Broadcasting Telecasting (Jan-Mar 1960)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Payable in advance. Checks and money orders only.) (FINAL DEADLINE — Monday preceding publication date.) • SITUATIONS WANTED 20tf per word— $2.00 minimum • HELP WANTED 254 per word— $2.00 minimum. • DISPLAY ads #20.00 per inch— S TAT IONS FOR SALE advertising require display space. • All other classifications 30$ per word — $4.00 minimum. • No charge for blind box number. Send replies to Broadcasting, 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Applicants: If transcriptions or bulk packages submitted, $1.00 charge for mailing (Forward remittance separately, please). All transcriptions, photos, etc., sent to box numbers are sent at owner's risk. Broadcasting expressly repudiates any liability or responsibility for their custody or return. RADIO Help Wanted — Management Manager for Florida medium metropolitan market. Station owned by established outof-state broadcasting company. Replies confidential. Box 816S, BROADCASTING. Radio sales manager. Real opportunity for experienced salesman capable of managing number one property. Must have proven sa:es record. $10,000 plus liberal incentive. Box 818S, BROADCASTING. California medium market regional radio staaon No. 1 in market needs manager. Must be capable of running tight ten person staff — strong on sales and organization. Send resume and references to Box 855S. BROADCASTING. Wanted. Manager-salesman for new 5 kw daytimer opening up in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Must have proven sales ability. Also need salesman for 1 kw daytimer in Meridian, Miss. Send references, photo, previous experience, and salary expectations to: Phillip Brady, Box 604, McComb, Mississippi. Sales $100-5150 weekly guarantee plus commission and bonus plan for aggressive selfstarter salesman. Top station Washington, D.C. market. Box 867P, BROADCASTING. You do very well financially in radio sales and have been selling fulltime for at least 3 years. You want to move to Florida and really live 12 months out of the year. This is your chance. Your potential in this south Florida coastal metropolitan market is excellent with opportunity to advance to sales manager or general manager of one of the 3 stations in the chain. Give references and tell all in the first letter. Box 283S, BROADCASTING. $100-$150 guarantee Delaware good music station. Need sales idea man with at least three years experience. 60th market. Box 681S, BROADCASTING. Excellent sales and possible management opportunity in single market west Texas town of 10,000. Emphasis on sales and copy, some announcing is preferred. Start as commercial manager of station. Good salary. Box 738S, BROADCASTING. Number one adult, 5,000 watt, CBS station has opening for experienced, aggressive salesman in Montana metropolitan market. Monthly guarantee against 20 per cent commission. Good future for a good producer. Send resume and full details. Box 743S, BROADCASTING. Experienced salesman to manage regional sales. Pulse rated number one network affiliate metro pop. 125,000. $150 weekly draw against commission. Box 819S, BROADCASTING. Local salesman for selectively programmed fm station greater New York area. Challenging opportunity. Guarantee and commission for right man. Resume, photo. Box 832S, BROADCASTING. California radio-tv multiple station operation now expanding hours, sales efforts, and fm — needs salesmen for both radio and tv with proven sales record — also local tv sales manager — we need -radio announcers with first class tickets — also woman for bookkeeping department — and a top flight allaround executive secretary. Give complete resume, experience and references first letter. Announcers submit tape made at 7V2 rpm. Ideal working conditions. Fringe benefits. Most beautiful section of California. Reply in detail to Department B, KSBWAM and TV, P.O. Box 1651, Salinas, California. Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Sales Salesman . . . commission with guarantee in single station market. Ed Hundley, KNCY. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Wanted: Personality dj who wants to move into sales immediately. For fast paced 5000 watter. Many fringe benefits. Salary open for right man. Jim Duncan, WGGH, Marion, Illinois. Due to the death of a member of our staff, we have a permanent opening for a topflight radio time salesman. Phone or write WKAT, Miami Beach, Florida. Time salesman for top-rated dominant station in solid midwest market. Excellent earning potential for man who loves to sell, and who can produce. Permanent position, with fringe benefits and incentives. Send complete resume to: Gordon Sherman, WMAY, Springfield, Illinois. 5 kw good music station serving greater Pittsburgh area accepting applications far experienced salesmen. Send complete information to Charles E. Denny, WMCK, McKeesport, Pennsylvania. Draw against 15% commission. Leading station has opening in sales department for young man of proven ability to handle important list of active local accounts. Incentive arrangement assures good earnings opportunity. WSAV, Savannah. Georgia. $8,000 to $10,000 yearly. That's what our top salesmen make with a liberal guarantee against 15%. We're a young, rapidly expanding group of 4 top-rated stations in Birmingham, Shreveport, Jackson, Little Rock — looking for aggressive salesmen with executive ability who aspire to management. If you're 25-40 — married — have 2 years experience^— send complete resume, references, photo, first letter. McLendon Broadcasting Company, Suite 509 Lamar Building, Jackson, Mississippi. Announcers Modern number one format station in one of ten largest markets auditioning fastpaced, live-wire announcers. Key station leading <;hain offers Dig pay, big opportunity Sena tape to Box 864P, BROADCASTING. South Florida. Metro market. Need fast paced, lively swinging dj. Rush tape, resume. Box 284S, BROADCASTING. Northern Ohio medium market needs experienced dj with good sense of production who wants to learn modern radio under expert guidance. Man we want is in midtwenties, mature and willing to follow directions. Send resume and tape to Box 753S, BROADCASTING. Top flight, mature, combo newsman-deejay wanted for top station in east coast Florida market. Good pay, good job for go-getter who wants to settle down and work. No "artists," drunks, or floaters, please. Box 754S, BROADCASTING. Top-notch radio station in northwestern Ohio looking for capable news man, willing to work hard, and be well paid for the job. Must have good news voice and be good reporter. Send tape, resume. Box 82IS, BROADCASTING. Florida independent making opening for morning announcer-dj. Send complete resume with picture and tape. Sales opportunity too if desired. Must have applications by April 10th. Box 825S, BROADCASTING. Michigan 5 kw station wants morning man, 1st class engineer and sports announcer. Box 833S, BROADCASTING. Help Wanted— (Cont'd) Announcers Pittsburgh area modern music station auditioning fast-paced, lively announcers. Rush tape and resume. Box 834S, BROADCASTING. Reporter-salesman-announcer. You will start as morning man-salesman, then gradually build and take full charge of a strong local news department. Want mature man experienced in news gathering, sales, announcing in that order. Guarantee minimum $500 monthly. We're a network station in a delightful, fast-growing, home-town community on Florida's southeast coast. Box 836S, BROADCASTING. Radio is better than ever and we're a good radio station. We're looking for a mature, experienced radio announcer who wants to grow with a solid, stable organization. All the benefits of course, but mostly good radio. If you're interested in immediate staff opening, if you're mature and experienced, and if you're not a disc jockey, send tape, resume and salary expected to Box 851S, BROADCASTING. Wanted: Morning newsman, single. Strong on local news. Tape must include local and rewritten newswire copy, accompanied by script, picture, background first letter. Two years minimum experience. No phone calls. KFBI News, Box 1402, Wichita, Kansas. April 1 — Permanent job for mature announcer who knows and respects radio. Ideal living. Ticket desirable but not required. 48 hour week. Salary adjustable to experience and ability. Call or write Jerry Fitch, KGLN, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, telephone WH 5-6501. KTKT, Tucson, Arizona, wants man for combination news, interviews, sportscaster. Tapes returned. Immediate opening for announcer with first phone ticket. Top 1000 watt network fulltime Arizona station. Send tape, resume and minimum salary requirements. Chuck Mizner, KVNC, Winslow, Arizona. Wanted: Announcer with first class ticket, maintenance not necessary. WAMD, Aberdeen, Md. Announcer with first class ticket for night shift 6 p.m. to 12 midnight. Starting salary $100 weekly. WANS Radio, Anderson, S.C. Must be experienced. Announcer-engineer, with first ticket. Located approximately 60 miles from New York. Contact General Manager, WBNR, Beacon, New York. Newsman — experienced. We want a steady mature, permanent man. Excellent opportunity with number one station. Send tape, resume and minimum salary or call Ken Spengler, WCVS, 3001 South 4th Street, Springfield, Illinois. Experienced, mature disc jockey with good sense of showmanship and tight production. Long established adult appeal station in live market. Salary minimum after first year $6,240.00. Send tape, photo and details to WFDF, Flint, Michigan. WHYE in Roanoke, Virginia has opening for ambitious, modern radio-man, capable of a top dj show. Number 1 with swinging but not screaming format. Excellent advancement opportunities. Rush tape, photo, and expected salary to Bill Victor, Prog. Dir., WHYE. Announcer-Copywriter. Resume, tape, sample copy to WKLZ, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Announcer. Immediately. Must run own board. WVOS, Liberty, N. Y. BROADCASTING, March 28, 1960 149