Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1960)

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Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Situations Wanted — (Cont'd) Announcers College graduate, ten year's experience. Available immediately. Call Ted Wolfe, WGOH, Grayson, Kentucky, GRanite 4-6411, before Friday. Technical 12 years experience — all phases am-fm-uhf, vhf tv maintenance and construction. Former tv chief — RCA Broadcast Service Field Engineer. Prefer northeast. Box 959R, BROADCASTING. Chief engineer: Can sell and announce! You make a profit. Box 961R, BROADCASTING. Old pro, chief engineer-announcer trying for working manager spot first shot. No other. 35. family, car. Can restore sound quality to old equipment. Announcing informal, dignified. Real air-sell with no gimmick, scream, or rock. State salary, telephone, permanence for experience. Southeast. Box 968R, BROADCASTING. First phone radio engineer, experienced, dependable; married; go anywhere except northern states and coastal areas; available now; no announcing. William H. Arthur, 1711 Third, Dodge City, Kansas. Phone HUnter 3-7639. Available immediately in northwest. First phone-combination. Five years experience. Bob Asbury, Box 1495, Boise. Idaho. Phone 3-3938. Experience in all phases. College. First phone. Ben Louden, phone CH 5-7181, 105 South Main, Sylacauga, Alabama. Four years as chief engineer/announcer. Married, veteran. Prefer Florida east coast. Now employed. Carll Strohmeyer, Southern Pines, N.C. Oxford 2-2941. Production-Programming, Others Speak to me of five figures! Making bosses first in market is my business. Talk show or news director for radio and tv, or combination. 11 years experience in news. Box 583R, BROADCASTING. Qualified news or production director. Mature family man, now with one of nation's finest, would like to return home — to Florida. Twelve year's experience all phases, six oncamera. Familiar with hard work. Agency references. Box 927R, BROADCASTING. Program director-aggressive, successful major deejay, medium pd. Promotion-production idea man. 30, degree, employed. Desire happy multi-station indie hungry for shot in arm. Guarantee kicks, ratings. Under 510,000! Interview. Box 948R. BROADCASTING. Program director of top rated station in highly competitive market seeks affiliation with small southern station, preferably Florida. No top forty. Box 952R. BROADCASTING. Copy department suffering from tired blood? Why not try me. Box 967R. BROADCASTING. TELEVISION Help Wanted — Sales Sales manager for small 3 network vhf in Rocky Mountain area. Good salary plus commissions. To supervise 2 or 3 salesmen. Must be experienced. Station management potential. Send full information. Box 715R, BROADCASTING. Salesman opportunity for good Income and stable association in single station 3 network television market. If you are creative saleswise and like selling you must do well in Wyoming's 1st market. Salary and commissions offer potentials worth investigating. Contact Bob Berger, KTWO-TV, Casper, Wyoming. Wanted, experienced regional or national sales manager for WLOF-TV. Orlando. Florida. Wire or phone Garden 4-8537. Announcers Immediate opening for experienced announcer. Send tape, resume, reference, kine or vtr to: Douglas M. Bradham, Asst. Gen. Mgr.. WSUN-TV, Box 879, Charleston, West Virginia. Announcers Announcer and announcer/director for midwest tv station. TV experience desirable but not necessary for announcer. Positions open immediately. Send full details including tape and picture to: J.W. Kelin, Post Office Box 470, Rockford, Illinois. Technical Tired of the old "rat race"? If so. we have the answer. TV engineers needed for electronic product design and packaging; experienced in sweep, video and pulse work. Progressive company in southern California. Box 882R, BROADCASTING. Transmitter engineer. Mountain top station New England area. High power vhf. Radiotelephone first required. Box 893R, BROADCASTING. California medium market needs good, practical experienced television engineers, both studio and transmitter. Must be excellent operator television control board, projectors, switcher, microwave, etc. Also need alert, experienced transmitter man. Both men should be good on maintenance, mechanical work, and electrician. Reply Box 919R. BROADCASTING. Expanding operation requires additional engineers with 1st phone and tv studio and/or transmitter experience. Send full details of past experience, training and references to Chief Engineer, KOAT-TV, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Immediate opening for first phone engineer. Union scale and employee benefits. Experience not necessary. Contact Asst. Chief Engineer, Al Petzke, WTVO, Rockford, Illinois. Wanted: TV experienced technician engineers. First class FCC license required. Large market tv operation-studio, control, maintenance, transmitter work. Give age, experience, qualifications. Station WVUETV, 1418 Cleveland Ave., New Orleans, La. TV studio engineers for design, test, and field engineering. Rapidly expanding progressive company. All benefits, plus rapid advancement for qualified engineers. FotoVideo Laboratories, Inc. CE. 9-6100, Cedar Grove, New Jersey. Production-Programming, Others Film editor, conscientious, experienced, single female. Florida vhf. Include references and salary requirements. Box 920R, BROADCASTING. TELEVISION Situations Wanted — Management General manager available for television station. Known and respected in industry and by agencies coast to coast. Excellent background and record as businessman, manager, national sales manager. Confidential replies respected. Box 775R, BROADCASTING. From page boy thru promotion, sales and management. 20 years broadcasting experience. For the past five years have managed successful tv stations in two highly competitive major markets. Took both out of the red. Station sold Available in about 30 days. Can travel for interview. Box 884R, BROADCASTING. Sales Regional tv sales or agency position, middle Atlantic or south, desired by salesman. 10 years radio-tv sales and management experience. Excellent follow-through. 32, family. Box 863R, BROADCASTING. Sales promotion-free-lance. Copy, concepts, campaigns . . . ads, mailers, catalogs, newsletters, presentations, name it . . . fast, fresh, finished, fruitful . . . firm estimates. . . . Free fact file: MU 3-1455. The Copy Shop, 270 Madison Ave., NYC 16. Announcers Radio-tv announcer with 7 years experience looking for a better opportunity. Presently sports director, weatherman, disc jockey. Box 925R. BROADCASTING. Sports reporter. Not a reader of wire copy. Thorough knowledge helps me bring out facts overlooked or understated in sports news. Entertaining, informative, hardhitting. Box 945R. BROADCASTING. Technical Transmitter engineer. 10 years experience in radio and tv. Prefer east coast. Any reasonable salary considered. Resume on request. Box 928R, BROADCASTING. Studio engineer-switcher, five years experience, 1st phone, desire position with future. Box 956R, BROADCASTING. Reserve vacation relief: Northeast, AprilOctober CREI grad plus 10 years, excellent references, color and net experience, remotes videotape. Box 974R, BROADCASTING. Production-Programming, Others Experienced major market radio tv newsman desires opportunity with first class news operation in south or southwest. Box 877R, BROADCASTING. Producer-director with good, solid background. My experience extends from cameraman to tv-radio-film producer for large ad agency and everything in-between. I've no need to bluff. Full resume, letters of recommendation, storyboards and scripts to anyone interested in quality production at salary tailored to 37our market. Box 915R, BROADCASTING. Operations manager seeks opportunity. Fully experienced in production, directing, news, continuity, film. College grad. 30, married. Highest references. $150.00 minimum. Box 963R, BROADCASTING. TV news director-caster top rated in three station market wants to organize and operate a modern news department. Box 964R, BROADCASTING. FOR SALE Equipment For sale: Complete 5 kw tv transmitter channels 2-6; 25 kw tv amplifier 2-6 also 7-13. Box 926R, BROADCASTING. T350XM— 250 watt transmitter. Easily converted to Conelrad. $250. Box 977R, BROADCASTING. Selling station; new management does not want equipment. Will take $1,000 loss on Schafer Automatic Programming Program Electronic Package model 60 with Schafer Program Preparation Package. Used 3 months; excellent condition. KTRN, 917 V2 Scott St., Wichita Falls, Texas. Never used, new Westinghouse (FM-10) 10 kw amplifier and power supply, details, call or write, W. H. Hauser, Chief Engineer, WBZ, Boston Mass. Need a man with 3 arms? We don't have one either, but we do have a good substitute— An RCA type BQ101 automatic turntable, capable of playing 120 selections — push button, remotely controlled. Ideal for the small station. Excellent condition. Can be yours for $600 fob Baltimore. Contact S. E. Hawkins, Chief Engineer, WITH, 7 East Lexington Street. Baltimore, Maryland. Tower for sale. Used 150' Blaw-Knox, galvanized, self-supporting tower, complete with beacon, side lights, flasher, coils etc. Carefully dismantled and crated $1500.00 f.o.b. C. F. Berwinkle Co. Raven Rock, W. Va., Phone St. Marys, W. Va. 557M 1 Rack mounted Magnecorder PT6 transport with PT6R amplifier, $250.00. 1 portable Magnecorder in case PT6AH transport 3 speeds with PT6J amplifier. Good condition, $295.00. Communications Service, Inc., 3209 Canton Street, Dallas, Texas. Video monitors. Closed circuit and broadcast, Foto-Video Laboratories Inc., Cedar Grove, New Jersey. CE 9-6100. General Electric 10 kilowatt frequency modulation broadcast transmitter complete. General Electric type BF3A. This includes 3 kilowatt exciter and 250 watt exciter. Contact Functional Broadcasting, 1227 Main Street, Buffalo, New York. Miratel tv monitors demonstration units. New warranty 15-17" metal cabinets $215.00 each. 8-17" veneer cabinets $185.00 each. Complete line of new units available in 8" 14", 17", 21" and 24". Write: Miratel, Inc., 1082 Dionne St., St. Paul 13, Minn. BROADCASTING, January 25, 1960 109