Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1960)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Payable in advance. Checks and money orders only.) (FINAL DEADLINE — Monday preceding publication date.) • SITUATIONS WANTED 20? per word — $2.00 minimum • HELP WANTED 25? per word — $2.00 minimum. • DISPLAY ads #20.00 per inch — STATIONS FOR SALE advertising require display space. • All other classifications 30c per word — $4.00 minimum. • No charge for blind box number. Send replies to Broadcasting, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Applicants: If transcriptions or bulk packages submitted, SI. 00 charge for mailing (Forward remittance separately, please). All transcriptions, photos, etc., sent to box numbers are sent at owner's risk. Bsoabcastikg expressly repudiates any liability or responsibility for their custody or return RADIO Help Wanted — (Cont'd) Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Help Wanted — Management Commercial manager: For top rated Pulse and Hooper 5 kilowatter in metropolitan Alabama market. Must have successful sales record. This is chain operation with definite opportunity toward management. Send complete resume to Box 966R, BROADCASTING. Sales S125.00 weekly for salesmen. Also bonus and commission. Metropolitan market east coast. Opportunity unlimited. Box 865P, BROADCASTING, S199-S150 weekly guarantee plus commission and bonus plan for aggressive selfstarter salesman. Top station Washington, D.C. market. Box 867P, BROADCASTING. South Florida metropolitan market needs experienced salesman. Apply only if you have successful radio selling record which can be verified. No beginners please, pros only. Box 720R, BROADCASTING. Announcer-salesman. Salary and commission. Stations in N.C. and S.C. Good advancement opportunity. Only N.C., S.C, Georgia residents apply. Send resume. Box 894R, BROADCASTING. Radio time salesman, experienced, versatile, capable of developing into sales or station management. Excellent town to live in. 8100.00 weekly salary plus override. Prefer married man in 25 to 40 age bracket. Tell us all about yourself. Job now open. Box 924R, BROADCASTING. Top rated station in Michigan second market, has immediate opening for aggressive, time salesman with successful background as a self organizer and self starter. Generous draw against 15% commission and fringe benefits. Our staff knows of this ad. Tell all in first letter which will be held in strictest confidence. Box 957R, BROADCASTING. Radio salesman-announcer-newsman needed now. Must be civic and service minded. Salary and liberal commissions. Radio station KCLW, Hamilton, Texas. Wanted immediately, experienced time salesman to take good account list in growing market. Guarantee for three months; generous commission plan. Opportunity to advance to management with growing chain. WARF, Jasper, Alabama. Immediate opening for a high caliber, aggressive salesman. A new station and a growing company offering great opportunity to any man wanting a career in radio. The man we are looking for preferably has had selling experience in northeastern Ohio or western Pennsylvania. Guarantee and commission with big income potential. Every qualified applicant will receive thorough consideration. Call, write, or wire Ted Hepburn, Sales Manager. WHLO, 51 West State Street, Akron 8, Ohio. Salesman. 5 kw fulltime south-eastern Michigan station looking for topnotch salesman. Guarantee and commission depending upon experience and ability. Excellent opportunity with a complete station change to modern radio. Ken Chapin, WTRX, 2076 Bristol Road, Flint, Michigan. Telephone Cedar 9-8686. Single station market — new station. Young, fast growing chain wants experienced man. Write WTTF, Tiffin, Ohio. Salesman. Southerner with good voice preferred, with ability and energy. If successful promise promotion to manager in growing town of 16,000. now one-station market, bright future. Pay commission with drawing account. Also can use good announcer, if prove out. promotion to program director. Write fully. Bolton, Box 311, Bastrop. La. Sales Wanted, experienced salesman for Kingsport. Strong market in fastest growing city in south. Excellent opportunity, liberal commission. Send resume to: W.V. Ramsey. Box 6, Kingsport, Tennessee. Announcers Modern number one format station in one of ten largest markets auditioning fastpaced, live-wire announcers. Key station leading chain offers Dig pav, big opportunity. Send tape to Box 864P, BROADCASTING, Announcers Wanted: Experienced announcer for downstate Illinois station. Must be reliable and good worker. Attractive position. Write Box 426R, BROADCASTING. First phone announcer for growing east coast first class chain. Excellent salary, benefits and advancement opportunities. Box 708R, BROADCASTING. AM-fm station with new equipment, new studios wants a new announcer who likes to earn his money. Should be experienced, stable and able to do some news. Send tape, resume to Box 770R. BROADCASTING. Growing, high potential California musicnews operation needs livewire newswriterannouncers for its expanding news department. Excellent pay, outstanding future, interesting opportunity for men skilled in news gathering, writing and air work. Write age, education, experience, references to Box 843R, BROADCASTING. Solid Great Lakes daytimer has morning show opportunity for talented, mature personality. Family man with good habits who believes in local participation and promotion. Box 845R, BROADCASTING. Need two disc jockeys for 5000 watt toprated station in major Ohio market. Onlv experienced men considered. Send tape background material, photo. Box 866R BROADCASTING. Florida. Fast paced station needs livelv swinging dj. Rush tape, resume. Box 872R BROADCASTING. First phone announcer wanted bv Illinois kilowatt. S120 weekly starting salary for experienced, versatile man. Many extra benefits. Personal interview necessary. Give complete background including age/education, experience in detail. Box 888R, BROADCASTING. Straight staff board announcer. S65 week. Must have commercial am experience. Send picture, tape, age, education, height, weight. Dates and places past employment. Box 889R, BROADCASTING. Announcer-morning man. Copy, traffic and production afternoons. Stations in N.C. and S.C. Good advancement opportunity. Only N.C, S.C, Georgia residents apply. Send resume. Box 895R, BROADCASTING. Pennsylvania stations need experienced announcers. Excellent starting salary, guaranteed regular raises and unequalled opportunity for advancement. Requirement: 1\2 years experience, car, good personal and professional history. No top-40. Our men are professional announcers, not jockeys. Send tape and resume to Box 902R, BROADCASTING. Announcer-engineer, first phone, must be fair announcer or better and able to do maintenance on 250 watt fulltime station Top salary. Good place to work and live Send photo, audition tape and complete details, including salary vou feel vou're worth Tape and photo will be returned. Box 923R BROADCASTING. Top station in medium market, southwest, wants mature announcer who knows good music. Must have good record. First class ticket pays more. No engineering. Our employees know of this ad. Write Box 958R BROADCASTING. Announcer-producer. Man we're looking for is probably happy where he is. But, if he wants a change of scenery with the same type job he has now, send tape, photo, background to Bill Frosch, WISH, Indianapolis. KBUD, Athens, Texas, seeking exoerienced staff announcer. Salary open. Permanent position open for good, experienced announcer. Would like man who can write copy and do production work on commercials. Top rated station, pleasant working conditions, nicest town in California to live. Three hours to coast and one hour to Kings Canvon Park. KONG, Visalia, California. Expanding "Cutie" chain offers fine opportunities for top announcers — 5000 watt indie opening March, Fargo. N.D. TaDe. resume photo, present earnings to KOYN, Billings Montana. ' Mature, aggressive, hate rock and roll, but love to work and make money? Fastest growing station in Florida's fastest growing city needs announcer. Sales combination possible. Send tape-resume to Program Director, WABR, Orlando, Florida. Wanted: Announcer for morning show Contact Station WAMD, Aberdeen Maryland. WCPA, Clearfield, Pennsylvania will soon have an opening for a good, experienced announcer. Salary open. Good opportunitv with growing radio and newspaper chain. Send tape and resume to George Mastrian. Program director-announcer-daytimer. quality voice and experience demanded Fast programming. Write WDDT, Greenville Miss. Immediate opening, experienced newscaster able to write, edit, and collect news. Send tape, recent photo, complete background to Bill Frosch, WISH, Indianapolis. Wanted: Experienced announcer. Immediate opening. Prefer 1st phone, not mandators-. Send tape and references to WLBE, Inc P.O. Box 1231, Leesburg, Florida. Negro dj, thoroughly experienced. Good production. Send tape., photo and resume. Excellent working conditions. Company benefits. Salary open. Manager. WOBS. Jacksonville. Florida. Need experienced staff announcer for adult audience in Washington, D.C. area. Excellent opportunity. Send photo, tape and resume to Howard B. Hayes, General Manager, WPIK, Box 298, Alexandria, Virginia. Night man wanted for modern, well-paced operation. Must be capable putting together first-rate popular music show. Some news. Prefer young man. but must have professional experience. Send tape, resume WSAV, Savannah, Georgia. 100,000 watt fm has opening for mature announcer and capable salesman. WSOM Raaio Hill. Salem. Ohio. Wanted, experienced announcer with first phone. WSYB, Rutland, Vermont Two music men. Announcer-salesman considered. Fine deal to right man! Northeast ern Ohio swinger. W-WOW, Conneaut Ohio BROADCASTING, January 25, 1960 107