Broadcasting (Apr - June 1960)

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WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED Around the world TRANSMITTERS DISPLAYED IN BOOTH 33 AT NAB SHOW BY DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF SUPER POWER RADIO James O. Weldon Bill Witty Tom Moseley Mark Bullock Willie Mitchell Dick Buckner Ray Tucker Vernon Collins C-<TYct-Ln-e-rLjLcLJL MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4212 S. Buckner Blvd. Dallas 27, Texas SUBSIDIARY OF LING-ALTEC ELECTRONICS. INC. In the Radio-TV Publishing Field only BROADCASTING is a member of Audit Bureau of Circulations and Associated Business Publications —HOWARD E. STARK_ Brokers and Financial Consultants Television Stations Radio Stations 50 East 58th Street New York22,N.Y. ELdorado 5-0405 Fresh-Up Freddie At Buckingham Palace Fresh-Up Freddie, a sales representative for Seven-Up who rather resembles a woodpecker, has just completed a trip around the world. The grand tour was arranged by KTVI (TV) St. Louis with the cooperation of KLM Air Lines as well as St. Louis and national Seven-up personnel. The project was suggested by a national Seven-Up promotion contest by ABC with its affiliates in support of Zorro. Don Curran, KTVI’s promotion manager, came up with the idea of sending a 14inch doll of the soft drink’s trademark item, Fresh-Up Freddie, around the world. And so Freddie, in his transparent plastic travelling case, was wished bon voyage on the Coffee Break program and set off on his adventure, chaperoned by KLM stewardesses. Hundreds of photographs were sent back to the station as the bird visited over 20 foreign countries. These were incorporated into store displays and shown on KTVI. The Seven-Up bottlers in St. Louis brought out a special Fresh-Up Freddie doll to be offered as a premium for a dollar in addition to coupons attached to six-packs. Over 5,000 were sold in the area. The displays and premiums were heavily advertised on the station through a saturation spot campaign which KTVI says more than compensated for its expense in the promotion. A midget impersonated the woodpecker throughout St. Louis distributing free balloons, pencils and rulers. He stopped traffic downtown and was well received in schools and hospitals. The St. Louis Seven-Up bottlers reported a strong increase in sales which they attributed to the promotion. Texans” sign were distributed by KOMO-TV Seattle. The station’s stickers, however, promote ABC-TV shows featured by it. Examples: “Built in Chicago by The Untouchables”; “Made in Disneyland by Mickey Mouse"; “Protected by Robert Taylor's Detectives”; “Made in Mulkilteo by The Real McCoys.” Guide to 'Ivanhoe' A teaching guide to the Ivanhoe tv film series has been prepared by Screen Gems for use by stations and sponsors as a promotional aide. The guide, decorated with stills of the program, suggests ways in which teachers of several grades can direct their students’ interest into various educational channels. 136 (FANFARE) BROADCASTING, April 4, 1960