Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1960)

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WHERE TO FIND IT All exhibits of equipment manufacturers will be in the lower lobby Exhibition Hall of the Conrad Hilton during the NAB convention. Exhibit span and the hospitality suites assigned as of March 23 in the Conrad Hilton or other hotels are shown. Giant directory boards in the Conrad Hilton and Sheraton Blackstone lobbies will show associate members' suites. All suite designations are in the Conrad Hilton unless otherwise specified. (E) indicates exhibit space; (H) hospitality suites. EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS Adler Electronics (E) Space 24 Albion Optical Co (E) Space 39N Alford Mfg. Co (E) Space 25 Alto Fonic (E) 45N Ampex Corp (E) Space 32 Bauer Electronics Co (E) Space 38N Cellomatic Corp (E) Space 37N Collins Radio Co (E) Space 34 Caterpillar Tractor Co (E) Space 36 Conrac Inc (E) Space 23 Continental Electronics ... (E) Space 33 Continental Mfg (E) 41N Dage Div (E) Space 3 Electronic Applications ...'.(E) Space 6 Fairchild Camera (E) Space 9A FotoVideo Labs (E) Space 19 Gates Radio Co (E) Space 2 General Electric Co (E) Space 31 General Electronics Labs. . . (E) Space 35 General Precision Lab (E) Space 26 Harwald Co (E) Space 12 Hughey & Phillips (E) Space 30 Industrial Transmitters .... (E) Space 11 Kahn Research Labs (E) Space 5 Keystone Broadcasting System (H) 806 Kliegl Bros (E) Space 17 Lumitron Div (E) Space 15 Mackenzie Electronics (E) Space 9B Minneapolis Honeywell .... (E) Space 10 Minnesota Mining (E) Space 40N Programatic Bcstg (E) Space 1 RCA (E) Space 21 Raytheon Mfg. Co (E) Space 1-A Sarkes Tarzian Inc (E) Space 18 Schafer Custom Engineering (E) Space 14 Standard Electronics (E) Space 28 Telechrome Mfg. Corp (E) Space 20 Telecontrol (E) Space 44N TelePrompTer Corp (E) Space 22 Telescript-CSP (E) Space 8 Television Specialty Co. . . .(E) Space 43N Tower Construction Co. . . .(E) Space 16 Utility Tower Co (E) Space 4 Visual Electronics Corp (E) Space 27 GOVERNMENT U.S. Army (E) Space 42N NAB CONVENTION OFFICES Convention Manager Room 1 Everett E. Revercomb, Sec.-Treas.; Ella Nelson, Admin. Asst. Engineering Conference Room 115, Sheraton-Blackstone. A. Prose Walker, Manager Convention Exhibits . . . Exhibition Hall George E. Gayou, Exhibit Manager Convention News Room 3 John M. Couric, Public Relations Mgr. Convention Program Room 1 Howard H. Bell, Assistant to the President in charge of Joint Affairs NAB STAFF OFFICES Radio Room 2 John F. Meagher, Vice President Television Room 2 Thad H. Brown Jr., Vice President Broadcast Personnel-Economics Room 4 Charles H. Tower, Manager Government Relations Room 2 Vincent T. Wasilewski, Manager Legal Room 2 Douglas A. Anello, Chief Attorney Organizational Services-APBE Room 4 Frederick H. Garrigus, Manager Research Room 4 Richard M. Allerton, Manager Station Relations Lower Lobby William Carlisle, Manager Television Code Affairs Room 4 Edward H. Bronson, Director NETWORKS ABC-Radio and ABC-TV (H) 2320-25 CBS-Radio (H) 1806 CBS-TV (H) 2305A-11A Keystone Broadcasting System . . (H) 806 Mutual (H) Royal Skyway Suite NBC (H) Sheraton-Blackstone Presidential Suite NTA Sheraton-Blackstone PROGRAM SERVICES ABC Films Inc (H) 1706 AT & T (H) 1618A M & A Alexander Prod (H) 2419A CBS Films Inc (H) 2316-19 Community Club Services ... (H) 2106 Crosby-Brown . (H) Sheraton-Blackstone Futursonic Productions Inc (H) Un assigned Harry S. Goodman Prod (H) 1 106A Governor Television Attr. . .(H) 1218A Guild Films (H) Ambassador East Independent Tv Corp. . (H) Unassigned King Features Syndicate Tv (H) 2335A Lang-Worth Feature Programs (H) 2506 MCA-TV (H) 2400 MGM-TV (H) 2406 Magne-Tronics (H) 723 Modern Broadcasting Inc (H) 1034A Modern Talking Picture Serv. (H) 2119A Pams Productions (H) 103 5 A Programatic (Muzak) (H) 605 RCA Recorded Program Services (H) 600 Roy Rogers Syndication (H) 918A Screen Gems (II) 2500 SESAC (H) 1206A Trans-Lux Television Corp. ..(H) 1906 World Broadcasting System . . .(H) 1900 Ziv-United Artists Inc (H) 2300 RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS American Research Bureau ... (H) 900 A.C. Nielsen Co . .(H) 1000 Pulse Inc (H) 2106A STATION REPRESENTATIVES Am Radio Sales (H) Sheraton-Blackstone Avery-Knodel (H) 1108-09 Sheraton-Blackstone Elisabeth M. Beckjorden (H) 2508, Executive House Chas. Bernard Co. (H) Ambassador-East Blair Television Assoc. . (H) Drake Hotel Blair-Tv (H) Drake Hotel John Blair & Co (H) Drake Hotel The Boiling Co (H) 1100 Branham Co (H) Congress Hotel Broadcast Time Sales .... (H) Unassigned CBS Radio Spot Sales (H) 1806 CBS Tv Spot Sales (H) Unassigned Henry I. Christal Co (H) T306 Robert E. Eastman (H) 2704 Everett-McKinney . (H) Executive House Forjoe & Co (H) Congress Hotel Gill-Perna (H) 1300 H-R Reps., H-R Tv (H) 3510-12 Harrington, Righter & Parsons (H) 708-10 Sheraton-Blackstone Headley-Reed (H) 700 George P. Hollingbery (H) 1600 Hal Holman Co (H) 1022-23 The Katz Agency (H) 3803 Executive House Jack Masla & Co (H) Unassigned Meeker Co. . (H) 1700 McGavren (H) Executive House NBC Spot Sales (H) Sheraton-Blackstone John E. Pearson . (H) Executive House Peters, Griffin ..(H) Sheraton-Blackstone Edward Petry & Co (H) 1400 Radio-TV Representatives . .. (H) II 05 A Paul H. Raymer Co (H) 3704 Executive House Television Adv. Reps. . . (H) Drake Hotel Vernard, Rintoul, McConnell . . (H) 2100 Weed (H) 2110 Prudential Plaza Adam Young Cos (H) 2200 MISCELLANEOUS Advertising Age (H) 1306A AP (H) Sheraton-Blackstone, Floor 1 Broadcast Advertisers Reports. (H) 719A BROADCASTING (H) 706A Media-Scope (H) 935A Printers Ink (H) 706 Radio Advertising Bureau (H) 1523 Radio Television Daily (H) 906 Sponsor (H) 1106 Standard Rate & Data .(H) 1706A, 935A Television Age (H) 1606 Television Bureau of Advertising (H) 819 Television Information Office 819A Television Magazine (H) 2506A Tv Stations Inc (H) 2023 A United Press Movietone (H) 500 U.S. Radio (H) 923 Variety (H) 806A 86 BROADCASTING, March 28, 1960