Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1960)

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4,000,000 miles of jet experience! Count those zeros again! That's a lot of jet experience in anybody's record book. In terms of time, it means Air France started flying pure-jet aircraft as early as 1953. And the Air France Caravelle is still the talk of the aviation world and experienced jet travelers, setting record flight times from Paris to London, Rome, Nice, Tel Aviv, Istanbul and Africa. Now Air France is concentrating these years of jet experience on the new Boeing 707 Intercontinental. airliner in the world. In fact, the Intercontinental is the first jet airliner designed to cross the Atlantic non-stop in 6 % hrs. between New York and Paris. In swift, silent, vibrationless flight, nothing equals this newest addition to Air France's jet fleet. Air France is proud of these millions of miles of jet experience. They are more than just a record. They inspire in passengers and crews alike the confidence that comes with the knowledge that Air France This mighty jet is the largest, fastest, longest-range has been a pioneer in jet aviation. AIR FRANCE cDUTT WORLD'S FASTEST J ETLI N ER / WORLD'S LARGEST AIRLINE BROADCASTING, January 18, 1960 87