Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1960)

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of the Department of Standards and Practices. /s/ James A. Stabile DIRECTIVE NO. 5 The following statement of policy has been announced by the NBC News Department and approved by NBC management to reaffirm and set forth the practices of the news operation on the NBC Television and Radio Networks and the NBC Owned Stations: NBC News is dedicated to reporting the news and the meaning of the news accurately, fairly, swiftly and completely. These are goals we share with every ethical news-gathering organization operating in the tradition of a free and responsible press. In addition, NBC News has developed over the years a number of standards and practices arising from the special nature and responsibilities of broadcasting. This statement reaffirms these standards and practices, formalizing some of them in writing for the first time. As in the past, they will be conscientiously applied and supervised to maintain the high level of integrity that has won the confidence of American viewers and listeners in NBC News. All news programs broadcast on NBC facilities are produced by the NBC News Dept. in accordance with the policies herein announced. Expression of Opinion 1. As experienced and responsible journalists, NBC News correspondents may express their opinions on the news provided that such opinions arise from a framework of fact presented in the program and are clearly identifiable as their personal views. The object of this policy is to ownership of various radio-tv stations (WSYR AM FM TV Syracuse, N.Y.; WAPI-AM-FM-TV Birmingham, Ala.; WPTA [TV] Harrisburg, Pa.; 50% of KOIN-AM-FM-TV Portland, Ore., and 22.7% of KTVI [TV] St. Louis, Mo.). At first, the center will concentrate on graduate and research work in journalism. Later, it will be expanded to include radio, television and magazines. Changing hands ANNOUNCED • The following sales of station interests were announced last week, subject to FCC approval: • WORL Boston, Mass.: Sold by Joseph A. Dunn and associates to Richard D. Buckley and John B. Jaeger for $300.000. Buckley-Jaeger group own WHIM Providence, R.I.; WDRC Hartford, NBC's James Stabile Issues policy directives give qualified correspondents proper scope for interpreting the news. 2. Broadcasts by NBC correspondents shall not favor any political party or candidate. Interviews All news interview programs should be governed by accepted standards of ethical journalism, under which the interviewer selects the questions to be asked. When there advance agreement materially restricting an important or newsworthy area of questioning, the interviewer will state on the program that such limitation has been agreed upon. Such disclosure should be made if the person being interviewed requires that the questions be submit Conn., and are awaiting approval of the purchase of KGIL Los Angeles. WORL is 5 kw daytimer on 950 kc. • KWG Stockton, Calif.: Sold by Hale Bondurant to Carl Haymond for $189,000 plus management agreement. Mr. Haymond owns KIT Yakima, Wash. The transaction was handled by Edwin Tornberg & Co. KWG is a 250 w fulltimer on 1230 kc. • KENT Shreveport, La.: Sold by Troy Kaichen to Edwin J. Charles, Gervase H. Stafford and Arthur J. Rykken for $138,000. Mr. Charles was general manager of KCKN Kansas City. Broker was Blackburn & Co. KENT is 1 kw on 1550 kc and holds cp for 10 kw day and 1 kw night. • KNDY Marysville, Kan.: Sold by ted in advance or if he participates in editing a recording of the interview prior to its use on the air. Recorded Material 1. When the use of recorded news material would give the impression that the event reported in the recording is actually taking place at the time of broadcast, appropriate announcement shall be made disclosing the use of the recorded material. 2. Recorded reports from various locations may be identified on the air as "a report from London," or a "report from Moscow." as the case may be, but they shall not be described as "direct" reports nor preceded by the phrase, "we switch you to ..." 3. When there is a lapse of more than a day between the recording and use of news material in which the time element is relevant, as distinct from feature stories in which timeliness is not a factor, the audience shall be informed when the event reported took place. 4. No news interviews will be presented on a simulated basis; i.e., by interposing questions between previously recorded answers. Other Provisions 1. The integrity and dignity of NBC News Personnel is a keystone of NBC News. They must be circumspect in undertaking any outside professional activities and must obtain prior departmental approval of all such activities. 2. News content must be clearly separated from commercials. Where leads-in are used, they must be approved by the News Dept. and must not be worded to suggest that they pertain to a news report. /s/ James A. Stabile Marshall Transmitter Inc. (Wendell P. Glaspey, president) to W.N. Schnepp, former general manager of KAKE Wichita, Kan., for $45,000. Transaction was handled by Blackburn & Co. KNDY is 250 w daytimer on 1570 kc. APPROVED • The following transfers of station interests were approved by the FCC last week (for other Commission activities see For The Record. page 93). • KCOP (TV) Los Angeles, Calif.: Sold by Kenyon Brown, Bing Crosby and associates to Nan Corp., manufacturers of automobile parts and interiors. Mr. Brown is Nan's broadcast division head; Mr. Crosby is also a stockholder in Nafi. The transfer was a straight stock switch: Mr. Brown and associates received 44, BROADCASTING, February 1, 1960 77