promotion with our growing radio-tv organization. We want a man who knows how to sell and service, as well as to direct salesmen. May be a sales manager now, or may have several years' experience in selling TV locally and be ready now for greater responsibility. Must have the ability to produce, and to get along with people. We will pay a good salary, plus percentage of local sales collected. References required. No floaters nor drinkers need apply. Send complete details first letter. Box 130R, BROADCASTING TELEVISION Situations Wanted — Management Desire challenging opportunity to (1) Make money. (2) Save money. (3) Operate station efficiently and creatively. 13 years successful background in organizing and coordinating programming, production, sales, videotape, administration'. Presently employed management level at network o&o. West coast interview can be arranged. Box 146R, BROADCASTING 116 BROADCASTING, November 2, 1959