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Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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TO" SELL TO SELL Your Products and Services in the SECOND LARGEST MARKET WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI! TO SELL Your Products and Services in a 4TH RANKING METROPOLITAN MARKET IN THE NATION. a total market larger than the philadelphia metropolitan area a market of... 4,606,100 prosperous people 1,326,140 householders $5, 746,650,000*00 annual retail sales IT TAKES THE NATION'S LARGEST REGIONAL NETWORK INTERMOUNTAIN NETWORK FIFTY LOCAL Radio Stations, covering a five state area of Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and portions of Nevada, South Dakota, Nebraska and New Mexico. ONLY INTERMOUNTAIN NETWORK, WITH STATIONS LOCATED WHERE PEOPLE LIVE. LISTEN ... AND BUY .. . CAN REACH THIS TOTAL MARKET. Proof . . . the largest? most comprehensive Pulse Study ever made. Ask Avery -Knodel to show you Pulse, 45 Markets, 7 States, Jan.-Feb., 1959. ONLY INTERMOUNTAIN NETWORK No other advertising medium can successfully sell your products and your services in this fast growing and prosperous market. The Mountain States area in 1959 is ranked in the top three among eleven regions in the country in both per capita and per household retail sales. ONLY INTERMOUNTAIN NETWORK can sell your products and services because t delivers your sales message to the people whet\ they Live . . . Listen . . . and Buy. INTERMOUNTAIN NETWORK 146 South Main Salt Lake City, Utah