Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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WEEK'S HEADLINERS CONTINUED Mr. Danforth Alfred R. Stern, director of international operations for NBC, elected vp in charge of new Enterprises Div. He continues as chairman of board of NBC International Inc. Robert W. Sarnoff, board chairman of NBC, said in announcing appointment, that Enterprises Div. will centralize foreign and domestic areas of service expansion and business opportuniMr. Stern ties Mr stern joined network in 1952 as projects officer for tv programming, was named business manager, technical operations, in lune 1953. Later that year, he was appointed assistant to executive vp and in 1955 was assigned additional duties of director of operations for NBC Radio's Monitor. In July 1955, he was named director, participating programs, NBC Radio, and in December of that year was promoted to staff assistant to president. He took over his present position in 1956. J. Davis Danforth, executive vp, BBDO, N.Y. retires on Jan. 1 after 35 years of service with agency. He will continue as consultant to BBDO management. Mr. Danforth started as messenger boy with Barton, Durstine & Osborne in 1925, agency three years later becoming BBDO by merger with George Batten Co. Mr. Danforth is client contact specialist, serving as executive on some of agency's major accounts, was elected to board in 1939, became member of executive committee in 1946 and executive vp in 1949. He served as chairman of American Assn. of Advertising Agencies in 1958-59. Grant Tinker, formerly vp, director of tv-radio programming Warwick & Legler, N.Y., becomes vp and director of tv programming, Benton & Bowles, that city. He reports to Oliver Barbour, B&B's vp in charge of broadcast programming Mr Tinker was at W&L since July 1958 and before that spent four years at McCann-Erickson where he was tv account executive. Prior to joining M-E, Mr. Tinker was with Radio Free Europe and NBC. G. Maxwell Ule, senior vp, marketing, and board member, elevated to executive committee, and Stephens Dietz, vp and director of merchandising department, elected group vp, marketing services, in realignment of Kenyon & Eckhardt's marketing services division. Division includes tv-radio media, marketing, research and merchandising. Mr. Ule, who joined K&E in 1949 from McCann-Erickson, Chicago, where he was vp and research director, will devote more time to executive duties. He was elected senior vp in 1956 and has been on board since 1955. Mr. Dietz takes charge of media, merchandising, research and radiotv. He came to K&E as vp and account supervisor in 1955, and was named marketing committee head following year and director of merchandising in 1957. Mr. Dietz formerly was vp in charge of marketing at Ogilvy, Benson & Mather. 38 In line with these appointments Paul Bradley elected vp in charge of merchandising department. He left Grant Adv. to join K&E last January in sales development and promotion division of merchandising department. Roger B. Read, formerly manager of WKRCTV Cincinnati, and Donald L. Chapin, assistant to senior vp, elected vps of Taft Broadcasting Co., in charge of administration and planning, and national sales for all Taft radio-tv, respectively. Mr. Ule Mr. Dietz Read Mr. Chapin Mr. Unger Mr. Read joined WKRC-TV in 1949, was named local sales manager in 1954 and general sales and assistant general manager in 1959. Mr. Chapin joined that station in 1950 as local sales manager, was named general sales manager in 1952 and assistant general manager in 1954. He went to New York as eastern sales manager for Radio Cincinnati until 1958 when he was appointed vp in charge of national sales. Prior to 1950, Mr. Chapin was in sales division of Crosley Broadcasting Co. Taft stations are WKROAM-FMXV WTVN-AM-FM-TV Columbus, Ohio; WBRC-AMFM'-TV Birmingham, Ala.; WBIR-AM-FM-TV Knoxville, Tenn., and WKYT (TV) Lexington, Ky. Alvin E. Unger elected vp in charge of syndication for Independent Television Corp., first vice presidency announced for ITC since its creation over year ago. Mr. Unger joined ITC in October 1958 as administrative manager, Arrow Productions, ITC division handling sales to stations and program counselling, and several months later became manager, special products division, which added sales supervision of Jeff's Collie, tv series, to Arrow's activity. Before he joined ITC, Mr. Unger was Ziv Tv's vp in charge of Chicago office, and had spent 19 years with Ziv, including post of vp in charge of sales for Ziv's radio syndication division. He will continue to head Arrow and Jeffs Collie sales. Hardie Frieberg continues as ITC's general manager of syndication. Reporting to him are various regional and geographic syndication divisions. Donald S. Frost, Bristol-Myers vp, elected chairman of Assn. of National Advertisers as ANA opened its 50th annual fall meeting last Monday at The Homestead, Hot Springs, Va. He succeeds Henry Schachte, executive vp of Lever Bros. Roger H. Bolin, advertising director of Westinghouse Electric, was elected to vice chairmanship vacated by Mr. Frost. Six new directors were named in addition to Mr. Schachte, who automatically goes onto board. They were Norbert A. Considine Jr., Blue Bell Inc.; Richard S. Lowell, U.S. Plywood; Harry F. Schroeter, National Biscuit; K.L. Skillin, Armour & Co.; Douglas L. Smith, S.C. Johnson & Son, and R.G. Stolz, Brown Shoe Co. Mr. Frost has served with both advertisers and agencies. He started with International Business Machines in 1933, later served with Owens-Illinois Glass and Young & Rubicam, was with Bristol-Myers from 1945 to 1950, then went to Compton Adv. and returned to Bristol-Myers in 1954. FOR OTHER NEWS OF PEOPLE SEE FATES & FORTUNES BROADCASTING, November 16, 1959