Broadcasting (Apr - June 1960)

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“Thank you, gentlemen. Your experience in your countries has been of infinite value to us. In a few years, I think fully automated post offices are going to be as American as apple TT.” "Sil vous pUiT. . . H(X)=[2P: log -J = —CVi lOg p,' . i i \ si 14 countries work for ITT. e atellite system that could make worldwide TV a matter of a few ears. As a signal can be bounced from one planet to another, o can an idea grow in bouncing from one mind to y % another. International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, 67 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. *JL TjIbMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS / ELECTRON TUBES / OATA PROCESSING /AUTOMATION SYSTEMS / SYSTEM MANAGEMENT / COMPLETE FIELD SERVICES