Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1960)

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order. Commission denied petition by channel 16 of Rhode Island Inc., for reconsideration of Oct. 31, 1958 report and order which rejected proposals then under consideration seeking third vhf channel in Providence; reaffirmed that reoort and order and terminated proceeding. Commission feels that plan in above-mentioned proposed rulemaking is preferable. Comr. Lee absent. Ann. Jan. 27. . ... ' By report and order, Commission finalized rulemaking and amended tv table of assignments by adding vhf ch. 3 to Corpus Christi, Tex., in addition to its present chs. 6, 10, *16 (educational), 22 and 43. Comr. Lee absent. Ann. Jan. 27. Commission granted, in part, requests by the Assn. of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers, Assn. of Maximum Service Telecasters Inc., and National Bcstg. Co., and extended time from Feb. 19 to April 19 to file comments and from March 7 to May 4 to file replies regarding proposed interim policy on vhf tv channel assignments and amendment of part 3 of rules concerning, tv engineering standards. Comr. Lee absent. Ann. Jan. 27. Routine Roundup ACTIONS ON MOTIONS By Commissioner Rosel H. Hyde Granted petition by WGN Inc., for extension of time to Jan. 19 to file reply brief to exceptions and briefs in proceeding on applications of Capitol Bcstg. Co. and vVA. Pomeroy for new am stations in East Lansing and Tawas City-East Tawas, Mich. Action Jan. 19. „ Granted petition by Broadcast Bureau for extension of time to Feb. 9 to file responsive pleadings to petition by Blue Island Community Bcstg. Inc., Blue Island, 111., to modify and enlarge issues in proceeding on its application, et al. Action Jan. 19. By Chief Hearing Examiner James D. Cunningham Granted petition by Supreme Bcstg. Inc. of Puerto Rico for dismissal without prejudice of its application and retained in hearing status remaining application in consolidation— Island Teleradio Service Inc., both for new tv stations to operate on ch. 10 in Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, V.I. Action Jan. 25. Scheduled oral arguments on petitions by Birmingham Television Corp. (WBMG [TV]), Birmingham, Ala., and Martin Theatres of Georgia, Inc. (WTVM [TV] ), Columbus, Ga., for leave to intervene in proceeding order directing WTVY Inc. to show cause why its authorization for WTVY (TV) Dothan, Ala., should not be modified to specify operation on ch. 4 in lieu of ch. 9; to commence at 9 a.m. on Birmingham's petition and 9:30 a.m., on Martin Theatres' petition, Jan. 22. Action Jan. 20. Upon request by Broadcast Bureau, continued indefinitely oral arguments scheduled for Jan. 22 on petitions by Birmingham Television Corp. (WBMG [TV]), Birmingham, Ala., and Martin Theatres of Georgia, Inc. (WTVM [TV]), Columbus, Ga., for intervention in proceeding on order directing WTVY Inc. to show cause why its authorization for WTVY (TV) Dothan, Ala., should not be modified to specify operation on ch. 4 in lieu of ch. 9. Action Jan. 21. Granted petition by WHIR Inc. (WHIR), Danville, Ky., for leave to intervene in proceeding on am applications of Fredericksburg Bcstg. Corp. (WFVA), Fredericksburg. Va., et al., with reference to applications of Scripps-Howard Radio Inc. (WCPO), Cincinnati, Ohio and Southeastern Bcstg. Inc. (WSFC), Somerset, Ky., subject to condition that petitioner will accept record in its entirety as thus far developed. Action Jan. 22. Granted petition by Wilson Bcstg. Corp. for dismissal without prejudice of its application and retained in hearing status remaining applications in consolidation all for new tv stations to operate on ch. 6 in New Bedford, Mass. Action Jan. 22. Granted petition by Fortune Bcstg. for dismissal without prejudice of its application for new am station in Salt Lake City. Utah, which was in consolidated proceeding with Pioneer Bcstg. Co., for new am station in Spanish Fork, Utah, et al.; (retained in hearing status remaining applications). Action Jan. 20. By Hearing Examiner J. D. Bond Granted request by Waco Radio Co., for further prehearing conference in proceeding on its application for new am station in Waco, Tex., et al., and scheduled further prehearing conference for Jan. 21. Action Jan. 18. Upon agreements reached by parties at further hearing on Jan. 19, continued further hearing of Feb. 9 in proceeding on application of WOOD Bcstg Inc. (WOODTV), Grand Rapids, Mich. Action Jan. 19. BROADCASTING, February 1, I960 Scheduled dates for procedural steps which shall govern proceeding on applications of WACO Radio Co., for new am station in Waco, Tex., et al; commencement of hearing on engineering matters — March 8, on non-engineering matters — May 10; continued hearing from Feb. 23 to March 8. Action Jan. 21. By Hearing Examiner Basil P. Cooper Granted petition by Salina Radio Inc. for continuance of date for exchange of rebuttal exhibits from Jan. 20 to Jan. 27 and further evidentiary hearing scheduled for Feb. 10 to date to be announced after parties have had reasonable time in which to study rebuttal exhibits in proceeding on Salina's application and that of Kansas Bcstrs. Inc. for new am stations in Salina, Kan. Action Jan. 20. Granted motion by Suburbanaire, Inc. for extension of time from Jan. 20 through Jan. 22 to file proposed findings of fact and conclusions in proceeding on its am application and that of Watertown Radio Inc. (WTTN), West Allis and Watertown, Wis. Action Jan. 20. By Hearing Examiner Thomas H. Donahue Granted motion by Radio Hanover Inc. for continuance of certain procedural dates in proceeding on its application for new fm station in York-Hanover, Pa., et al.; extended further prehearing conference from Feb. 15 to March 7, and hearing from Feb. 17 to March 15. Action Jan. 20. Granted petition by Broadcast Bureau and extended time from Jan. 15 to Jan. 21 for filing proposed findings of fact and conclusions in proceeding on applications of Audiocasting of Texas Inc. and Horace K. Jackson Sr., for new am stations in Waco and Gatesville, both Texas. Action Jan. 18. By Hearing Examiner Charles J. Frederick Granted petition by Westchester Bcstg. Corp., applicant and respondent in group 6 of proceeding on am applications of Fredericksburg Bcstg. Corp. (WFVA), Fredericksburg, Va., et al., for extension of time from Jan. 25 to Feb. 4 to exchange preliminary engineering exhibits and for further prehearing conference from Feb. 8 to Feb. 18. Action Jan. 25. By Hearing Examiner Walther W. Guenther Scheduled prehearing conference for Feb. 12 in proceeding on am applications of Hartsville Bcstg. Co. (WHSC) Hartsville, S.C. et al. Action Jan. 21. Scheduled prehearing conference for 2 p.m., Feb. 10 in matter of assignment of call letters KPOI to KPOI Bcstg. Co., Inc. for its standard broadcast station in Honolulu. Hawaii. Action Jan. 21. By Hearing Examiner Isadore A. Honig Granted petition by Dixie Radio Inc., for leave to amend its application for new am station in Brunswick, Ga., to specify frequency 790 kc in lieu of 1550 kc, reduce power from 1 kw to 500 w, and utilize DA, and removed application from hearing status for return to processing line; application was in consolidated proceeding with Radio New Smyrna Inc., for new am station in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Action Jan. 22. On own motion, scheduled oral argument for 2:00 p.m., Jan. 27 on petition for reconsideration filed by Evelyn R. Chauvin Schoonfield (WXFM [FM]), Elmwood Park, 111. in proceeding on her application for renewal of license which is in consolidated proceeding with fm applications of Blue Island Community Bcstg. Inc., Blue Island. 111. Action Jan. 20. Upon petition filed by Broadcast Bureau and with consent of all other parties, further extended dates for filing proposed findings and replies thereon, from Jan. 19 to Jan. 29 and from Feb. 1 to Feb. 15, respectively, in proceeding on am applications of The Tobacco Valley Bcstg. Co., Windsor, Conn., et al. Action Jan. 20. Granted request by Catskills Bcstg. Co. and Ellenville Bcstg. Co., applicants for new am stations in Ellenville, NY., to be relieved from obligation to make prehearing exchanges of certain exhibits on Jan. 19 and Jan. 28, pending effectuation of their agreement to merge their respective interests. Action Jan. 19. By Hearing Examiner Annie Neal Huntting Upon agreement of parties at Jan. 19 prehearing conference, continued hearing from March 9 to March 29 in proceeding on am applications of Shelby County Bcstg. Co., Shelbyville, Ind., et al. Action Jan. 19. Granted petition by United Electronics Laboratories Inc. to continue prehearing conference from Jan. 21 to Jan. 28 in proceeding on its application and that of Kentuckiana Inc., for new tv stations to operate on ch. 51 in Louisville, Ky. Action Jan. 19. Granted request by Radio Atascadero to extent that prehearing conference scheduled for Jan. 22 is continued to Feb. 1, and denied insofar as it requests continuance to r \ Equipping a Radio Station? RCA Magnetic Disc Recorder Is a Great New Tool for Broadcasters ! It makes possible fast recording and playback of commercials and announcements. Extremely simple to operate, it minimizes the skill required to produce a professional recording. Erasable magnetic discs have a long life, equal to or greater than tape, thus production costs can be reduced. Whatever your equipment requirements, SEE RCA FIRST! Write for descriptive literature to RCA, Dept. D-22, Building 15-1, Camden, N.J. RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA 95