Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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their extended time from Dec. 11, 1959 to March 15, 1960 to file comments to March 12 further notice of inquiry which enlarged scope of proceeding looking into possible wider uses for fm SCA to include specific data on subject of stereophonic broadcasting by fm stations. Comm. Bartley dissented. Ann. Dec. 16. WZIP Covington, Ky. — Directed that letter be sent indicating that application to change location of station (1050 kc 1 kw, D) to Cincinnati, Ohio, indicates necessity of hearing. Chmn. Doerfer and Comr. Lee dissented. Ann. Dec. 16. By memorandum opinion and order, Commission denied petition by Grundy Bcstg. Co., Morris, 111., to modify issues in consolidated proceeding, but added new issue, in light of their location and urban and industrial characteristics, and other relevant factors, to determine whether Harvey, Evanston, Des Plaines, and Morris, 111., or any of them, may be considered separate communities for purposes of sec307(b) and, should it be found that one or more of them may not be so considered, to determine community in which each of latter is to be included for sec. 307(b) purposes. Comr. Cross dissented to enlarging issues. Ann. Dec. 16. By memorandum opinion and order, Commission denied petition by Transcript Press Inc., Dedham, Mass., to enlarge issues in proceeding involving eight applications (including Transcript) for new am stations in Mass. and Conn, involving proposed use of 1550 and 1570 kc. Ann. Dec. 16. Commission scheduled oral argument on January 21, 1960, in proceeding on am applications of The Monocacy Bcstg. Co., Gettysburg, Pa., Times and News Publishing Co. (WGET) Gettysburg, Pa., and The Price Bcstrs. Inc., Frederick, Md. Ann. Dec. 16. Shelby County Bctsg. Co., Shelbyville, Ind; General Communications Inc., Lafayette, La.; KOMA Oklahoma City, Okla.— Designated for consolidated hearing applications for new am stations to operate on 1520 kc, DA-1, unl. of Shelby with 250 w. and General with 500 w, and application of KOMA (1520 kc, 50 kw, DA-N, unl.) to change its nighttime pattern. Ann. Dec. 16. A.F. Misch, Coffeyville, Kan.; WBEL South Beloit, 111.; Washington County Bcstg. Co.; E.D. Scandrett; Washington Home & Farm Radio Inc.; Washington, Iowa; Iola Bcstg. Co., Iola, Kan.; KUDL Bcstrs. Inc.; Kansas City, Mo.; Iowa City Bcstrs. Inc., Iowa City, Iowa. — Designated for consolidated hearing applications for new am stations of Washington County, Scandrett, Iowa City, and Washington Home & Farm to operate on 1380 kc, 500 w, D; Misch and Iola to operate on 1370 kc, 500 w D, Iola with DA; WBEL to change from DA-2 to DA-N, continuing operation on 1380 kc, 5 kw, unl. and KUDL to change operation on 1380 kc from 1 kw, D to 1 kw-N, 5 kw-LS, DA-2; made KBTO Eldorado, Kan.; KCIM Carroll, Iowa; KGNO Dodge City, Kan.; KMUS Muskogee, Okla.; KWK St. Louis, Mo.; WKJG Ft. Wayne, Ind., WTTH Port Huron, Mich., parties to proceeding, and KHAK Cedar Rapids, Iowa, party respondent. Ann. Dec. 16. ACTIONS ON MOTIONS By Commissioner Robert E. Lee Granted petition by Armin H. Wittenberg Jr., for extension of time to Dec. 23 and Jan. 26, 1960, respectively, to file exceptions and reply to exceptions in proceeding on his application and that of Pasadena Presbyterian Church for new fm stations in Los Angeles and Pasadena, both California. Action Dec. 17. Granted petition by WGN Inc., for extension of time to Jan. 15, 1960 to file replies to exceptions and briefs by Capitol Bcstg. Co. and Broadcast Bureau in proceeding on Capitol's application and that of W.A. Pomeroy for new am stations in East Lansing and Tawas City-East Tawas, Mich. Action Dec. 15. Granted petition by Beaumont Bcstg. Corp. for extension of time to Dec. 18 to file reply to exceptions of The Enterprise Co. in Beaumont, Texas, tv ch. 6 remand proceedings. Action Dec. 15. Granted petition by Broadcast Bureau for extension of time to Dec. 18 to file responsive pleadings to petition by Rossmoyne Corp. (WCMB) Harrisburg, Pa., for review of Chief Hearing Examiner's order denying petition for intervention and extended to Dec. 23 time to reply to oppositions in proceeding on am applications of Fredericksburg Bcstg. Corp. (WFVA) Fredericksburg, Va., et al. Action Dec. 15. By Chief Hearing Examiner James D. Cunningham Scheduled hearing on date shown: Jan. 18: tv rulemaking proceeding involving Columbus, Ga., and order directing WTVY Inc. to show cause why its authorization BROADCASTING, December 28, 1959 for WTVY Dothan, Ala., should not be modified to specify operation on ch. 4 in lieu of ch. 9. Action Dec. 15. Upon request by Interstate Bcstg. Inc. (WQXR) New York, N.Y., scheduled oral argument for 9:30 a.m., Dec. 21, on its petition for intervention in proceeding on application of Ulster County Bcstg. Co., for new am station in Ellenville, N.Y. Action Dec. 14. Granted petition by South Bend Tribune (WSBT) South Bend, Ind., and allowed petition intervention in consolidated proceeding on am applications of Florence Bcstg. Inc., Brownsville, Tenn., et al., with reference to application of Fort Wayne Bcstg. Co.; petitioner will be heard with reference to issues 3 and 5 in Commission's order of designation for hearing in proceeding. Action Dec. 16. By Hearing Examiner J.D. Bond Pursuant to agreements reached by all parties at Dec. 15 prehearing conference, scheduled hearing for Feb. 23 in proceeding on applications of Waco Radio Co., Waco, Tex., et al. Action Dec. 16. Granted petition by Bill S. Lahm for leave to amend his application for new am station in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., so as to submit verified statement by Mrs. Verna Lahm indicating her willingness to cosign petitioner's note and to permit placing of mortgage on her property; application is in consolidated proceeding with am application of The Tomah-Mauston Bcstg. Inc. (WTMB) Tomah, Wis. Action Dec. 15. Granted request by Charlotte Radio & Television Corp. (WGIV) Charlotte, N.C., for certain corrections to record transcript in proceeding on its am application; afford five days for further corrections on examiner's own motion. Action Dec. 14. Postponed to Dec. 22 ruling upon petition by Radio Mississippi, Jackson, Miss., for leave to amend its am application, scheduled Dec. 21 for latest date to file responsive pleadings to separate amendment proposals by Radio Mississippi, Birmingham Bcstg. Co. and Port Allen Bcstg. Co., and ordered that oral argument upon pleadings will be deemed to have been waived unless request therefore is made by Dec. 21; applications are in consolidated proceeding with am applications of Cookeville Bcstg. Co., Cookeville, Tenn., et al. Action Dec. 15. By Hearing Examiner Basil P. Cooper Scheduled prehearing conference for Jan. 7, 1960, in proceeding on am application of Tri State Bcstg. Co. (WONW) Defiance, Ohio. Action Dec. 15. By Hearing Examiner Charles 3. Frederick Granted petition by Broadcast Bureau for extension of time from Dec. 15 to Dec. 22 to file proposed findings of fact and conclusions and for replies from Jan. 15 to Jan. 22, 1960, in Moline, 111., tv ch. 8 proceeding. Action Dec. 15; granted petitions by Illiway Television Inc., Community Telecasting Corp. and Moline Television Corp. to correct transcript in proceeding. Action Dec. 16. Upon oral motion by Broadcast Bureau, and with consent of all parties, continued hearing from Dec. 15 to Jan. 14, 1960, in proceeding on applications of Sanford L. Hirschberg and Gerald R. McGuire and Fairview Bcstrs. for new am stations in Cohoes-Waterveliet and Rensselaer, N.Y. Action Dec. 14. By Hearing Examiner Isadore A. Honig Scheduled prehearing conference for Jan. 8, 1960 in proceeding on applications of Blue Island Community Bcstg. Inc., for new fm station in Blue Island, 111., et al. (Action was on examiner's own motion.) Action Dec. 16. On own motion, ordered that, unless objection be filed by any of parties within five days after release of order, transcript of Sept. 22 hearing is corrected in various respects in proceeding on am applications of The Tobacco Valley Bcstg. Co. Windsor, Conn., and Telecolor Corp. (WTXL). West Springfield, Mass. Action Dec. 14. By Hearing Examiner H. Gifford Irion Granted joint request by Golden Gate Corp., Providence, R.I., et al., for continuance of hearing from Dec. 16 to Dec. 23 in consolidated am proceeding. Action Dec. 15. By Hearing Examiner Forest L. McClenning Granted request of KCRA Inc., for extension of time from Dec. 21 to Dec. 28 for exchange of rebuttal exhibits in proceeding on application of Los Banos Bcstg. Co. for am facilities in Los Banos, Calif. Action Dec. 16. By Hearing Examiner Herbert S hart man On oral request by counsel for Santa Rosa Bcstg. Co., and without objection by counsel for Broadcast Bureau, continued Continued on page 71