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New Bedford ch. 6 applicants to merge
In commenting on FCC rulemaking to shift ch. 6 from New Bedford, Mass., the four applicants for that facility told the Commission that they expect to merge into one within the next two weeks. The applicants are E. Anthony & Sons; New England Tv Co.; Eastern States Broadcasting Corp., and Wilson Broadcasting Co.
In another development, the Assoc. of Maximum Service Telecasters Inc. last week filed comments on a proposed FCC rulemaking supporting the deletion of ch. 6 in New Bedford, Mass., if clear mileage separations cannot be met.
The applicants for ch. 6 have encountered strong objections to their proposed locations by the U.S. Coast Guard which claims that its LORAN-C station would be impaired by the New Bedford channel. The applicants claim that national defense objections no longer exist.
Mr. Anthony has proposed a site 1.7 miles short of 170 miles from WCSHTV Portland, Me. and that station has requested a new site which would meet the necessary 170 mile requirement.
AMST requested that the Commission adhere to the minimum co-channel
and adjacent channel mileage separation principle and warned that it would be "premature" for the FCC to secure additional vhf frequencies for tv. The "squeezing in" of a few vhf assignments, the AMST alleged, "would detract from the Commission's efforts to secure additional vhf spectrum space for television . . ."
In March, 1957 the FCC had proposed an additional vhf channel for Providence by deleting ch. 6 from New Bedford and substituting this channel for ch. 8 at New Haven.
Reps protest NBC move on spot sales
The FCC was within its rights in ordering networks to give up their tv spot representation business, Station Representatives Assn. told the Commission in protesting requests for reconsideration by NBC-TV Spot Sales and four affiliated stations (Broadcasting, Dec. 7).
SRA maintained that the FCC had rejected the arguments of NBC in its original order (Broadcasting, Oct. 21) and that the network is attempting to put the burden of proof on the Commission to show violations of the antitrust laws. Also, SRA pointed out, it is "significant" that CBS has filed no peti
tion for reconsideration (Broadcasting, Dec. 14).
Edward Petry & Co., New York rep firm, also filed a statement with the FCC opposing the NBC petition. Petry stated the NBC request for reconsideration does not set forth any new evidence for the Commission to consider.
Elect Iowa newscaster to vacant House seat
A former Iowa newscaster has been elected to Congress. Iowa Republican John Kyi — who began doing a daily 6-6:15 p.m. newscast on KTVO (TV) Kirksville, Mo.-Ottumwa, Iowa, after his defeat in a congressional race with the late Steven V. Carter (D-Iowa) in 1958 — bounced back to political life two weeks ago to win over Democrat C. Edwin Gilmour in a contest for the 4th District seat left vacant by Rep. Carter's death.
Spokesmen representing Mr. Kyi said he was featured in three fiveminute live tv spots the last few days of the campaign. He also bought a saturation schedule of tv station breaks in both daytime and evening periods on Sunday and afternoon periods Monday before the Tuesday election. They said his opponent tied up station breaks Monday evening. Both
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UHF Station Becomes
Moved from UHF station channel 15 to VHF channel 13
"Nothing Succeeds Like Success." This can very well be the motto for fabulous WVEC TV. For six years a remarkably successful "U" station, WVEC TV this past month became a "V." Trendex shows that it's on its way to becoming "THE" Tidewater station. If it's Sales Action you desire . . , then make Virginia's new ACTION station a "Must."
Represented by Avery Knodel NORFOLK, HAMPTON
BROADCASTING, December 28, 1959